Did you ever wish there was a better way to keep food fresh? Well let me introduce you to the Zip n Store a revolutionary food storage system that simplifies the way you store, organize and find your food! The amazingly popular Kickstarter earned $50,000 in the first 10 hours and has reached the top 1% of all Kickstarter campaigns with $100,000 in pledged funds. Wow, this really must mean people are excited about this new product. Be sure to check out the video below for some highlights.
What is Zip n Store?

Zip n Store is the storage solution that utilizes the hidden
power of zip lock bags. Not only are zip lock bags light, easy to store, and
convenient, they also preserve food much longer than any air-filled tupperware
containers. Zip n Store takes the
convenience and usability of zip lock bags to create a storage solution that
will end your days of having to dig around your cupboard looking for the lid of
that plastic container – or save the misery of finding your left over
tuna…three months too late.
The only problem with zip lock bags is that it can be a big
mess to get food into them! Zip n Store has solved that problem. After
conducting hours of tests on every type of zip lock bag, we created the Chop n
Fill mat. It’s the perfect solution to this problem!
Why Zip n Store
Zip n Store is a revolution in the world of kitchen storage
that you will use over and over again. By choosing Zip n Store, you’ll be
transforming your everyday kitchen experience into one you can’t resist
Zip n Store:
- Keeps
your kitchen clean and organized
- Let’s
you see instantly the food you are storing
- Saves
you countless dollars in wasted food
- Saves
you the hassle of finding a plastic container and lid
- Relieves
- Upgrades the way you use your kitchen
The generous folks at Zip n Store are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance to
win a Zip n Store Organizer Set
($75 value). Would you like to win? Please check out the Kickstarter Project,
and tell me who would love a product like this? There are also other ways to
enter, please enter below.
Buy it:
Win it:
Win a
Zip n Store Organizer Set ($75 value)
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
Beside myself I know my mom would love this as well! So cool.
The kick starter thing is kind of cool. I have never heard of a project like that. Very interesting.
we have a big garden,i think this would awesome with putting up the food for the freezer
My mom and dad garden and always have lots of fresh veggies so I know they would really like this.
My daughter and I would absolutely love this system. It is a great idea and we are always trying to find new ways to store our leftovers or fruits and vegetables.
twinkle at optonline dot net
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