DISCLAIMER: “I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of DiMe Media for the TB Blood Test.”
Tuberculosis is a disease we may not think is a part of our
lives anymore, it still is, and it still is a problem. Tuberculosis isn’t a
disease spread by insects, or birds, it is a disease spread from human to
human. We come in contact with each other every day, school, work, and grocery
shopping, unless you live in a bunker and never see the outside you come in
contact with people. Tuberculosis is getting stronger, and there are strains of
it that are showing up that resist the drugs created to fight it.

This airborne bacterial disease isn’t a joke, every 21
seconds someone dies of tuberculosis and every 3 seconds a new infection
happens, for everyone person who dies 7 people become infected in that same
time span. The importance of testing for tuberculosis in school age children
between 5 – 18 years old is so great, this is needed to prevent the onset of
the illness.
There is something you can do to help fight this deadly disease, get tested. With the TB skin test, a tuberculin antigen is injected into the skin of the lower arm to cause an immune system response. Then you have to visit your doctor for an exam after a few days. To see if you are infected with TB, if this is the case, a raised lump will develop at the site where the tuberculin was injected. But, a previous TB vaccination is likely to cause a false-positive result and some people may also experience severe itching at the puncture site.
I can remember
getting the TB skin test when I was a little girl, and it itched so very much,
I can remember the itch to this day! The skin test is 110 years old and is outdated and
inaccurate. The typical testing was done via a skin test, but that old method isn’t as efficient, luckily there is a much better option for your children these days, a TB Blood Test. With the TB blood test, a simple test of only small 3ml of blood is required to get the most accurate diagnosis.
You do not have to return to the doctor for multiple visits like the old days, for this all in one TB blood test a single visit will do, and reliable results will be available within 24 hours, and can even be provided to you by telephone! When you’re dealing with something that can ultimately be deadly you want an accurate, quick diagnosis, time is always of the essence.
You do not have to return to the doctor for multiple visits like the old days, for this all in one TB blood test a single visit will do, and reliable results will be available within 24 hours, and can even be provided to you by telephone! When you’re dealing with something that can ultimately be deadly you want an accurate, quick diagnosis, time is always of the essence.
The TB blood test is the only available method
of testing for TB with completely objective results. Unlike other tests, like the skin test, are subjective and open to visual interpretation. These are
lab based results that are more accurate. Study results suggest that the TB blood test is more reliable than the traditional skin test for identifying individuals with latent TB who will soon progress to active TB, especially in children.
I know as a mom, I want the most reliable results I can get for my daughter, and not having to return to the doctor that is a big plus for us as well. My daughter is due for her annual check-up in a few weeks and needs to get all her shots updated for school, I just added getting tested for tuberculosis to the list. My family is everything to me and as a mom I want to do as much as I can to keep my daughter safe and healthy. I believe, you can never be too prepared.
I know as a mom, I want the most reliable results I can get for my daughter, and not having to return to the doctor that is a big plus for us as well. My daughter is due for her annual check-up in a few weeks and needs to get all her shots updated for school, I just added getting tested for tuberculosis to the list. My family is everything to me and as a mom I want to do as much as I can to keep my daughter safe and healthy. I believe, you can never be too prepared.
For more information be sure to visit the TB Blood Test Website
Will you look into getting this blood test for your children?

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Wow... some really important information to know. I have a daughter in that age group so I will for sure be looking into this.
Those are some very scary numbers for sure and it's even scarier that it's airborne so the possibility of getting infected is pretty good. The best way you can be healthy is to take your health in to your OWN hands; be your own advocate. This is some great information to know!
My kids are both beyond this age right now, but it's definitely important to be aware of. Thank you!
My husband's cousin went on to a foreign country for a time and came home with TB. it's pretty scary. It's great we have more options now to test for it to be aware.
Both hubby and I have had to have TB tests for work, where you get an injection and then go back to look for the bump. The bad thing about those is if you missed going back you had to start again.
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