“This is a sponsored post, I am a Kmart K-Club blogger, though all opinions are my own.”
I can't believe that we're only a few days away from Halloween! This is my favorite time of the year, the weather is nice, I can get pumpkin flavored anything, and of course the holidays that go along with fall. Halloween is one of my favorite's, I loved getting dressed up and going trick or treating as a kid and I made it my mission every year I went out to cover more ground then I did the year before. I'm instilling this into my daughter who is a trooper and doesn't mind walking a little bit to get free delicious candy.

Every time I see princess costumes I'm
reminded of my daughter and her love of her favorite costume to date,
Merida from Brave. She wore that dress prior to Halloween and far
after Halloween! We thought it would become a part of her anatomy.
She wore it on a few trips to Disney World too! That costume became
an unofficial member of our family.

Costumes and great, and getting scared
is fun, but what I'm really interested in is the free candy we get by
simply going door to door and saying trick or treat! Who doesn't love
candy?! We picked up several bags of candy this past weekend that my
husband has promised me would be given to the kids...when he says
that I really think he's just referring to himself.
Everyone has a
favorite and it's so hard to pick just one candy that's your favorite
and if you were to ask me what my favorite is I'd have to say Reese's
Peanut Butter Cups. Actually, it's the candy of choice in our house.
We all fight over the Reese's. We were able to get a great deal on
the candy while supplies last you can get 2 bags of Hershey, Mars, or
Nestle fun size candy bags for $5.00! That's a great deal and I'm
sure all the candy we bought will be distributed and not hoarded for
my other, older, larger child.
If you're out and about running errands
before the festivities start on the 31st make Kmart your
destination. The first 100 kids 12 and under will receive a free fun
size candy bar at every Kmart destination. If they're in costume
you'll also receive a 5% off of your total purchase of $30.00 or more
coupon. It's a win-win situation, you do errands and receive some
rewards, not too shabby! If you can't get out and still need
Halloween swag head on over to Kmart.com/Halloween for anything you
might need. Time is ticking away are you prepared? If not head on
over to Kmart and get what you need!
Be sure to stay
social with Kmart, visit Kmart.com/Halloween
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Will you be visiting your local Kmart store
or Kmart.com/Halloween for all your Halloween needs?
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
Looks like they have some great deals! I am waiting to buy the candy til the last minute so I don't eat it all :)
My kids are 17-23 and they don't really get into Halloween...so once they were too old to trick or treat, we stopped doing anything, which stinks, because I always liked the holiday! We give out candy, of course, but that's about it. My kids are stinkers. LOL.
Halloween is a fun time to dress up. We still need to stock up on candy for the trick or treaters. Should be a fun time.
The 2 for $5 deal for the bags of candy is sweet! (Pun intended.) I do like to give out (and eat) the "good candy" but usually can't afford it at the expensive price some places charge per bag.
I was just in Kmart last week looking at costumes! Your kids made great choices, we are excited its on a Saturday as well no school the next day.
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