Monday, June 15, 2015

Know someone who is Doin’ Good? Minute Maid knows you are Doin’ Good! #Sweepstakes #DoinGood #DiMe #AD

DISCLAIMER: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Minute Maid and DiMe Media.  Minute Maid will provide this prize. Minute Maid is not a sponsor, administrator  or connected in any other way with the contest – and all opinions are my own.

It's easy to have a child, the hard work comes with raising them. When we were married my husband and I thought we wanted at least two children, after we had our daughter we decided to keep our trio a trio. We realized how difficult it was being parents and decided that we'd just focus on being the best parent's we could possibly be on our daughter and her only. My husband doesn't always realize just how good of a job he's doing as a dad. He's the heavy in the family, when he barks an order our daughter jumps, it's a role he has taken but isn't that thrilled with. He's a big kid himself and would rather have fun than be serious and parental, but when he has to be that dad he does it and our daughter is far better for it.
I see the love she has for him when he comes home every night and she comes running from wherever she is and just tackles him and tries to squeeze the life out of him with a huge bear hug! She's his little biscuit and she loves that and him. You tell yourself from the time you're a kid “no way am I going to be like my parents when I have a kid!” 

But we do, and if we're lucky we had great parents that instilled wonderful values into us as kids and we can then pass those values along to our kids. We're lucky to have the parents we have and have a very healthy relationship with them. My husband jokes he's slowly turning into his father, but then he looks at himself and says that's not a bad thing because I turned out all right. I think we are doing a good job as parents.

It's not easy, no one ever said it would be and it takes special people to be parents. Anyone can make a baby but not everyone can be a parent. I see how my daughter looks up to her father, I see how respects him and loves him. She's a daddy's girl and he's very happy about it. She loves him because he's goofy, he loves going to toy stores, he's a pushover (to a point) with her, she's his little biscuit. You never realize that your kids are actually paying attention to what you're saying, mostly they sit there with a blank look on their face but they listen, they learn and you're usually surprised when you find out they actually pay attention. 

My husband doesn't pull punches with our daughter, he's completely honest with her and when she asks questions (and she asks a lot!) he's honest (sometimes blunt) but he lets her know what's going on. He wants her to realize from a young age that the decisions you make can change the rest of your life so make smart decisions.
We're worried about the job we're doing as parents, we're worried about if we're doing enough or doing things right. It's a tough job that comes with no pay and you learn on the fly. As I sit here and look at the little girl that is soon going to be a fifth grader I know we're doing a great job and we're excited to see how our little girl grows into a young woman. I'm proud to say that she's my daughter and that even with busy lives we need to take the time to just sit back and listen and watch to see just how good we're doing. 

Check out this new Father’s Day Video from my friends at Minute Maid. Share it with the friends and  family in your life who could use a reminder that they, too, are doing a great job as a parent. 
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The generous folks at Minute Maid have a wonderful Sweepstakes for you to enter. You can enter for a  chance to win a Minute Maid prize pack, including a $50 Visa gift card! Would you like to enter? Post a comment/short story for a chance to win a Minute Maid prize pack, including a $50 Visa gift card to continue “Doin’ Good” with your kids (or give it to someone you think could use it to keep Doin Good with her/his family). Please enter below.

Enter the Sweepstakes:
Tell me about someone you know who is doing a better job as a parent than he/she might think.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
If you would love to win do not forget to enter the rest of the current Sweepstakes


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Mami2jcn said...

My husband is doing a great job! He's a hard worker and spends all of his free time with our kids.

kellyr78 said...

My husband is doing a good job. He works a lot, but still spends lots of quality time with our kids.

JewelWood said...

My sister is doing so good with her son and daughter. My nephew has a brain tumor and is going through chemotherapy and my sister is so loving and takes care of him and his needs so well. She also makes sure to spend time with my niece. She is an inspiration to me during this difficult time.

Unknown said...

oh boys my sons are amazing dads,they do diapers,they feed then carry ,,they do so much more than Dads used to do,,im so proud of both of them they are wonderful fathers

Mysharona said...

My husband is,

Christie said...

My cousin who is a brand new mom.

Natalie said...

My brother is doing a good job as a dad despite working over 70 hours a week. He always makes time for his daughter.

Elena said...

My husband is doing a great job by working hard and being a good dad

guettel78 said...

I'd have to say my friend Emily - she is a single mom who has to work a pretty demanding job and always ends up feeling guilty about it. I know her kids appreciate her and know she's doing the best she can, so I would love Emily to know that as well!

Geoff K
gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com

Jessica To said...

My friend is raising her two sons by herself and is doing a great job.

Breanne said...

My friend is

Anonymous said...

My son Chris is doing a great job raising his twins!

Maryann D. said...

I think my sister did a great job of raising her son. She worked hard to support him and her health was not too good. But my nephew turned out to be a terrific son.
twinkle at optonline dot net

peg42 said...

My husband of course and I also admire my brother who has 7 kids. Both guys are fantastic Dads and are inspirations.
Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

My mom is definitely doing an awesome job as a parent! And she's an amazing grandma - don't know what I'd do without her!!

slb3334 said...

My niece who is in college and working besides raising her little girl.

Anonymous said...

My brother is an amazing father. He works so hard for his family.

DIane said...

my friend Kathy, who is always there for her son.

Jeanne @NHCountryGal said...

My friend, she homeschools all 4 of her kids, and gives them so much love!

PAIGE said...

My mom always thinks she doesn't do enough for us kids, She os the most awesome mom!

lil_lady_dz said...

My sister is doing a fantastic job being a single mom of two kids, she manages so much but is good at all. She is a mommy super hero i say.

Anonymous said...

My sister goes above and beyond and doesn't realize how much she really does. She's a wonderful mom.

Lisa Weidknecht said...

I have a friend who is always putting down her parenting, but she's a wonderful mom!

HarleyC said...

My mom. She regrets mistakes she made when my brothers & myself were young but she really was and still is a GREAT mom!

tat2gurlzrock said...

My fiance' is a wonderful father.He was a single dad and his daughter turned out PERFECT!

iggysaysno said...

My sister is doing an awesome job.

Bridgett Wilbur said...

My daughter..she is first time parent and she is doing an amazing job.

Luna Moon said...

My best friend!

Kristen said...

I know a wonderful dad whose fiance unfortunately passed away when their daughter was quite young, but he is always there for the girl and makes sure she has a life full of experiences!

adoptingteens said...

My friend who has adopted 3 children and praying on adopting two more....

Anonymous said...

My wife's friend is holding things together with her family of her, her husband, and 7 year old girl. The husband's having some real problems and they're financially strapped, but she does the best she can and remains cheerful for her daughter's sake.

tzevans said...

My best friend who has two boys in college and adopted two little girls from China.

Unknown said...

My brother is doing a better job as a dad then he thinks. He works really hard and always makes time for his kids.


harolde said...

My daughter and son in law are doing a better job then they think, they are awesome.

Barbara Montag said...

I have a cousin who is a wonderful dad.
But he tends to doubt his abilities as a parent.
thank you

Tina W said...

My nephew thinks he is a bad Dad because he's busy working two jobs to provide for his baby girl, but I respect him for doing what's gotta be done.

Unknown said...

My friend has a new baby and is doing better then she thinks .

Heather Hayes Panjon said...

My Dad Is #Doingood As A Parent, He Raised Four Children As A Single Father, He Worked Very Hard To Provide For Us. He Is The Best Father We Could Have Ever Asked For!

Cheryl said...

My partner is doing a better job as a parent than he might think.

Cheryl said...

Blogged about the giveaway:

Bonnie in FL said...

My daughter who is a single parent works hard but is always there for the kids games and activities

VickieC said...

Dawn said...

My son in law is doing a great job as a dad to my grand kids. He worries because he has to work a lot of hours but I think he maintains the balance of work and quality time very well.

clc408 said...

My niece is doing a great job raising her kids.

Lauren said...

My neighbors who have three young kids are doing better than they think as parents.

Anonymous said...

My daughter is doing a wonderful amazing job raising my granddaughter as a single mother and I have to say I do not tell her enough that I am so proud of her parenting.

Kristyn Martin said...

My husband is doing a great job! He works so hard to provide for our family.

Anonymous said...

My brother and sister in law are wonderful parents and they are truly doing a great job.

Anonymous said...

Everybody I know who is a parent is doing a better job than they think they are. Every parent doubts their parenting skills at times

Misty Woods said...

My daughter is! she does a wonderful job.

Janet W. said...

My son in law is doing an excellent job as a new father of two boys. He's so fun and creative and shows my grandsons lots of patience and love.

mogrill said...

My friend Lisa, She is a single mom and she is amazing!! Thanks for the chance.

McKim said...

My niece has five kids, and I marvel at how well she handles it all.

Tara said...

My husband always puts his family first.

llinda29 said...

My Mom always blamed herself and should not have. She was a better parent.

Unknown said...

My husband is, he is totally devoted to the kids needs and they adore him

Courtney B said...

I know it sounds weird but probably my self. I'm really tough and I feel like i'm the world's worst mom, when I know in reality im not.

Alison Tolar said...

I think my sister is doing a wonderful job with her two boys. They are great kids.

Unknown said...

i am :)

Shelly Peterson said...

My son in law is doing a good job with my 2 grandsons. He works long hard days but still comes home and spends time with them, playing and teaching them.

Amy Z said...

My sister in law is doing a great job, but her anxiety gets in the way of letting her see that truth. I try to give her lots of compliments to reinforce it!

Jessica B. said...

My husband is doing a wonderful job. He is a hard worker and spends any free time with our boys.

Unknown said...

My dad is #Doingood. He is so humble, quiet, yet caring and loving. He may not realize it but his actions are very honorable and valuable, they mean a lot to me and to my siblings. <3

Denise S. said...

My best friend is doing a better job than she thinks.

LauraJJ said...

I would have to say my little brother! He has full custody of their 3 kids, and does such an amazing job!

aajacques said...

My good friend Jennifer who is a single mom. She is raising her daughter alone and is doing a wonderful job

msrodeobrat said...

My sister in law is doing a better job then she thinks she is
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Ashley C

Unknown said...

My mom is doing a better job than she might think I think i should let her know more often that shes doing an excellent job to this day .

tatertot374 said...

My amazing friend has 2 boys who are both autistic. She does an amazing job every day.

TheresaJenkins said...

my 3 son-in-laws aren't to shabby as Dad's

Crystal F said...

I would have to say my hubby. He works two jobs to provide for us but still has time to coach my daughter's travel softball team. He's just an amazing father and I really think he doesn't realize it. Thank you!!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

Ash said...

My best friend always has her kids on her mind, she is awesome!!


Meggiedarlin said...

My husband is doing a fabulous job, despite the circumstances.

nickieisis3 said...

My best friend is.

latanya t said...

My husband

Anonymous said...

That would be me. I am always doubting myself as a parent but my own sons and family members tell me differently but I always wish I could do it better. Rosanne

Linda said...

My daughter and son-in-law are wonderful parents. They are so caring and loving towards their kids.

Leela said...

My husband is.

bbrittbrat1398 said...

My friend was worried about being a first time single mom. She is raising a happy healthy, and intelligent young boy. Brittney House

1993wel said...

My husband is an awesome dad even though he's really hard on himself.

Unknown said...

My classmates are for sure!

Jeanna Massman said...

My daughter is an amazing mother to my grandson!

steve weber said...

my dad is doing a better job that he think he is - especially with the death of my mom 3 years ago at age 55.

Kim H. said...

My friend Geoff is doing an amazing job. His wife has been very sick and he has worked extra hard to do both jobs for almost a year now. he's incredible with those kids.

GB said...

My son is a great father to his kids and he makes me proud every day.

trishadishes said...

My sister is a new mom to one-year-old twins. She is doing a phenomenal job.

Unknown said...

My wife! She's doing a great job!

wendi b said...

I'm going to go with a friend of mine whom is a recovering addict she is amazing and lives for her little girl she is so strong now!!

Tabathia B said...

My cousin is doing good he is a great dad and he is extremely patient with his son who is autistic

Unknown said...

One of my good friends is doing a better job than she thinks.

kport207 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My husband is a great parent. We just had our first daughter together six months ago and he is such an amazing father!

rlbouch said...

My friend who is becoming a grandmother

Anastasia said...

I'd have to say my mom! She's the best but she'd never think that herself :)

Heather! said...

I think my husband is doing a much better job as a dad than he thinks. He is always there for our kids. It warms my heart.

jill190 said...

My oldest son god parents because they were so in love .

msmissy02 said...

My husband as he always makes sure everyone is taken care of, and does his very best. DamianMom at yahoo dot com

Robin T said...

My daughter is because she puts her son first in everything.

mmstarla said...

These shout outs are so sweet! My dad doesn't realize it but he is the best. He currently just got hired on for a second job just because his wife wants a pool for the grandkids. He is so dedicated and loving to his entire family and makes sure to do what is required to make everyone happy. He always keeps himself last- and does for others before himself!He is such a great daddy and role model as a man and father.

Leidy Ruiz said...

My dad is #doingood because he loves me unconditionally and supports me in every situation
Leidy R rafflecopter

kyl neusch said...

my sis is!

Lorri S said...

My little brother is doing much better than he thinks. He is always so critical, but shouldn't be.

Unknown said...

My fiances father is doing a great Job at raising his seven kids by himself.

diesel51 said...

My wife does not give herself enough credit for the wonderful job she has done with the kids. Both are happy and healthy and are good people.

Anonymous said...

When I was little, I looked up to my dad so much. I thought he was the strongest, smartest, most wonderful father in the world. Now that I'm grown up, I still feel that way.

Unknown said...

my brother in law. he works so hard for his family but doesn't give himself much credit.

janet woodling said...

My husband is the best Dad that I know. He worked hard, did without, attended everything that our girls ever did. One of his co-workers told him, "If I am half the Dad that you are, I know I will have done my job". I could not say it better than that.

Susan Christy said...

My brother does a great job as a single father even though he doesn't always think so. Works hard but still cooks, cleans, goes to ball games and everything else!

Anonymous said...

My nephew is a great dad, but he's always saying he should be better at parenting.

Pat said...

My daughter is an amazing mother. Even with a crazy full-time job, she manages to spend lots of quality time with her family, and my granddaughter is an amazing person because of it.

Anonymous said...

My sister because she took in a boy that mother abandoned.

MissKate126 said...

My mom is doing a great job, more so than she thinks.

richelle bowers said...

my husband

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

One of my best friends who has 4 kids. She is an amazing, great mom!

Unknown said...

My son-in-law is doing a great job of parenting after losing my daughter to a tragic accident. He just does not give himself a lot of credit for being a parent (and a single one at that).

cowboyswife said...

My sister who never wanted kids.

Unknown said...

My sister has been doing a great job, she spoils the kids a bit more than I would but they are well deserving of a little spoiling once the while

Hotsnotty2 said...

My brother is doing an amazing job as a day, Im so proud of him!

Amber Faith said...

My friend Daniyell!

tarter95 said...

My wonderful friend, Robin, who has pretty much adopted me...she has been such a great example in my life.

Michele said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I’d love to send a shout out to my husband. He is an amazing husband and father, but doesn’t seem to realize it. He works very hard to provide for all of us and puts our needs first. Our kids are almost grown and we are trying to make as many memories as possible. He also supports my decision on returning to college and has been very encouraging.

Unknown said...

i have to go with my dad. he raised me on his own and had no idea what he was doing!

danielle marie xdanimarie(at)yahoo(dot)com

thisisliferemix said...

I would have to say my friend she overthinks everything

pattycake said...

cute kids pics

Unknown said...

My niece is a single mom and works full time and goes to school part time. She is doing a great job with her son

mecarolks said...

My daughter is a wonderful mother.

vera said...

My sister is doing a better job than she thinks.

PattESL said...

My friend is doing a very good job at raising her sons.

chadro said...

My friend Vanna as she sometimes has to act as father and mother.

Erica C. said...

My husband is.

Anonymous said...

I think my husband does a much better job as a father than he thinks he does. He is a busy guy but he makes time for his kids as much as possible and sacrifices for them on a daily basis.

CindyWindy2003 said...

My sister is an amazing mom with a newborn and a toddler.

Unknown said...

My cousin just had a new baby and she is going to school and a single parent. She is doing a great job!

Thanks for the great giveaway

Mark said...

My sister. Her husband travels for work, and is away A LOT. She is a stay at home mom to an almost 2 year old, who has already started the terrible twos. She's such a great mom. She may get flustered and overwhelmed at times, but she does a great job.

Unknown said...

My friend Jenny is supermom, but never gives herself enough credit!

Anonymous said...

my husband is the best dad and friend our kids could ever ask for!

sarah050 said...

My mom! She always doubts herself and blames herself for my parents divorce but she is so strong and loving and caring! and SO supportive!

Holly said...

My mom is.

Anonymous said...

My mom is doing a great job.

Kenny Fensom said...

my cousin

Rob said...

My best friends sister for sure!

Anonymous said...

thischickwins said:
a coworker of mine sometimes feels guilty about time spent away from her little girl, but I think she balances things really well.

thischickwins at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My daughter is doing a great job with her two boys. Being a single mom of boys is not easy especially once they hit the teen years as one of hers has done. She has been so supportive of all his issues and handled some very serious issues with all the knowledge, love and support she could find. She leaves no stone unturned in trying to help both her boys become wonderful young men yet she feels often she is failing them.

Unknown said...

my dad !!

Aimee Freeman said...

I would probably tell myself. I am pretty hard on myself. I try to do it all, and I beat myself too often when I fall short. But my kids are happy and healthy. They love me and each other. We have very good relationships. I know I am doing the best job I can and I should give myself more credit.

Sarah Hall said...

My daughter is a wonderful mother to her son who she has raised alone since he was a month old. As a widow who works, she still finds time to do so many things with him.

Unknown said...

My bestie is a single mom to 2 little girls. She is a nurse in the cardiac area and is going to school. She really struggles with her parenting confidence. Her girls are well rounded, polite, and they do well in school.

Daniel M said...

my dad's the best he's always helping everyone - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Anonymous said...

My mom and dad are doing a great job parenting my younger sister and I.-Alex W.

Tammie Venne said...

I think we are all doing a better job than we give ourselves credit for

Janine h said...

My hubby is doing a Better job than he thinks as a new dad

tina reynolds said...

My husband is doing a greatawesome job

Melissa said...


Tom said...

My wife. She is always so busy so she is hard on her self about being a good mommy and she is a great mommy!

Unknown said...

My husband is doing a better job than he realizes. Just being so loving to our daughter and putting in so much time at work. He always has time to play with her and they are best buddies!

Anonymous said...

Kanye West

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

my niece is doing a great job..its not easy being a single parent and working a full time job but she does a wonderful job with my lil nephew

Lisa V. said...

When my granddaughter was born in January, my son-in-law was clueless and panicked about to stop her from crying, gagging over changing diapers, etc. 6 months later, he's a pro.

Unknown said...

My husband...he does a lot better job than he gives himself credit for. He's pretty hard on himself.

Becca Ann said...

My boyfriend.. he is one of the most amazing dads I have ever seen

Kimmy Ripley said...

My husband is an amazing father to our 5 year-old daughter.

Jessica Holmes said...

My significant other dealt with the loss of his mother, a serious bike wreck, and his son's addiction this year while still managing to go to work each day and maintain his relationship with me. I would say he is doing an amazing job but doesn't always think so.

bomar97 said...

My nephew is doing a super job!

Unknown said...

My sister I think is someone who doesn't know she work wonders

Nicole Carter said...

I know my sister is phenominal! She is a full time teacher and an awesome Mom. She doesn't think she does enough but she does!

Ellie Wright said...

My youngest son became a first time dad this year and he’s doing great. I’m very proud of him.

Unknown said...

My friend is doing a fantastic job at raising her 5 kids and works full time.

Anonymous said...

My husband is doing a great job at being a parent of our two girls!

Julieh said...

My husband is always doubting his parenting skills, but I think he's a great dad
Julie Hawkins

Erika JM said...

I am. I try to do alot for my child, and to make sacrifices now so that his future is smoother and easier. I guess I get so focused on that, and still making sure he excels in his studies, that he's healthy, learns about who he is and his place in the world, that I feel like I haven't done enough. But when I speak to other moms and other people, and I mention all of the things he's done and learned so far, and the places we've been, I'm told that I'm doing more and much better than I even realize.

Unknown said...

my sons is doing a better job as a parent than he thinks he is, he works hard and still spends lots of time with the kid.

Jerry Marquardt said...

My brother is doing a great job as a parent for my nephew. You try to tell him this, and he just won't take any credit, he acts like he isn't doing a good job, and always is down on himself.

jtwark said...

my dad is doing better than he thinks


Anonymous said...

I hope this doesnt sound arrogant but I would have to say my wife and myself - We have two daughters and at times I have spent many sleepless nights worrying about how things would turn out but now that they are 20 and 22 I guess we did a pretty good job with them - One is a college Grad who just landed her first full time job and the other is a college senior and appears headed in the right direction. Frank M

krystal wethington said...

My niece who just had a little boy. She is doing a great job.

Melanie Montgomery said...

My dad, he's an incredible dad and probably doesn't evne know it.

Unknown said...

my sister is doing a great job as a parent as a single mom.

Unknown said...

My husband; has two jobs and goes to school. During his free time; he spends quality time with us, his family.

Rebecca said...

My sister is a single mother to a teenage boy. She works full time and still takes care of him and my father :)

Unknown said...

My daughter Kris is a great mother raising two children and is also a teacher. She's doing a better job than I did.

Unknown said...

my sister she worries too much.

Kathy P said...

That would be my daughter she just got married and now has a 6 year old stepson and also is expecting a daughter in October..She has been doing a great job with him and does a lot of fun things with him.

Tracy R said...

My Dad! I am a grown woman but we are closer than ever and he means the world to me.

Clair Shumack said...

My BFF does a wonderful job with her little girl!

Sarah Hayes said...

my friend is a great dad and doing a much better job than he thinks

Shayna said...


dvice12 said...

My friends are all doing great jobs

bac1 said...

my mom we all will be okay

Anonymous said...

instagram ID gmrich22

susan1215 said...

My sister is doing a job as a parent.

laurie nykaza said...

My husband we have 2 grown kids one who had lymphoma at 7 and the other with type 1 diabetes at 22 months old a heart transplant and Celiacs disease. My husband helps to take them to dr appointments they both can not drive. He always worked 2 jobs .He does the shopping so he helps out so much he is a wonderful day and husband too.

Pooch said...

My friend Jackie is doing a far better job than she thinks as a single parent of 2 children since one is a special needs child.

Sand said...

My sister is doing a great job as a parent.

blyskalp said...

Great Sweeps keep up the good work.

Buddy Garrett said...

My niece is doing a great job as a parent.

Unknown said...

my good friend.she works all the time,single parent,young,and has 2 children. she also wants to start college soon. she doesn't give herself enough credit.she is doing amazing

Brian E. said...

Thank You for the giveaway…we have a close friend who is a single mom with two school age kids, husband died a few years back, who is a fantastic parent; juggles a full time job & her kids a great.

Pixel Berry Pie Designs said...

My mom has done an awesome job raising her two kids, whether she realizes this or not. :)

Shea =) said...

My hubby. he doubts himself sometimes but he is an amazing dad!

Trisha McKee said...

My best friend has two young kids and she is always on the run, so she might not have a chance to realize or hear how great she is doing! I love the energy she has and the fairness with which she parents.

blakkis said...

My dad, he's always worked tirelessly and without complaint

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Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions, . No compensation was received. All opinions are my own. This is a unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.