DISCLAIMER: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Minute Maid and DiMe Media. Minute Maid will provide this prize. Minute Maid is not a sponsor, administrator or connected in any other way with the contest – and all opinions are my own.
With Mother's Day
approaching I find myself thinking back to when I was my daughter's age,
and how I was personality wise and comparing myself to my daughter to
see the similarities and the differences. I'm also in a way comparing
myself to my mother and grandmother, to see if I'm hopefully doing a
good enough job as a mom as they did. With a full time job, husband,
child and house, I don't often get a chance to reflect on things to see
what kind of job I'm doing as a mom. Looking at all those situations I
think I'm doing pretty good!
things I took from my childhood and have passed to my daughter are to
always be yourself, it's OK to be different and to not worry about what
others think of because of what you like.
My husband always likes to say that he marches to the beat of his own drum and always did what he wanted no matter what others thought, I was the same way and we're passing that along to our daughter. It's obvious when you see how she dresses that she has her own style and doesn't quite care if everything necessarily goes together, if she likes it-it works!
My husband always likes to say that he marches to the beat of his own drum and always did what he wanted no matter what others thought, I was the same way and we're passing that along to our daughter. It's obvious when you see how she dresses that she has her own style and doesn't quite care if everything necessarily goes together, if she likes it-it works!

She knew I was way behind her in the race and instead
of beating me and gloating she put her controller down and said it's OK
mom, I'm going to wait for you at the finish line and we'll cross it
together. We can both win! I was so proud of her, it's such a little
thing like letting me “win” something as trivial as a video game, but it
let me know that the little lady I'm raising has been listening and is a
great kid. I was so worried that I might not be doing all that I can do
for her or teaching her what she needs to learn to be a good person. I
don't want to fail her.
time being so stretched in our lives we don't often get these moments
to see the job we're doing, or if we do we might be so busy with other
things we just miss out on them. We just hope our kids are good and will
grow up and be good people and parents themselves. The life lessons
instilled in me be my mother, that were instilled in her by my
grandmother, I feel that's the most important thing I can give my
daughter, and I never realized she was actually listening to anything
I've said over the past 10 years but when I took the moment to listen, I
got to hear that she is in fact a great little girl. I'm proud to say
that she's my daughter and that even with busy lives we need to take the
time to just sit back and listen and watch to see just how good we're
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Tell me about someone
you know who is doing a better job as a parent than he/she might think.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .If you would love to win do not forget to enter the rest of the current Sweepstakes
I probably need to give myself a pat on the back!
My sister in law. She's a great Mom. She has 7 children/stepchildren and I really admire what a great Mom she is to all of them.
My sister as she is a great mom and is always there for everyone
My sister is.
The lady in Baltimore that stopped her child from rioting.
My sister is doing a great job.
My daughter and Son-In-Law are.
I have a friend that doesn't have a lot of patience with certain things in life, but when it comes to her kids she is doing a wonderful job.
My best friend worries a lot, but she is doing a great job. Better than me!
One of my best friends is a single dad with two small children. He's doing an awesome job!!
A friend of mine.. She has so much she takes care of but never complains... Always thinks she doesn't do enough.
I have a friend who has 5 children and works full time. She is doing a fantastic job.
My friend is a single mother, working full time, and going to school!
my husband, he is an amazing dad and our kids truly love him
ssgsweeps @gmail .com
My niece is a great mom to her little ones.
My niece has five kids, and although it is hectic, she is very involved in each of her children's lives.
Both of my kids are great parents.
My neighbor she is doing a great job.
I think every parent I know is doing a better job than he/she thinks because most good parents doubt themselves sometimes
My daughter and my oldest son - they are both stay-at-home parents and devote 100% of themselves to their little ones I am so proud of both of them <3
my husband
My friend is doing great with her twins.
My co-worker is doing an excellent job with her daughter.
My Mom. I'm not a kid anymore but now she has lots of experience at being a great mom :0)
My niece is a single mom of 3 who works and takes care of her kids and I think that in spite of her situation, she’s #doingood and being an amazing Mother and providing the best she can yet I don’t know if she realizes it.
I have a close friend who struggles with being a single parent.
She questions herself a lot although she's a terrific mom.
thank you
GFC & Networked Blogs Barbara Montag
one of my cousins just became a new mom and shes doing so good. shes a single mom and she is also in school.
Thanks for the chance to win this prize
My daughter is doing an excellent job raising my two grandsons who are very close in age! She shows them so much love and patience!
My friend Victoria who is raising his grandchildren and now taking care of his friends 3 kids too.
My mom was great as a mom because she raised us as a single parent on a teacher's salary.
My sister is doing a terrific job raising my niece and nephew as a single mother! She works hard and is so loving to her kids!
I have a friend who is raising her two boys by herself and she's doing great.
As a single parent, my sister-in-law is doing an excellent job raising her kids.
My friend is doing a great job. She is a single mom.
My Sister Is Doing A Wonderful Job As A Single Parent. She Don't Give Herself Nearly Enough Credit.
my friend who is raising several small kids is doing a great job and I hope she knows that
I would say my friend Dawn, who has a daughter that has a lot of anxiety issues and they have some real battles but she's doing the best that she can with it. Better than she thinks she is for sure.
My friend from college is doing a good job, spending quality time with her daughter and teaching her values. She has a tough schedule with work, but is doing great.
my mom for sure!
I feel my hubby is #doingood at being a parent, more than he realizes. When our son was growing up, my hubby attended every activity and they were always doing things together. At 22, my son needs is father even more, and my hubby continues to be a good listener, offer advise when asked and just hanging out together to show his encouragement and support :)
My sister.
I would have to say my little brother! He is a single dad to 3 kids and does such a great job at it.
My niece is doing a great job and just may not realize it. She had a surprise 3rd pregnancy that she and her husband weren’t planning on but a couple years later and I think she’s #doinggood managing and raising her kids.
One of my friends is doing a better job than she thinks.
kport207 at gmail dot com
My daughter is an awesome Mom.
My sister in law does a great job with her two kids!
I would have to say my older sister who has two kids, she sometimes doubts herself, but she is one of the best parents I have known.
My daughter in law and her sister are two of the most amazing mothers I've ever known but look hesitant if their children do anything wrong like it's their fault which it isn't .They are wonderful mothers. Rosanne rosans4@comcast.net
My friend was worried about being a first time single mom but her son is healthy, smart and happy. Brittney House
My sister is doing a fabulous job esp with the obstacles she is facing daily.
I might say that is myself since I am a dad raising all 5 of my children alone. I had 3 of them but given the last 2 by my ex this past year.
My cousin who is raising an autistic son
One of my friends have a full time job and going to school and still makes time to do it all with her kids.
My best friend who has two kids is an amazing parent and I dont think she gives herself enough credit.
My daughter is a first time mother and she is doing a great job :).
My neighbor who has three kids is doing better than she thinks.
My sister in law is doing a better job than she thinks she is.
I want you to know that your video game story really inspired me! Your daughter is growing up to be an amazing young lady
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Ashley C
My brother is a better parent then he thinks.
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
My sister is an amazing mom and she doesn't give herself enough credit. She has three daughters and their dad has chosen not to be in their life. She's doing amazing at work and is building a career working full time. No matter how tired she is she always takes the time to make sure my nieces are taken care of on every level and that they are excelling in their school work. They look up to her and she is their hero. I wish she would just stop and look at the incredible job she is doing.
my best friend
My sister
My sister is the best parent ever!!
i left the wrong link for my daily tweet in the rafflecopter. heres the correct link
Thank you, sorry!
My sister, who questions her parenting decisions, yet her 5 kids are great people!!
I blogged here:
My daughter is doing a wonderful job with her son and I don't know if she realizes it. She is a widow and has been raising him alone since he was a month old. He is a well mannered and smart child who will be a wonderful man when he grows up.
my best friend she is the most amazing mom I know but she doesn't think so.
My daughter is doing a great job with her first child. She is a first time mom and a little hard on herself.
A friend of mine worries about having to be away from her kids while she's at work, but they're great kids and they love all the time they do spend with her.
My daughter who lacks self-confidence in her parenting skills. She just needs a lot of reassuring that she is doing a great job.
One of my close friends is doing an amazing job raising her kids. Two of them are diagnosed with Autism and she has proven to be a mom who will go the extra mile to find the right resources for her kids. They have really done so well and accomplished so much and I don't think she quite realizes what an incredible parent she is!
My sister has done an amazing job raising her two boys and I don't think she realizes how much she has molded them into great men.
You are probably doing a better job than you think!
My sister-in-law is a much better mom than she thinks she is.
My sister, she said she never wanted kids.
My husband is really hard on himself when it comes to parenting; I suppose I am too. He is incredible as a dad and I wish he could see himself the way I see him when it comes to how much he does for our child :)
I think my husband is doing a much better job as a parent than he thinks he is.
my sister is doig a better job than she thinks
My husband.
My brother is doing a good job with his son.
My grandchild is 4 months old and my daughter is doing way better than she thought she would..so proud.
My friend whose teenager has high needs autism. She is an awesome parent.
My friend is a single dad and he is doing an amazing job but is always questioning if he is doing a good job.
A friend who's letting outside opinions weigh her down a bit. She's doing an amazing job on her own.
My son and his wife are doing a great job as brand new parents of a baby girl.
My good friend Faye!
My brother - he's raising a little girl that was abandoned by her mom
I think my sis-in-law is doing a better job than she thinks - such a strong person working thru some medical issues!!
My cousin is a great parent.
my friend is doing a great job
my friend crys is doing a great job although she may not think so at times!
My sister in law. She has leukemia and has spent so much time in the hospital getting chemo and when she's done the chemo she's completely drained. She always worries about not spending enough time with the kids but it's not her fault. I think she does an amazing job!!
Everyone says that about me all the time.
My sister is dong a great job, thank you!
My sis in law is an incredible parent!
My sister does a great job with her two kids!
My friend
My daughter in law.. She is a excellent mother.
My niece is doing a great job as a single mom
My sister-in-law and my brother are both terrific parents. I do not think they ralize just how great they are at raising my little nephew.
I think we all are, but I would say my sister, she is an inspiration not only as a mother but as a great and motivating person yet she still has her moments of doubt
I have been assured that I've been doing a better job of parenting than I think. (Thank goodness!)
My mom does a better job than she thinks she is doing, she is always looking in the past and trying to make up for it, but now that she's a grandma she is doing a great job!
My sister is doing a great job. She's a first time mom and she's teaching him English and ASL at the same time.
My sweet Mama is the best one for this. She works two jobs takes care of the entire house and still loves her family and is there with all of her heart. She is the best and she is my world! xo
My friend gets overwhelmed at times with two small boys at home (as we as mothers all get overwhelmed), but when she was here with both boys, they were so well-behaved. I was impressed and grateful that the children respected not only the space around them, but grownups' time as we chatted and caught up. They are great kids and she is a wonderful mother.
Thank You for the giveaway…we have a good friend who lost her husband to cancer who has successfully transitioned to being a single parent (for now) with three kids; she is a great, heroic Mom !
Rafflecopter: Bryan E.
My sister is a great parent with a special needs daughter.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
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