***Disney is providing an all-expense paid trip for me
to cover this great event***
you ever have a moment when you just squealed with joy? I recently got
a special email that made me do just that, I was recently
invited to LA to join 24 other top bloggers on a Disney press trip. I love my
job! I am truly blessed and I get to do some really great things
with my job. I will be traveling to Los Angeles from 12/17 - 12/19/14.
start off this amazing trip, we will have a 25 Days of Christmas themed welcome
dinner. ABC Family's 25 Day of Christmas programming is a family tradition in our home
We love to watch all of the holiday classic and new holiday favorites. This
year, “25 Days of Christmas” will feature original holiday episodes of comedy
series “Melissa and Joey,” on Wednesday December 10th 8:00pm est and “Baby Daddy." On Wednesday December
10th 8:30pm est . ABC Family 25 Day of
Christmas programming runs from 12/1/14 – 12/25/14.
will get to preview the movie Into the Woods, this fascinating movie has been
something I have been looking forward to seeing ever since I found out this
was in production. As a fan of the Grimm Fairy tales, this is a movie that is
right up my alley.
We will interview select cast of Disney's newest film Into
the Woods, the iconic musical, that is coming to
theaters on Christmas day 12/25/14. The movie stars, Meryl Streep, Chris
Pine, Emily Blunt, Tracey Ullman, Johnny Depp and may more! It would be so
amazing to be able to interview any of these great starts. But If I had the
chance to interview Meryl Streep or Johnny Depp, I would just about faint! I
will know soon who I will be interviewing, I will let you all know. |
will be visiting the set of Melissa & Joey staring, Joey Laurence Woah! (Ok I
am channeling my inner Joey Russo, from Blossom) and Melissa Joan Hart. Should
I ask Melissa how Salem, the cat is doing? I was a huge fan of Sabrina the
Teenage Witch, I have seen every episode multiple times. I am so very excited to be able to interview
the cast, of Melissa & Joey and
check out the set. TV
shows MELISSA & JOEY (returns on Wednesday, 1/14 at 8:00pm/8:00c)
and BABY DADDY (returns on Wednesday, 1/14 at 8:30pm/7:30c)

Last but certainty not least, we will celebrating the release of the Diamond Edition of 101 Dalmatians. Everyone’s favorite puppies are back, in a better than ever 101 Dalmatians Diamond Edition on Blu-Ray. This will be released on February 10, 2015.
Our hotel will be the Sheraton Universal this is a great hotel, in a lovely location. I am so excited to be able to go on this fun journey. Be sure to follow along with me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to see all of the great sights, and information about this fantastic movie, and your favorite ABC Family shows. Follow along with the special hastags, #IntoTheWoodsEvent #ABCFamilyEvent. Stay tuned I will have more information about the trip soon!
Do you have any questions that you would like me to ask the
starts of Into the Woods, or the two great ABC Family shows?
***Disney is providing an all-expense paid trip for me
to cover this great event***
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
Have fun! I am looking forward to this movie. It sounds great.
How exciting for you! I cannot wait to see Into the Woods. The cast is so amazing!
This sounds awesome! I can't wait to hear about your adventure!
Wow, what a packed trip! Should be fun, I can't wait to hear all about it!
Oh, this is going to be epic! I demand many posts full of details upon your return! =D
Omg! I would love to be in your shoes! Have a blast!
This sounds like such and awesome adventure! Congratulations and I can't wait to follow along.
Oh my gosh how exciting!? I am so so excited for you I hope you have a blast, and I think that Into the Woods looks great!
Oh you will have such a fabulous time. I can't wait to hear all about it. :)
what a fun adventurous packed trip! I am uber jealous! Into the Woods and Melissa and Joey look awesome! Plus i love Joey myself and Johnny Depp. lol.
This will be such a great trip for you. I look forward to reading about your experience in future posts. You could ask what sparked there passion for acting.
My daughter really wants to see Into the Woods. I hope you have a great time!
That sounds exciting. I have been seeing the previews for this movie and I am excited to see it.
Sounds like a really cool trip. I've never been to LA but would love to go sometime.
That movie is top on my list to see this year, so can't wait to hear more about this!
Congrats! Sounds like fun and an amazing opportunity! Have fun, cannot wait to read all about it!
Meryl Streep is a great actress. I'm looking forward to seeing her in Into The Woods!
I can't wait to see Into the Woods! I love the spins they are putting on the traditional fairy tales!
I hope you have a great time on your trip. I am looking forward to reading all about it.
OMG! How much fun! I can't wait for this movie to come out! Can't wait for your posts!
We are looking forward to 101 dalmatians release. So much going on for you how exciting.
Very cute! One question you HAVE to ask is where she gets her outfits!
Have fun! Looks like a great movie and series! :)
How cool! Have fun on your trip. Say hi to Marshall for me.
What a fun time to have! Enjoy the trip and come back sharing lots of pictures!!! I am so excited for you to be taking part in this!
Should be a great movie! Have a great time!
Sounds like it is going to be an ahhhhmazing trip! Have fun and stay safe!
I will for sure be following your adventure! Such a fun trip!!
I can't wait to watch some Christmas movies with my daughter!!
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