Disclaimer: This is part of a sponsored
collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and Luvs. All opinions are
100% mine.
Luvs diapers, is a trusted name
in baby care, knows that the holiday season is full of stressful moments,
but they don't want diaper leaks be one of them. This holiday, Luvs wants everyone to celebrate a Leak-Free Holiday. On my daughters
first Christmas our holiday was not leak free. When my daughter was little we
were visiting my parents’ house to have a nice family Christmas with aunts
uncles, cousins and assorted family members. Being brand new parents we wanted
to make sure everything was perfect for our daughters first outing. Is the baby fed and happy… Check… Dressed, and
adorable?... Check… Clean diaper?... Check… Quality diaper… hmmm well not so much..
Being new parents at the time we thought just any diaper would do. Well we were very wrong. As we passed my daughter to family member to family member, she just loved the attention she was happy and cooing have a great time…. Then it struck… a leak! Not just any leak, a major leak of #1 and #2! A blowout! Aunt Maria’s cashmere sweater will never be the same. I could not apologize more to my dear Tia… She just took in in stride, but the mess… ugh I felt so bad. We learned quickly that leaks will happen with less than quality diapers, we had an especially embarrassing leak that Christmas day.
Check out the “Will it leak?”
Luvs Video. From December 9th - 25th,
for every view their Will It Leak "Santa Suit" video receives on
their social media channels, Luvs will donate diapers to children
in need through the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
The holiday fun doesn't stop
there! This holiday, Luvs is also inviting parents to whip up a baby book
for their child in a few quick clicks with Luvs and Tweekaboo. Get yours here:
Please join @Luvs and celebrity
dad, expectant father @donald_faison for a #LuvsLeakFreeHoliday Twitter
Party on Thursday, December 11th, from 9-10pmEST, where we’ll be sharing
personal holiday leak stories. Do you have a funny leak story? Be sure to
join us at this fun Twitter party we will have some great chatting and some fun
Stay leak free this holiday season, and share
the video to help Luvs donate diapers to children in
need this #LuvsLeakFreeHoliday season by watching the “Santa Suit” video. From December 9th - 25th, for every view
their Will It Leak "Santa Suit" video receives, Luvs will donate to
help increase diaper donations to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
Please share!
The generous folks at Luvs are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance to win a Luvs holiday gift pack. Would you like to win? Please comment on this blog post with your funny holiday mishaps. After the mandatory entry there are also other ways to enter, please enter below. Entrants must be 18+up and live in the contiguous U.S. (No Puerto Rico.)
The generous folks at Luvs are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance to win a Luvs holiday gift pack. Would you like to win? Please comment on this blog post with your funny holiday mishaps. After the mandatory entry there are also other ways to enter, please enter below. Entrants must be 18+up and live in the contiguous U.S. (No Puerto Rico.)
The gift pack includes:
- Branded Luvs tote bag
- #LuvsLeakFreeHoliday travel coffee mug
- Hot chocolate
- Luvs branded purple star ornament
- My First Kwanzaa book
- Plush Musical Dreidel
- Hanukkah gelt
- Two packs of Luvs diapers
- A tub of Luvs wipes
Stay social with Luvs, and like Luvs on
Facebook and follow Luvs
on Twitter @Luvs
Win it:
One winner will win a Luvs holiday gift pack
a Rafflecopter giveaway
One winner will win a Luvs holiday gift pack
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and
My worst holiday mishap was Thanksgiving because we lost power and everyone had a stomach bug
At the time, I didn't think it was funny, but years ago when my kids were very young we planned for a big holiday party, but both my kids got sick and we ended up not doing anything.
twinkle at optonline dot net
A mishap that happened was similar to the lady above ... we had bought tons of food and gifts for family members that did not show up. One of the families got sick so the grandparents said they were not coming because the others were not coming. It was horrible. Grrrl.
Kids eating the desserts before the guests arrived.
The kids would not stop crying when trying to take their santa picture.
I've been lucky not to have any major mishaps during the holidays. My brother however use to accidentally open some of my sister's presents year after year. It got to be a joke. Their names are nothing alike so we figured he must really just like opening gifts.
I brought my baby and five year old son to have their picture taken with Santa. Everytime they took the pic and said "Say Cheese!" My five year old would make a hilarious funny face and my baby just had a look of pure bewilderment.
Last year on thanksgiving, my daughter was 1 & a half, still in diapers... I don't recall the brand of diapers she was in, however, I'll never forget the huge blow out on her great grandmother's lap... I was mortified! She was in a dress, wearing stockings... I'll leave out the grotesque details lol
Our puppy saw our Christmas tree for the first time and knocked it over. He is fine, but it was surprising for everyone.
One thanksgiving we burned 2 turkeys in the same day
When my son was three he knocked over the Christmas tree on top of his newborn brother's cradle. The baby slept through the whole thing!
We have showed up at a party at the wrong time. lol
I'm lucky enough to have not experienced a holiday mishap
Our mishap was when I got the flu a few Christmas' ago. I had to gather my strength to come down on Christmas morning, hah.
Having the turkey well done on the outside and nice and pink on the inside, eeeeeek.
Over the years, we have had our decorated Christmas trees fall over a couple of times.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Kristin Goodson
My son was sitting on my lap for a holiday meal and he had a huge blow out!
When I was young, My Moms Cat Knocked The Tree Over.
Holiday mishap is not labeling the gifts and then forgetting whose is whose.
We visited my brother out of town for the holidays and went to the wrong airport on the way home! Had to stay another night and buy new tickets plus another rental car to get back home!
On my first holiday cooking, I cooked the bag with the neck and gibblets inside the turkey.
My son pulled our tree over one year because we put candy canes on it, luckily he wasn't hurt and we learned not to put candy canes on the tree ever again.
My sister was awake at 530 Christmas morning and blew up a balloon that I told her would pop. It woke up my parents because it was so loud!
The only real holiday mishap I can think of is my dog finding his present early and chewing through the wrapping paper to get it!
I don't know if this is funny but we got a flat tire on our way to a Christmas Party.
My three year old opening all of her presents a few days before christmas while I was making dinner in the next room.
haven't had any... yet!
My best holiday mishap was my husbands first deployment and being away for Christmas. I wasn't goingto decorate or anything but it was als my daughters first Christmas so I waited until Christmas eve to buy a tree. Big mistake. The only one left at target was a nine foot tree. It was so big that the top bent at my ceiling.
My niece dropping the ham on the ground while serving dinner.
Brittney House BBrittBrat1398@yahoo.com
I baked 2 sweet potato pies and mistakenly added salt to them instead of sugar!
I gave my wife a sweater she already owned. :(
After putting the turkey in I got so carried away talking with family I forgot to cook half the meal.
Every year I burn the Christmas Cinnamon Rolls.. Seriously 7 years running! You would think I would just give up by now!
I can't think of any mishaps right now.
Sleeping in on accident
I have accidently overcooked a few of the side dishes for our holiday meal, but at least I have not done that yet to the main dish.
I don't know if this would count, but my Son and his girlfriend got to spend Christmas Eve together while we did our Family Christmas Eve get together, and they were both unaware that this was happening. So, as soon as my son's girlfriend came into the house she was very embarrassed and nervous. Both of their faces turned red.
Funniest mishap would be putting the wrong name on a gift and then telling them to switch because it was a game. Oops. homemom3@gmail.com
My first Thanksgiving turkey, I left the giblets bag inside when I cooked it.
One year for Christmas we decided on the day that we would go out to eat, big mistake, nothing is open. Two hours later we are in the car and starving and finally found a Burger King out in the middle of no where. We were so happy. but yeah now I cook.
It wasn't funny at the time, but our first son had a huge blowout of poop all over me on his first Christmas!
Last year as we were walking out of the house, we heard a hugecrash. Our Christmas tree took a huge tumble and scared our poor puppy. Thank you
About 20 years ago my uncle's family bought a new house and we went to visit one time and then months later we went back for Christmas. We didn't bring the address with us but we thought we recognized the house and the cars outside. We unloaded all the presents and walked up to the door. We even had my 80+ year old grandmother with us. We got to the door and someone let us in. We didn't recognize them but we thought they were just some inlaws we hadn't seen in a while. After we all got in the door we quickly realized we were at the wrong house! Turns out we were a block away. We still look back and laugh at that now.
My dog knocked our table over along with all of our Christmas dinner!
giving gag gifts away at Christmas time, "sardines".
My yule log ended up soggy, sticking to the dish towel, broken & cracked all over and then in the trash.
First Christmas with all our families. I decided I would cook the turkey and ham the night before. I figured I was cooking at at 300 degrees so I could go to sleep and I would take care of it in the morning. I turned on the timer for 4 hours and went to bed. It was a new oven and I did not really verify the buttons were on the same spot as my old oven. When I woke up Christmas morning I smelled fire. My new oven was full of ash and the turkey was completely black. Instead of hitting the timer I accidently turned on the self cleaning feature. I actually set my oven on fire. It was Christmas morning and nothing other than 7-11 was open in our town so all I could feed my family, and my husbands families was hot dogs from 7-11. It was not funny at that time but 8 years later it is hilarious.
We usually don't have any, however, this year I noticed the dog thought the Christmas tree was his property, and I noticed the presents were wet... Seems he had been attempting to pee on the tree and was getting the presents instead.
I got a bra set for my sister and when i wrapped it up i put my brothers name on it by mistake and he opened it and decided as a joke to go ahead and put it on.He walked around with the bra on the outside of his clothes.It was funny and of course I took pics to bug him about later on lol.Fun times.
One Christmas, I cooked a turkey & I put the platter of turkey on the table. My teenage sons were goofing off & running to the table to see who would get there first. My oldest son slipped, grabbed the corner of the table & the turkey went flying off the table and splattered all over the floor! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry :o)
This is great
The crown roast came out of the oven and slid right onto the floor.
Years ago we decided to go to my aunts who lives in Oklahoma. We all live in Kansas. So all the Kansas family went to Oklahoma. My mother and step dad came down from New York. Well The Oklahoma family all just got over the stomach flu like the week before. Well we all were ok until the day were were leaving for home. So we had a four hour trip from Oklahoma to Kansas all of us in the back seat had the stomach flu. We had to stop a lot and had to have bags. It was really gross. Thank goodness the driver never got it. My mother and step father said they were sick on the plane back to New York. It was a mess.
Having an oven thermometer bubble up and almost explode in the oven.
i got to big of a turkey and i droped it in the floor
Every single year I burn the croissants. I don't know why but I do. LOL
lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com
I slept long hours and missed the fun
The day before Christmas our Vietnamese Pot Belly Pig and our dog got into a ruckus and destroyed our Christmas tree.
One time the turkey got burned.
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