Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Holiday Gift Guide: Global Girl, fun 21” International fashion dolls your little girl will love!

 Are you looking for a great gift idea for the little girl in your life? How about an adorable fun to play with international dolls you are going to love, the Global Girl. Here is a little more information about this new company from the website:

The concept of Global Girl was developed from real-life interactions with children who were curious about what life is like for their peers in other countries around the world. After much research, we realized that there was no doll brand or book collection that focused on different countries and cultures in a meaningful, inspirational and empowering way. 

Global Girl was developed to bring fun, thoughtful and educational dolls and books to children in the United States and around the world. The Global Girl mission is to open girls’ minds and spark a natural curiosity about their peers in other countries. Since this generation of children is growing up in a more globally connected world, it is our hope that this ongoing collection of dolls and books will pique their interest and excitement about other cultures at a young age and help prepare them for the future. 
Moving away from the concept of a doll that looks like the child, the Global Girl collection comprises the beautiful cultural and ethnic differences that children embody in them-selves, along with that of the friends and family in their lives. Meet Tatiana™, Vivienne™, Marcela™, Mei Ling™, Tiffany™, and Amahle™. Connect with Global Girl and join us on this journey as we teach girls to inspire, empower, believe, dream and learn about the world around them. We hope you find our website a valuable resource as you explore their worlds.

 There are so many dolls that I love from the site, here are a few of my favorites: 

My daughter was very fortunate to check out one of the newest dolls from Global Girl, Mei Ling from China 

  Mei Ling from China is 21 inches tall, and has brown eyes and long straight black hair with bangs. She is dressed in a red satin coat with beautiful Asian pattern and pink fur trim on the collar and on the sleeves.  Underneath she has on a traditional Chinese dress in the matching fabric to the coat and shiny black shoes with bows. Mei Ling also comes with pierced ears and beautiful red rhinestone earrings. All dolls come with a Global Girl underwear set. 21 inches tall.

Our daughter is eight and a half years old so she's in that in between stage of her life where she's still a little girl but entering those tween years where things get a little blurry... I wasn't sure what kid would show up when I received a Global Girls doll, named Mei Ling.
 To my delight it was my little princess gushed about Mei Ling. My husband is determined to keep his little girl his little girl for as long as he can because kids only get the chance to be kids one time and for a few short years so he makes sure she understands and appreciates this time of her life. So when he saw her toting around Mei Ling he was happy his little girl was still here.

The doll is great, great colors and clothes and her hair is awesome straight black making this very easy to comb, I loved her pretty dress, it was a lovely Asian Pattern, a classic look. The doll is so very pretty with her long black hair and rich brown eyes, and long fluttery eyelashes, she is a beauty. 
The clothes are made with care and are as real as children's clothing. The clothing are just like mini children’s clothing, it has real button-holes pockets, and embroidery, are realistic and not sewn on as applications.  The doll is poseable in hundreds of positions, and can stand and sit-up because of the special interior framework.
To say Mei Ling is a hit is an understatement, she's been a home run in our house my daughter loves reading Mei Ling’s story. The Global Girls 21” dolls come in 6 styles,  little girls from all over the world!  From a little Vivienne™, from France to  Marcela™, from Argentina, and more!

The dolls come in a stylish, and are recommended for ages 6+. The Global Girls dolls, Tatiana™, Vivienne™, Marcela™, Mei Ling™, Tiffany™, and Amahle™ are a wonderful collection of fun dolls and books that tell each of their stories. Education and fun books that take you in the world of your Global Girl.  This would be great gift if your little girl is looking for a doll that is unique, it would be to give her a doll just like her.

So if you are looking for a great gift idea, that little girls would love the Global Girls dolls are for you. The Global Girls dolls retail for $89.99 .  A fun old fashioned toy without batteries, a toy that just lets their imagination run free, and is just plain fun. I would highly recommend the dolls from the Global Girls the girls are well made and adorable.  

Stay connected with Global Girls via their social channels.
Like Global Girls on Facebook
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Buy it:
You can purchase the dolls shown here and more at Global Girls


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received a doll to review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Ashley S said...

What a great idea for a toy! Love the international aspect.

Kelly Hutchinson said...

I had not heard of this company, but I love the concept. I think the doll from South Africa is gorgeous!

LisaLisa said...

I love these dolls, they are so pretty and very unique. I'm looking to get one for my daughter this Holiday!

Unknown said...

I love Mei! I have a seven, almost eight year old and totally get the in-between thing. My husband definitely thinks of his baby girl as... a baby girl still. = )

Andrea Kruse said...

I love the idea of the dolls representing different countries. Such a great way to show a young girl the world outside her own town

Anonymous said...

Do you have any china dolls with blue eyes and brown strat hair

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