Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved a new game the whole family will love!

I live in a house of gamers, my husband goes back to the days of Intellivision so when he says he's old school he's old school. Now my daughter is being raised by a gamer and well she became one as well, she's been playing video games since she was three and like her father is an avid gamer. The day my husband got his Xbox One he let my daughter have his Xbox 360 and that made her one happy little girl! She loves all types of games and doesn't have a favorite genre so when I showed her Fantasia Music Evolved she immediately got excited. It combines Disney music with video games and those are two of her favorite things!

Fantasia Music Evolved was created by Harmonix, this is the company that brought to life Rock Band and Dance Central. Those two titles are big hits around here and have been for sometime, so knowing this game was developed by them my husband and daughter were excited to try it out. You essentially become the Sorcerer's Yen Sid (that name looks familiar when read backwards) new apprentice and are in control of the music. And since it is a Kinect based game you really are in control of the music!

"Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved” is a breakthrough musical motion video game inspired by Disney’s classic animated film “Fantasia.” In the game, players enter the magical realms of Fantasia, selected by the legendary sorcerer Yen Sid, to hone their musical and magical prowess as his new apprentice. “Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved” takes players on an interactive and immersive motion-controlled journey through worlds of music and magic.

Players will control music spanning all genres and eras, including classics from the original film such as “Night on Bald Mountain” to over 30 hit artist selections ranging from chart-topper Bruno Mars to rock royalty Queen and electronic DJ and producer AVICII. Using Kinect motion control technology and natural, controller-free gameplay, players will control the musical flow of these hits, unlocking the power to transform the music and living world.

Designed by Harmonix, critically acclaimed creators of Rock Band and Dance Central and the world’s leading music and motion gaming studio, players become the sorcerer’s newest apprentice, exploring remarkable worlds and unlocking the magic within the music, with Disney Interactive’s “Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved.”
Key Features:

•Perform your favorite songs from Bruno Mars, Queen, Fun., Kimbra, AVICII, as well as other world renowned artists and classical masters – using natural, gesture-based movements that put you in complete control of your own musical journey. Experience a full range of genres and style unique to each performance.

•Transform and remix music via magical manipulators in real-time like never before, changing music in intuitive and surprising new ways.

•Explore breathtaking environments with your motion controlled “muse” including the mysterious subaquatic world of “The Shoal,” an enchanted printing press, and more;

•Discover worlds filled with hidden musical interactions designed to engage players, encouraging them to unleash their creativity.
 You have the opportunity to control and transform some of the biggest stars of today and yesterday such as Bruno Mars and Queen, you'll be able to transform and remix their music and you'll be doing it in stunning environments. There are many different worlds to explore and discover with a lot of hidden musical interactions designed to encourage you to be creative. Just by using your natural gesture-based movements you take total control of the music and can have at it.
I love games that everyone can play and that have a lot of replayability, there is nothing worse than spending a lot of money on a game only to finish it in a few hours. Fantasia Music Evolved isn't that type of game my “kids” have been at it for a while and are having a blast playing together. Replayability, great music and total control make Fantasia Music Evolved into a game that everyone will love.

Buy it:
You can purchase this great game in stores or online for the Xbox Kinect, or the Xbox One!

Would you love to play this game?

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received a game to review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Frugal and Fun Mom said...

You had me a Disney and Music. My 2 older kids would really enjoy something like this.

Unknown said...

That looks like so much fun! We love music and we especially love Disney music!

Stefani @ MommyEnterprises.com said...

I am a Disney fan and I love games. I think I would like to have some fun with this.

Nikki said...

Oh wow, this looks like an awesome game! We're a gamer family too. My son also just really got into music (he wants to join band), so this would be perfect for him.

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