Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Post a clip of your baby’s morning dance moves. It could be in @Pampers next video! #BebeConRitmo #Giveaway

 This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and Pampers. All opinions are 100% mine.
Does your little one like to dance, have fun and show off their moves? I remember when my daughter was younger she simply loved music, she loved to dance and was such a happy baby. Waking up my little darling, was always a morning person. I may not have been sunny and bright eyed, but my little girl was, so this made me smile, and start the day on the right foot. 
 When my daughter and I were awake I would play the radio and we would dance together as I got her ready for the day. Those are fun memories I will never forget. How do your little ones start the day? Are they up dancing and ready to go? Well you are going to love this new promotion from Pampers #BebeConRitmo, your baby might be in Pampers next video!

To celebrate your baby, Pampers is asking parents to take a short video of their little one's best morning dance moves and share it with Pampers.

From August 18th through September 24th, parents can upload videos under fifteen seconds by using the hashtag #BebeConRitmo or #BabyGotMoves. Parents can tag @PampersBabyGotMoves on Instagram or @PampersLatino or @Pampers on Twitter or even share their video on the Pampers Facebook pages www.facebook.com/pamperslatino or www.facebook.com/pampers.  Your video could be in Pampers next video!  Be sure to enter, you just may be one of the lucky chosen ones! On Monday, September 29th, Pampers will air the final mash-up video on their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube channels. So be sure to see if your happy dancing baby is in the video, wouldn’t that be amazing?

 The generous folks at Pampers are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family reader a chance to win a  wonderful Pampers prize pack that includes:
Jam Plus Bluetooth Wireless Speaker 
GrayBaby Einstein Octoplush
Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes
Cha-Cha-Cha En la Selva (The Animal Boogie) book
Pampers Sensitive Wipes
Pampers Baby Dry Diapers

Would you like to enter? One winner will  receive a basket filled with goodies that celebrate little one’s best morning moments, complete with a wireless Bluetooth speaker for the ultimate morning dance party with your little one! Please comment with ways your little one’s make morning fun. There are also other ways to enter after the mandatory comment, please enter below.

Be sure to stay social with Pampers, and like Pampers on Facebook Pampers on Twitter: https://twitter.com/pampers  and https://twitter.com/PampersLatino

 Win it:

One winner will win a Pampers prize pack

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions .  I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


CindyWindy2003 said...

I love to hear what she is saying in her crib when she is waking up to play with her stuffed animal buddies in the morning.

Bakersdozen said...

Smiles and hugs makes me feel good in the morning. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

mkjmc said...

Waking up with a smile~

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

She always wakes up happy and loves to laugh!

iggysaysno said...

We tickle before breakfast!

robyn paris said...

Just seeing them jumping up and down so excited to see me.

Em Mahr said...

I love seeing the smile on my face every morning when I pick my little one up from the crib. Also, breakfast has never been more messy or fun/cute!

VickieC said...

early morning hugs and big smiles and all warm and cuddly

paulasue said...

My granddaughter loves to dance, when granny dances with her, we both end up laughing til we cry.

618mom said...

I love all the smile I get in the morning.

April said...

I love when my little ones help with breakfast, and then helping them eat their food

ssgsweeps @ gmail .com

kellyr78 said...

My daughter likes to play with her stuffed animals in the morning.

llinda29 said...

The smiles are priceless

Courtney B said...

they are just full of energy and life !:) really wakes me up in the morning!

Cinderella10383 said...

My son is always so happy in the morning.. He always says good morning to us.

Anonymous said...

I love chasing my nephew around the house. He always laughs!

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

One grin in the morning from my grandbaby and happiness is full up in my heart.
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Emily Reviews said...

she wakes up cheerful which improves my mood too

Jennie said...

My little one wakes up with his Daddy, they have a morning routine of playing around and eating breakfast, then he wakes me up, its cute.

Lisa P. said...

My grandson always has a smile and hug for me in the morning.

Brooke said...

the smiles that my baby boys starts out with each morning are so joyfuL!

Unknown said...

We love to give tickles, kisses and hugs with big brother

Anonymous said...

always waking up with a smile!
Carly D.

Anonymous said...

always waking up with a smile!!
Carly D.

Jessica B. said...

My son crawls in my lap every morning with a book. jj250@aol.com

Madonna said...

my granddaughter wakes up smiling so we have fun mornings from the get go. We play games and sing songs.

J. Cannon said...

Wakes up singing and clapping his hands every morning.

Unknown said...

My little one makes it fun just by talking and smiling to me .

Heather Hayes Panjon said...

My Little One Makes Mornings Fun With Lot's Of Giggles, Playing Games And Dancing!

Unknown said...

They make a sound with a smile

Unknown said...

My little one always wakes up with a smile. She does this funny sound to get us to talk to her. It's adorable.


Their beautiful smiles when i come in their room in the morning

Christy said...

Those little baby babbles when she first wakes up are priceless.

Mayela lozano said...

I love how they are so cuddly in the morning. I get tons of hugs and kisses.

Breanne said...

Lots of smiles!

MamaStace said...

My daughter makes my mornings awesome because she wakes up in such a fun, happy mood. All smiling and laughing. Love her!

Sara Wood said...

My son always gives me a big hug first thing in the morning.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

the little ones in my life make mornings great because they are so happy to see you (usually!!)

Ciara B. said...

we like listening to music in the morning while making breakfast


Ashley said...

She gives me a smile first thing in the morning.

The Smart Savvy Mama said...

We dance around and sing while getting ready. Julie smartsavvymama@gmail.com

Kimberly said...

I love waking up to her smiling face

nickieisis3 said...

My son wakes up smiling

Shelly Peterson said...

When my grandson wakes up he always comes running to me with hugs and kisses and a super big smile.

Fiddlin' Dandi said...

My son is always up early to help me make breakfast.

Unknown said...

Always happy in the morning making it a fun time to connect.

Unknown said...

We sing!!

Jackie said...

My girls make mornings fun with endless cuddles and kisses

Marilyn said...

They are always full of energy and ready to go in the morning -- makes me smile.

luv911fun said...

My girl wakes up happy pretty much every time. If she gets up first, I love listening to her babbling in her crib. If I peek in on her & she is still asleep, I watch her for a bit & she usually wakes up & gives me a huge smile as soon as I say, "Hi, Baby!" I baby wear, so we dance around together while I do my morning routine of straightening up the house while my husband gets ready for work.

Unknown said...

My son is so happy and cuddley in the morning and extra silly, he makes me smile .

Anonymous said...

Mornings are always good. I love to hear the giggles coming out of my kids rooms. Usually they entertain themselves until I come in and great them. Patricia

cowboyswife said...

I am actually entering this for my co-worker who is having her first baby.

Unknown said...

My little girl always wakes up happy and loves to laugh

Unknown said...

I think I have the happiest baby. She always has the biggest smile and that makes every morning good.

bbrittbrat1398 said...

My son always gives me hugs in the morning and we love watching cartoons in the morning.
Brittney House BBrittBrat1398@yahoo.com

Lyz said...

I'm still expecting but in the morning I get lots of kicks, which makes me smile.

maryjaco1 said...

Just googling away.

Sarah Hall said...

I love it when she wakes up all happy and rested with a big grin on her face.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth miller--the morning is fun with the light up sunshine smile and the wonderful lhugs and kisses.

Gina said...

They wake up smiling and cuddly and excited about another day

Anonymous said...

Smiles! :)

fiesta cat yarn at yahoo dot com

Lisa V. said...

I'm waiting to see what morning fun will be when my grandchild is born in January.

Anonymous said...

I love it when my grandson runs up the steps when he wakes screaming memaw memaw where you at. Then he rungs right in my room. It just make my day.

Daniel M said...

they always have a lot of energy in the morning,running around everywhere - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Unknown said...

We love to sing and dance in the mornings!

Anonymous said...

He always says something funny to make me laugh Rosanne rosans4@comcast.net

stracey2010 said...

lots of smiles

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

My son is at an age where he wakes up happy and smiling every morning and loves to snuggle which to me is the perfect way to start the day.


vera said...

The early morning babbles in the crib are fun.

kbruson said...

Eating breakfast in bed is fun

brendaelsner said...

I love the smiles and hugs in the morning!!

Unknown said...

He always wakes up ready to get rollin!

Amber S said...

My little one isn't due until February 6th, but when he comes, seeing him in the morning, knowing that his father and I are what he needs and wants the most in life, will brighten my every morning.

Jenna said...

My twins come running and giving hugs when they wake up

Unknown said...

we wake up and sing!

Erica C. said...

Lots of cuddling.

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

my youngest always loved to cuddle and wake up singing and laughing :) shes not so pleasant now :P

Debra said...

my granddaughter always wakes up so happy in the mornings

blew415 said...

Helping with dinner

susansmoaks said...

we like to sing and make up songs while we get ready in the morning, it makes the morning fun!

amanda whitley said...

my little one loves to dance and we laugh about nothing :p

Kimmy said...

That first morning smile and wet kisses are the best!

Anonymous said...

We just love all of the questions asked!


Peggy Rydzewski said...

Makes my morning with a simple smile

Anonymous said...

Little ones are cute in the morning everyday is a new adventure.
heather hgtempaddy@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

smiles and giggles in the morning

krystal wethington said...

always smiling and ready to play.

Melanie C said...

We make mornings more fun by talking to each other through the monitor when we first get up :D There's nothing like hearing her giggle, when she realizes she's woke mom up :D

Leela said...

The morning mamamama song.

infectiousizzie said...

My newborn's little smile brightens my entire day.

Unknown said...

My favorite thing to wake up to is my baby cooing away in her nursery. Its just the sweetest sound. Morning time is so great in that after a bottle we have bath time. Its so cute getting the bubbles rolling and seeing that big smile. Its something I just look forward to. bandit25@mail.com Nicole Johnson

Unknown said...

Her smiling and giggling and watching her try to learn to use a spoon.

Erica Chao said...

they wake me up bright and early every morning

MELINA said...

They make cute noises when they smile and laugh

jasy c said...

they are always so sweet in the mornings

tina reynolds said...

I love the morning hugs

dadunn said...

A smile is great !

Carolyn Daley said...

My nephew makes mornings fun by the way he reacts and enjoys himself while watching The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He dances and smiles every time the "hot dog" song is playing on the show.

Unknown said...

My niece makes mornings fun by smiling and giggling whenever you walk by her!

Julieh said...

My kids make it fun by jumping and laughing on the bed to wake us up
Julie Hawkins

Shayna said...

Both my kids are the reason why I get up everyday !!! I can't wait to see their smiles every morning :)

Carolyn said...

We co-sleep, so when he wakes up, he immediately wants to play with me. It's super cute. :)

javeta acker said...

seeing the smile first thing,and listening to the babbles makes my morning fun

buzzd said...

a lot of smiles

Hotsnotty2 said...

Waking up with a smile

Tammie Venne said...

They keep me laughing and on my toes

Unknown said...

I like all the smiles and giggles and enjoying breakfast.

Unknown said...

Waking up to singing brings a smile to my face.

Buddy Garrett said...

We always have breakfast together.

Unknown said...

Waking up with a smile

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