Thursday, September 18, 2014

Muay Thai Training – Test Your Limits

Although Muay Thai is a martial art that was once used by Thai men to defend their country from foreign invaders today this is a modern sport that allows people of any level of fitness, size, age or gender to protect themselves and defeat opponents that are stronger or larger than them. There are many Muay Thai techniques that can help you achieve that but the main reason why Muay Thai is so effective is the fact that this combat sport is developed based on real combat scenarios.
This means that all the movies and TV shows where you see the main character successfully using Muay Thai to protect himself even against two or three attackers are not exaggerated they are true. If you want to get in shape and stay in shape and learn self-defense moves in addition you should start learning Muay Thai as soon as possible.

If you think that going to Thailand and joining one of the Muay Thai camps there is too much for a beginner like you, you can always learn some of the moves or the basic of this sport in other ways.You can use the internet and find sites that are dedicated to Muay Thai and learn more about this great sport. Some of them have video clips and images showing some of the basic moves. YouTube for example has dozens of videos featuring Muay Thai trainers showing some of the most popular Muay Thai techniques. 

They can also answer your questions if you have some dilemmas when it comes to this sport. Finally, you can find dozens of books and DVDs about Muay Thai training. Even if you choose this option you will eventually want to be part of a live Muay Thai training class at where you can learn from a real Muay Thai instructor with years of experience. You can never say that you have knowledge in Muay Thai if you have learned this martial art from thecomfort of your home. After all, you can always misinterpret some move if you watch in on TV or on your computer. This is why you need to join a real Muay Thai camp in Thailand and learn everything you want to know about this sport at first hand.

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1 comment:

Tammy S said...

I have never heard of this type of training. It looks like it would be a great workout and also build up your strength. I think my daughter would like doing something like this. I will have to check around. Thanks!

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