Tuesday, September 16, 2014

GoPicnic great travel treats for on the go, #Giveaway

Are you looking for the perfect snack on the run, or for travel. Well I have a great suggestion for you all Go Picnic, the best travel food around. Here is a little more information about this great company from the website:
  GoPicnic's founders developed the concept of the shelf-stable picnic meal in 2004 for a major US airline whose existing buy-on-board fresh food service program was costing it millions of dollars annually due to high levels of waste from unused meals as well as incremental personnel expenses stemming from the need for in-flight food preparation.

The shelf-stable snackbox solution that the GoPicnic founders created to address these issues generated profit for the airline for the first time in its food service history and provided customers with a reliable quality product at a good value. Recognizing the many benefits such shelf-stable "picnic" meal programs could bring to a wide array of other industries, the GoPicnic founders expanded on the original concept, making nutritious high-quality shelf-stable meal solutions available to new markets and clients.

The Planes: Fire and Rescue GoPicnic meals include:

Turkey Stick & Crunch Ready-To-Eat Meal: This balanced meal features Turkey Snack Stick, BBQ Popchips, fruit & seed blend, fruit peel-a-part, and chocolate rice crispy bar. MSRP: 4.99.

Hummus & Cracker Ready-To-Eat Meal: This balanced meal features creamy hummus and multi-seed crackers, fruit & nut mix, tasty seed blend, and chocolate rice crispy bar. MSRP: 4.99.

   I just recently got back from a trip to Minneapolis and thankfully I thought ahead. My husband asked me what snacks did you get on the plane? My answer to him was NONE. We weren't even given a bag of peanuts. It's lame that you charge an arm and a leg for bags and you can't even give me a bag of peanuts!
No worries I was prepared. I had packed with me a few boxes of Go Picnic  ready to eat meals and let me tell you I'm glad I brought them with me. I was the envy of the people around me who also were astonished that we weren't offered any kind of snack on this 4 hour flight. My mother and I were all set and we ate like Queens thanks to our Go Picnic snack.

With the ready to eat meals you really are taken care of and will be full when all is said and done. I had the Turkey Stick & Crunch that had turkey stick and cheese with BBQ Popchips, fruit & seed blend, fruit peel-a-part, and chocolate rice crispy bar. This was delicious and I was very satisfied after eating my meal. Go Picnic meals are now a staple of our traveling bag there will always be a few of them packed along with other essential items to make sure we always have something to eat.  The Go Picnic meals also make great treats for kids lunches. 

My daughter recently brought the Hummus & Cracker Go Picnic meal into school. She was the envy of her lunch table. I love that Go Picnic is not like the other ready to eat kids meals that are not exactly healthy. Sure the other guys seem cool, but they have to be refrigerated and what school has that? With Go Picnic I know I am giving my daughter high quality food for lunch and snack. She loves it, and I know I will be purchasing Go Picnic meals again in the future. My family loves them, and I am sure yours will too.  GoPicnic provides a variety of meals, which are not all gluten free. It is important to review the product packaging and labels because there are several meals, which are not gluten free.

 The generous folks at Go Picnic are giving one of Susan's Disney Family reader a chance to win two Go Picnic boxed meals. Would you like to win? Please visit the Go Picnic site, take a look around then come back here and tell me what meal you would most like to try? There are also other ways to enter, please enter below. 

Be sure to stay social with GoPicnic and like them on Facebook

Buy it:
You can check out all of Gopicnic's items here.

Win it:
One winner will win 2 boxed Go Picnic meals.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received meals to review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

I have seen these in the stores and wanted to try them but never have! My school aged child probably wouldn't take one for lunch but my preschooler and I would eat them!

Suburban prep said...

I have not yet seen these before but I think they would be a big hit with the young ones in my family.

baileym1 said...

I would love to try the three bean dip and tortilla chips

Anonymous said...

I like their hummus and crackers meal ready to eat.
heather hgtempaddy@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

I love how they have foods that most people don't consider to be "traditional" snacks! I'd love to try the Edamame Kale Dip & Plantain Chips and the Hummus & Crackers!

Jackie said...

I think the Hummus and Crackers looks good.
Thank you for the review and giveaway!

Unknown said...

Their turkey stick and crunch!

Kristen said...

The Salami + Cheese looks good.

VickieC said...

The three bean dip and tortilla chips

Julie Waldron said...

The Almond Butter & Multigrain Crackers sounds good.

Unknown said...

Three bean dip sounds great!

Anonymous said...

yum any of it

dlhaley said...

I would like the Salami + Cheese.


I would like to try the "Beef, Cheese, & Pita Chips".

Jakes Movie Reviews said...

Can I pick ANY OF IT I love Go Picnic!

laurie nykaza said...

They are all so good my son eats the Gluten Free one's that they make everything is delicious he just loves them .I would love the Salami and cheese it looks great.

Donna Jacoby said...

I would like to try the hummus & crackers. Thank you for the giveaway!

Leela said...

Salami + Cheese.

Anonymous said...

Hummus and Crackers would be my choice!


Unknown said...

i would like to try Black Bean Dip & Tortilla Chips

Kathy P said...

I like the Baja Blend Fruit & Nut Mix

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