Thursday, September 18, 2014

Clean without chemicals with Zabada!

It is that time again, time to change seasons! For us the change of seasons means it is time to straighten up organize the house and clean!  I dread bringing out the cleaners and chemicals, I just hate to use them, but how else can I get my home clean? Well there is now a better way with Zabada! Here is a little more information about Zabada from the website:

Who’s Zabada Clean? Zabada is crusading to rid homes, and the planet, of crazy poisonous chemical cleaners. We’re taking a stand against yucky chemicals that leave yucky toxic residues and emissions for your skin to absorb and kids to breathe – chemicals known to poison and cause us serious harm. We’re crusaders with integrity and a solution that’s scientifically proven to clean better, faster and healthier. And joining our mission are millions of households across Europe and Australasia who’ve already shed the HAZMAT suit and converted to chemical-free living with the Zabada system.

What’s the Zabada fiber cleaning system? It’s an Austrian-made and engineered range of advanced cleaning fibers and microfiber cloths, the likes of which no grease, grime or bacteria have ever seen before in the US. Zabada fibers are deeper, thicker and superior in quality compared to your average microfiber cloth. They’re made and hand-sewn in Austria to exacting European ISO standards. They’re cut 100 times finer than a human hair to reach in and grab every particle from every kind of surface. And all they need to remove dirt and bacteria is a little water – the stuff that’s safe for your kids to drink.  

I'm not a fan of cleaning....who is? When we clean it's like a battle royal who gets to clean the floor, neither one of us wants to do it but we have to do it. We have wood flooring and it's a pain to clean it, from sweeping to mopping it's just a chore we hate. We have items to help us clean but the chemical smell is bad and once you're out of cleaning pads you're stuck with a useless “mop.” Zabada has changed all that with their Zabada floor system cleaner   

Zabada is the only complete cleaning system that’s scientifically-proven to:

•Rid homes of 90% of harmful chemicals
•Remove up to 100% of bacteria
•Clean faster with a simple wet and wipe
•Last 2 to 3 years and save you money
•Outlast generic microfiber cloths that lose cleaning power after 20 washes
•Reduce water consumption by a factor of 20
•Reduce energy use by a factor of 30
•Reduce solid waste by a factor of 50
•Reduce air and surface pollutants
•Lower potential health risks
Buckets, chemicals and achy backs are a thing of the past thanks to Zabada's wonderful design. No chemicals? How do you get your floor clean? Simple the fibers on the cleaning head of the Zabada do all the work. You can dust with it dry, or with water you can polish up your floors. Without using chemicals to clean your floors will dry faster and won't leave behind a sticky residue and no more fake chemical smells.

Another nice thing is that the Zabada has a an adjustable handle that makes it easy for everyone to use it, it's no longer too big for me to handle or too small for my husband to use and kill his back. It's the fiber's that make Zabada what it is, these aren't your tradition microfibers that will typically last about 20 washes, the Zabada fibers are thick-pile fiber's that will last you 2 to 3 years.

It's also the reason why the Zabada is so good at cleaning the thick-pile fiber's with just the basic element of water will remove 100% bacteria on their own. Like I said no more chemicals to clean, just use what nature gave us water. There is a fiber for all kinds of shines and surfaces from dusting to matte and gloss there is a fiber that will clean your floor and make it look like a million bucks. Get rid of the chemicals that clutter your cabinets, toss out the bucket and get back to cleaning the simple way the Zabada way. Chemicals and mops leave residue behind Zabada leaves nothing but clean. 

Be sure to stay social with Zabada, and follow them on Facebook.

Buy it:

You can purchase a customizable Zabada floor system and so much more on the Zabada website


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received a mop and pads to review.  No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


TheSuburbanMom said...

Ugh - I can't stand using chemicals to clean, I will have to check this out. We have all tile floors, so this would be perfect in our house.

Crystal said...

I love the idea of getting rid of chemicals. Do you know how dog fur would affect the Zabada? That is the main thing I need to clean off the floor.

Mama to 5 said...

That system looks amazing! With 5 kids I am constantly mopping but I am tired of spending all that money on the disposable pads and cleaners.

Tammy S said...

This sounds like a great system. My big problem is I have 2 cats and my floors always look like I have never cleaned them. We have to sweep them every day. Do these pads work well and stay good for as long when you are dealing with pet's?

Zabada Clean said...

The Zabada Floor Fibers work extremely well with tiles! The best option is to simply dust the floor first with the Zabada Dust Floor Fiber. Then clean the floors with the Fiber that suits your floor type (reflective or non-reflective tiles). Check it out at

Keepin' It Clean,
Team Zabada

Zabada Clean said...

You are exactly right! Cleaning can be expensive and by switching to Zabada Clean you can reduce water consumption by 20%, reduce energy use by 30% and reduce the solid waste that you would usually use to clean by 50%! You will also rid of chemicals in your home which is a very important factor. To find out more visit

Keepin' It Clean,
Team Zabada

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