Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Safeskin team apparel sponsorship on PearUp.com #SafeskinSports

This is a Safeskin Pear Sponsored Post Campaign with Global Influence, all opinions are 100% my own.


My family has been big fans of sports for many years.   And of course we are avid soccer fans! We love to have family get togethers to show our love and sporting pride. We have big picnics with food family fun and soccer. All of the family from young and old strut out in their favorite teams colors.  It is no surprise that my daughter loves playing the sport as well.  I can remember my daughter toddling around when she just learned to walk with her little stuffed soccer ball… yes her love of the sport started very long ago.

Soccer has taught my daughter the value of team work and to work hard for what she believes in. My daughter loves to go out there and play, have fun and if you don’t win well that is not the end of the world.. it is going to be ok.  Does your child love sports? Are they on a school team or the local towns team?   The team has been great for her, but playing a sport can get expensive…. Did you know that you can get a sponsor to help out that team? 
Safeskin team apparel sponsorship on PearUp.com! Pear is a social engagement platform that helps groups earn sponsorships from brands – for free!! Pear matches up sponsors with groups and organizations within the community. The mission is to make sponsorship simple and easy for both parties. What is Safeskin you ask, what would be advertised? Well Safeskin Safeskin are Youth Sports Wraps  and they have a mission to sponsor to youth sports teams across the country by providing  funds toward the purchase of team apparel. 

All you have to do is sign up with Pearup.com, sigh the team up and  Pear works as the middleman to help connect sponsors and groups in need. Sponsors have money to donate, but they don’t always know how or where to donate it. With Pearup.com the team that may get the sponsorship just may be your child’s team! Check out the video below for more information:
 Each group can earn up to $1,000 within a 10-day time frame, you can use the $1000 to go twords uniforms. Each team member completes digital steps on behalf of Safeskin to earn dollars – things like liking Safeskin on Facebook, following Safeskin on Instagram or signing up for an email.  For every step team members complete, they’ll get dollars towards their goal.  The more tasks you complete, the more dollars you earn for your sponsorship.It is a win win situation, why not sign up today.   You can create your own Pear for your child’s sports team.

Be sure to support the Pear of the team at: https://www.pearup.com/flamesgymnasticsaz

 Is there a  Pear you would like us to support? I would love to help, please let me know your Pear in the comments.

  Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


DesiredOne said...

These are really great we had to get my stepson some for his football games and he swears by them. Of course he always has to choose the red for his team colors.

VickieC said...

I love the new look and colors,we didn't have anything like this when my son played football and now the grandson is playing

Debra Rutt said...

What a great idea in fundraising & sponsoring of sports teams. I'll have to make sure to get some Safeskin - both my kids play soccer too!

Our Family World said...

When my son was on track he used this brand. He loved it.

Barb Webb said...

That's a cool program, thanks for sharing! I'm going to forward it to our sports coordinator. My sons us Safeskin and love being able to use their favorite or team colors.

Carrie with Children said...

My daughter just started her second season of soccer - this sounds like it would be beneficial for her.

Sarah said...

I'd love to create a pear for my son's soccer team!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing Pear with your readers! We really appreciate it! :)

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