Monday, August 4, 2014

Check out the new SPLENDA® Brand Tumblr page! And a twitter party, please join us! #SweetSwaps

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. Opinions, experiences and photos shared here are my own, and I hope you enjoy them. 

Easy lifestyle changes that can lead to big  results over time.  Most of us vastly underestimate the amount of sugar we eat because the sweet stuff is hiding in some of our favorite foods and beverages, like vanilla lattes, fruit flavored yogurt, salad dressing and cereal. Once we realize where the sugar is hiding, we can come up with ways to eliminate the excess sugar from our diets!

I am always trying to cut out the bad and add the good… What if you cut out sugar and replaced the sugar with SPLENDA®? Your treats would taste the same, and be better for you, isn’t that great?

Did you know that Splenda will  be featuring user generated content on the Splenda Brand Tumblr page! And they are celebrating with a great contest! Their is a wonderful contest on the SPLENDA® Brand Tumblr page!  SPLENDA® Brand is asking you to share your ideas to swap full sugar for SPLENDA® Sweetener Products in a favorite dish or non-alcoholic beverage through the SPLENDA® Brand Tumblr page at for a chance to have the idea posted to the site, or created by celebrity chef Laura Vitale and featured in one of her SPLENDA® SWEET SWAPSTM videos. Here is the Tumblr contest recipe/idea submission page. 

Wouldn't you love to win?? I know I sure would, join us for some information and to chat about this great contest at a twitter party that I am going to be a part of.

SPLENDA twitter party!
Participate Twitter party on Wednesday, August 6 at 12 p.m. ET

Hashtag: #SweetSwaps
Prizes: Prizes will be randomly awarded to five participants who answer the trivia questions correctly. Each prize is Splenda gift baskets, prize includes a $75 Visa Gift Card! Prizes limited to U.S. participants only.
Hosts: @TheMotherhood, @TheMotherhood25, @CooperMunroe and @EmilyMcKhann

 Throughout 2014, SPLENDA® Brand has been serving up daily tips and recipes at and now they want to hear from you! Join The Motherhood for a SPLENDA® Brand #SweetSwaps for Summer Twitter Party to help kick off an exciting, new feature of the SPLENDA® SWEET SWAPS TM initiative: User Generated Content! Why not join us on, August 6 at 12 p.m. ET, During the Twitter party, in addition to providing news about the contest and giving away prizes, we'll be sharing ideas on how to swap sugar for Splenda Sweetener Products in favorite summer recipes.

 Just about anywhere you love sugar, you’ll love SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener! The SPLENDA® Brand is dishing out 365 ways to swap sugar for SPLENDA® Sweetener Products. Make sure to Visit SPLENDA® and submit your Sweet Swaps recipes and ideas on the Tumblr page .

Will you be joining us at the Twitter party on 8/6?


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Joyce Brewer said...

I'll try to stop by the party and I added it to my Twitter Party calendar where you can also submit future parties:

Ashley S said...

Oh that drink looks so refreshing for a hot summers day!

Stacey - Seattle Mom Blog said...

My husband loves Splenda! I am going to have to check out all of these awesome swaps... and the Twitter party!

Jenn said...

Love a fun twitter party. Thanks for sharing. Love yummy summer drinks too.

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