Friday, July 18, 2014

Great summer books for tweens!

Summer is here and it is time for fun it the sun. Time for vacations, camp and family events. Sure there is a lot to do in the summer, from camp, to vacations, and lots of time traveling in the car, a great time for reading.  When I was a kid I could spend hours, relaxing and getting into a great book, I would love nothing more than getting lost in a great story while I relaxed on summer vacation. A summer tradition of mine was picking up a few books for our vacation to the Jersey Shore, to read and relax while on the beach. My daughter seems to be taking after her mother with her love of reading.

Here are my Top Summer Tween Reads:

 With all of the buzz about Sleeping Beauty and Maleficent, these days the resurgence of the love of Sleeping Beauty is a wonderful thing. I grew up with a love for the book and the movie. So having this movie as popular as ever is a great thing. Did you know that I loved Sleeping Beauty so much that I wanted to name my daughter Aurora? Well that did not work out, but I still love the name and the movie. Once Upon a Dream: From Perrault's Sleeping Beauty to Disney's Maleficent, is a great breakdown of the story that tells you just about all you ever wanted to know about Disney’s Sleeping Beauty. I loved seeing the art, and how the movie came together. My daughter just adored this book and I am sure she will love this for years to come. 

Once Upon a Dream: From Perrault's Sleeping Beauty to Disney's Maleficent
by Charles Solomon

Once Upon a Dream: From Perrault's Sleeping Beauty to Disney's Maleficent- Release Date June 17, 2014

  With its themes of a beautiful princess, a dashing prince, and love triumphing over powerful magic, "Sleeping Beauty" remains one of the most beloved of all fairy tales. The story was first published by Charles Perrault in 1697. Perrault's vision of the ageless, enchanted princess slumbering in her vine-encrusted tower has fascinated readers and artists for more 300 years three times as long as the heroine slept. This heavily-illustrated book will trace the history of that fascination, which has manifested itself in literature, fine art, poetry, music, and film.

The most celebrated cinematic version of Sleeping Beauty is Walt Disney's, the glorious finale of the animated fairy tales he began in 1937 with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Although Briar Rose/Aurora was the most beautiful and beautifully animated of the Disney princesses, the film was dominated by Maleficent: Perrault's shriveled old fairy was transformed into the epitome of the lovely but terrible sorceress of fantasy literature.

Walt Disney: Drawn from Imagination  by Bill Scollon
 Walt Disney was an amazing man who lead an amazing life. Walt Disney: Drawn from Imagination takes you on the adventure of Walt’s life. My daughter has been to Disney World and Disneyland many times, but she did not know much about the man behind the magic, now my daughter seems to know all Mr. Disney. She loved reading about his beginnings and how her favorite films came to be.  Now my daughter would love to visit one of Walt’s favorite cities Marceline Missouri, where Walt’s got his inspiration for Main Street in Disneyland.  This book is great for ages 8- 12.

Walt Disney: Drawn from Imagination  –July 15, 2014  by Bill Scollon

Walt Disney is undoubtedly one of the most influential figures in American history. What child doesn't grow up watching Disney films and reading Disney stories? With Walt Disney: A Biography for Kids, young readers can learn about the man behind the mouse. They'll learn that Walt came from very humble beginnings, growing up on a farm in Marceline, Missouri. The informative and approachable narrative details Walt's service in World War I, his early ambitions to be an animator, and the creation of Mickey Mouse. From there, the story chronicles Walt's major film developments, including Snow White and Bambi, and the genesis of Disneyland and Walt Disney World. Aspiring young animators, Disney fans, and dreamers of all kinds will be inspired by Walt's ambitions and achievements. 
 The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince by Serena Valentino

Are you a fan of the Disney classic Beauty and the Beast?  The classic love story is loved by all, but wouldn’t you like to know more of how the price became the Beast? What is side of the story?  Why not find out? Was the price as mean as you imagined, how terrible of a person was her. Did he deserve to be cursed and turned into the Beast? This is a great book for kids ages 10-14 and for big kids like me. 

The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince   –July 22, 2014 by Serena Valentino - The take as old as time; a cruel prince is transformed into a beast. A lovely maiden comes into this monster’s life. He is transformed by her compassion, and the love he feels for her in return. The two live happily ever after … or so readers thought. In THE BEAST WITHIN readers gain a new perspective on the Beast when he shows his side of the story in the retelling of the classic fairytale Beauty and the Beast. As a human prince the Beast was arrogant, only drawn to beauty and riches.
 But his vanity and pride led him to a life of loneliness in a secluded castle after a chance meeting with three very powerful witches. The witches curse the prince and turn him into the Beast, which he will remain unless he can find true love. THE BEAST WITHIN will captivate fairytale fans with a story of romance and betrayal, whole offering a fresh look at the classic Beauty and the Beast. 
 Stitching Snow – by R.C. Lewis

Is your tween a fan of the sci-fi  amazing stories from another world? How about royalty from another planet? Well they are going to love the action and adventure. From secrets to war, this book is filled with adventure, so much that you will not want to put this book down. Will Essie trust the right people? Will she get the help she needs? Make sure to pick up a copy of Stitching Snow and find out.  This book Stitching Snow may not be out until October, but it will be worth the wait, be sure to add this book to your wish list.

Stitching Snow – October 14, 2014 by R.C. Lewis- Princess Snow is missing. Her home planet is filled with violence and corruption at the hands of King Matthias and his wife as they attempt to punish her captors. The king will stop at nothing to get his beloved daughter back-but that's assuming she wants to return at all. Essie has grown used to being cold. Temperatures on the planet Thanda are always sub-zero, and she fills her days with coding and repairs for the seven loyal drones that run the local mines. 

When a mysterious young man named Dane crash-lands near her home, Essie agrees to help the pilot repair his ship. But soon she realizes that Dane's arrival was far from accidental, and she's pulled into the heart of a war she's risked everything to avoid. In her enthralling debut, R.C. Lewis weaves the tale of a princess on the run from painful secrets . . . and a poisonous queen. With the galaxy's future-and her own-in jeopardy, Essie must choose who to trust in a fiery fight for survival. 

So if your tween is looking for some great reads this summer, be sure to check out these great books. I am sure they will love these fun and interesting books.

Are there any must read books out there for your Tweens?


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received the books above to review.  No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Janel said...

Oooh, love the Disney books. We liked listening to the audio book of Hoot! It would be a good read for a tween.

Jenni E. said...

Ohhh, these all look like great reads. I'm interested in that Disney book!! It looks really interesting!

Sarah said...

Great choices!! I'm not *quite at the teen years yet but Ive already starting collecting books for my daughter... I'll check these out!

Naomi said...

These all look like great choices, but my daughter just looked over my shoulder and pleaded with me to get The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince. I guess I'll have to break down and get it...

Naomi said...

They all look like great choices, but my daughter just pleaded with me to get The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince. I guess I'll be getting that one, at least.

Courtney B said...

the beast from within looks good !:) you love disney thats why i love your blog! so magical!

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