“This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Febreze. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine."
I decided to have a few of my friends
over for an impromptu movie night, it's not often we have the time to
get together and just hang out and enjoy each others company.
Needless to say I was running around the house getting things ready
and thanks Febreze Noseblind all the various smells from the various meals
desserts and popcorn that I popped for that night that were
magically eliminated from my house and it went from smelling like a
restaurant to a clean and inviting home.
It's amazing how quickly Febreze works and how it eliminates odors quickly. You know how popcorn can smell... it can be mouthwatering or.. not as inviting sometimes... thanks to Febreze was gone. The house was smelling great so the last thing on my list was to freshen up our poor couch, this couch has been through a lot namely our daughter going from a toddler to a big girl. This poor couch has been abused and I gave it a little TLC with Febreze fabric refresher and my milk and soda stained couch while still looking beat up didn't smell beat up. But it also didn't smell like I just ran around like a headless chicken either.
It's amazing how quickly Febreze works and how it eliminates odors quickly. You know how popcorn can smell... it can be mouthwatering or.. not as inviting sometimes... thanks to Febreze was gone. The house was smelling great so the last thing on my list was to freshen up our poor couch, this couch has been through a lot namely our daughter going from a toddler to a big girl. This poor couch has been abused and I gave it a little TLC with Febreze fabric refresher and my milk and soda stained couch while still looking beat up didn't smell beat up. But it also didn't smell like I just ran around like a headless chicken either.
It smelled fresh and not so chemically that you get nauseated from it. Clean and fresh and ready to just relax with the girls for the night. I invited a few friends from work to come over and relax, this was the first time in our home, and I wanted to make sure there there were no undetected scents in my home. Did you ever hear of Noseblindness? Well this is a nasal condition where you become accustomed to smells in your home, to you your home just smells like “home” but to others it might smell like food, dog, or who knows?
Something that we become is noseblind
to the smells that are in our house, they're normal to us but might
seem odd to visitors. It's kind of like when I was a kid and I would
go to my grandmother's house it smelled odd to me because I came from
a house that had smokers in it, so going to a non smoking house
smelled really odd to me. I became so accustomed to the smell in my
house that my nose was blind to it and thought any smell that
differed was odd. Febreze Noseblind eliminates these odors and just doesn't
mask them. Masking odors isn't helpful, eliminating them is. Like I
said I've been cooking and baking an awful lot these past few weeks
and add to it burning the first batch of popcorn my house had several
odors going on and when my friends walked in they only noticed how
fresh the house smelled.
What they eventually learned was that
Febreze helps with noseblind odors and how I was able to eliminate
them and how easily they can eliminate like odors in their houses.
After making some more popcorn we took a survey and talked about what
noseblindness is and how to not just mask odors but to eliminate
them. We're all moms and are busy with the family and cooking and
pets and our houses might stink and we don't even notice it because
we're used to the smell. We had a lot of laughs talking about stinky
houses and what we can do to get rid of the smell. Don't get used to
the smell of your house eliminate them and only notice how refreshing
your house smells. With warming plug ins, sprays and candles Febreze
knocks the smells out of your house and opens up your nose to
smelling what your house should really smell like. Be sure to check out Noseblind.com for more information.
Be sure to stay social with Febreze and follow Febreze on Twitter and like Febreze on Facebook
Be sure to stay social with Febreze and follow Febreze on Twitter and like Febreze on Facebook
The generous folks at Febreze are giving one of Susan’s
Disney Family readers a chance to win a Febreze prize pack! The pack includes:
$60 American Express gift card.
1 Febreze Air Effects
1 Febreze Fabric Refresher
1 Febreze Fabric Refresher
1 Febreze Noticeables with refill
1 Febreze Candle
Buy it:
You can purchase Febreze products at your local supermarket, or
big box store.
Win it:
One winner will win a
Febreze prize pack, pack includes $60 American Express gift card and Febreze products.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
I'd like to get rid of bathroom odors.
i would have to say dog smells
i would like to get the odors out of my carpets
Right now we are painting and I would love to get rid of that smell
I'd like to get rid of the damp, musty smells in our basement.
I want to get rid of my dog smell
bathroom odors, random french fry smell in my car (even though there are no fries!) and puppy smells!
With two pre-teen and teenage boys bouncing on the furniture, I need something to freshen and get rid of that boy smell.
I would like to get rid of the dog odor in my house.
I would like to get rid of kitchen and pet smells.
I want to get rid of dog smell.
I would love to use febreze to get rid of pets odors in my carpet and left in my furniture.
Pet smells mostly.
I would like to get of the pet smells in my home.
Cooking odors and carpet odors.Febreze is great for making everything smell fresh!!
My kids have 2 cats and although I keep the litter boxes changed, I feel there are lingering odors
I would like to get rid of diaper change smells.
I want to get rid of dog and cat odors with the Febreze!
All the animal smells from the dogs
We cook a lot, so food odors are probably the worst. We make tuna melts just about every day and those cans really give off a strong odor. :)
my husband smokes and would love to get rid of that i love the christmas scents! and the new summer scents
Dirty diaper smells, garbage smells and my son passing gas :(
I would like to get rid of the smell of mildew in our basement closet.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I'd like to get rid of pet ordors
I would like to get rid of kitchen trash odors and cat litter box odors.
I have precious furbabies that I love dearly but need to control their smells;)
Oh for use it would be the dog odors!
We could use some help with our litter box smells.
thank you
I would like to get rid of the dog smell that always seems to linger in the house.
I'd use it on trash can odors.
The smell I would like to get rid of with Febreze is my pet smells in my home.
I would use this to get rid of pet odors.
litter box odors would be first
I would like to get rid of cat box odors and teen boy odors.
I would use Febreze to eliminate litter box odors.
I would use Febreze to get rid of all the lovely gym smells, such as dirty socks and sweaty clothes.
I would like to get rid of the litter box smell.
I'd like to get rid of pet odors.
I use it on the throw rugs in our house to keep it smelling fresh!
I need to get rid of pet cat smells, with three of them I need all the help I can get.
i would like to get rid of dog smells
I need to get rid of the litter box smell.
Def the smell of mould
I would love to get rid of some of the animal pet odors and also some of the smells left over from cooking!
Bathroom odors would be the main sell to be rid of.
catbox odor be gone please!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
I also want to get rid of bathroom odors. Specifically right after bathing my dog.
I want to get rid of my dog smell. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
I would like to get rid of trash and cooking smells.
I would like to get rid of our litter box smell
We have a new puppy that we are house breaking so she has accidents. I want to make sure that she is not stinking up the house. Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
Stinky baby diapers
I would like to eliminate dog odors. We have two big ones!
i would like to get rid of some bathroom smells
that cat box smell - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
the smell from the trash cans
I'd like to get rid of the smells from my dogs.
I would like to get rid of smelly diaper smell .
Cooking odors and musty basement smells.
I'd like to get rid of dog smells.
The smell of the kids gym bag...YUCK!
I would like to get rid of musty dog smell!
i'd like to get rid of dirty laundry smell with febreze!
Pet smells from the past owners of the house.
dirty diaper smells
The smell of my 4 cats and 3 dogs love to try it
I would like to get rid of the smell from the deep fryer.
Febreeze rises to various challenges - we often need help with pet or basement odors.
all the sports related odors that comes with grandkids and sports equipment
I have 2 ferrets... that's all I need to say lol, I do clean the cage every other day but still stinks
I need to get rid of food smells. I cook a lot of foods rich in spices, onions and garlic.
I would like to get rid of the smell of my puppy dog.
I would like to rid my house of the fish smell from cooking and the pet smells.
My hubby's stinky dirty smelly work boot smell after he has been working in the hot sun all day long.
I'd like to get rid of odors associated with my 2 cats
I love to use febreeze fabric refresher (and other febreeze products) to help get rid of the smell of my husbands hunting clothes. His hunting gear literally smells like dirt, because he wears a dirt scented musk while in the woods to prevent game from smelling him. It stinks up the whole house! No one wants their house to smell like ACTUAL dirt lol!
I have 2 cats. Need I say more?
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
smelly carpet and shoe smells
We always get the pet odor eliminator. I pet sit dogs and rabbits so we really use it a lot.
I would like to get rid of that wet dog smell.
I'd like to get rid of the odors from our 3 pets.
I can't lie...my own gas.
We have 2 litter boxes. I clean them daily but the smell lingers!
I have cooking smells that I would like to get rid of often!
Unfortunately, the smell of my 13 year old son
I would like to get rid of pet smells or bathroom smells!
Cooking odors, trash can.
I hate the oil smell from a deep fryer.
I'd like to get rid of the dog smells and the litter box.
I would like to get rid of that cat litter box odor. By the time I actually notice it must be really bad to others
I need to get rid of the litter box smell.
I would love to get rid of the wet dog smell.
It has rained here a lot this summer and with my dogs going in and out to the restroom I can smell wet dog.
I want to get rid of our garbage smell!
I would like to get rid of the damp basement odor
I would like to get rid of pet smells.
jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com
I would love to get rid of the doggie smell in my house.
I would like to get rid of litter box odors.
I'd love to get rid of cat smells!
We have 2 cats and each one has their own litter box -- THAT'S the smell we need to get under control!
I would like to get rid of my husbands smelly shoes with febreeze!
I would love to get rid of wet dog smells with Febreze.
I would like to getrid of kid smells
We have 2 large dogs, and we already use Febreez to control odors.
I would like to get rid of pet odor in my house
My biggest odor problems are my two big dogs and two smelly little boys.
I'd love to get rid of stinky teen boy smell!
i would like to get rid of kitchen odors
bathroom smells!
With two dogs and two cats I would say it is pet odors.!!!
I want to rid the kitty litter box odors.
instagram ID gmrich22
i would like to get rid of odor from the cats
I would love to get rid of our pet odors.
I would like to get rid of fish odors!
I would like to get rid of garbage odors with Febreze
I want to get rid of pet odors.
Pet smells, more specifically cats.
I'd love to get rid of the lingering smells in the kitchen from cooking with strong spices!
Geoff K
gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com
we go fishing a lot so the fish smell & wet dog
I would like to get rid of the kitchen garbage pail.
id love to get rid of cat box odor
Dog smell
I have 2 dogs, 2 birds and 3 kids so I have lots of smells to get rid of
I would like to get rid of the litterbox odor
I need to get rid of my new puppy pee smell.
heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com
Doggy smells
Dog and food smells
I would love to get rid of the dog odors in our home
Julie Hawkins
Cat litterbox odor! sleveene@hotmail.com
I'd like to get rid of my recycle bin odors.
I would like to get rid of cooking odors.
I need to get rid of the litter box odors
instagram ID gmrich22
I would like Febreze to eliminate litter box odors in my home!
skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
I'd like to get rid of stinky sock smells! Lisa L tylerpants(at)gmail.com
I want to get rid of litter box smells
I would like to get rid of my dogs smell.
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
I do not like the pet odor. My house just smells like dog. Thank you
Dogs smell
I would love to be able to get rid of the never-ending litter box smell!
I would like to get rid of pet odors.
We have a dog... I'm sure we could get rid of some of those odors!
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