Monday, July 28, 2014

Don’t wait for the Truck... Go to your local Walgreens and grab a cool treat! #IceCreamRun

This is a post is sponsored by Global Influence, all opinions are 100% my own

Warm weather is here and with it comes plenty of occasions to cool-off and enjoy some sweet frozen treats. Sure we all love that little bell jingle that comes down our streets that announces it is time for a sweet treat…… But why wait for the truck? Stop by your local Walgreens for a fun sweet treat instead.   
My family and I made an ice cream run recently at Walgreens, we stopped by our local Walgreens and were amazed at the selection of sweet frozen treats. The treats included, Unilever favorites such as Fruttare, MAGNUM Ice Cream, Popsicle, Breyers, Good Humor, and Klondike, and much more! Great for a hot summer day!

My daughter was so excited, she ran to the frozen section and just was ready to shop for some sweet treats! One of the first items she grabbed was the Good Humor classic , the favorite Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake bar, featuring Cake-coated artificially flavored vanilla light ice cream and a strawberry-flavored center....It really tasted like a slice of cake with whipped cream. What is better than enjoying a Strawberry Shortcake!

Fruttare, a refreshing and delicious fruit bar made with real chunks of fruit. My family and I were able to check out the strawberry milk bars, and we were very impressed.
The bars were smooth, and sweet a nice strawberry flavor. The bars had just the right amount of strawberry, not over done at all (I have had similar bars in the past that were overly filled with strawberry’s and full of seeds) they were refreshing and delicious. Great for snacking on my the pool in the summer heat.

I have loved Klondike stickless ice cream bars ever since I was a little girl.  This is a treat that really brings me back to being a kid. Back in those days there was one ice cream flavor for the Klondike bars… vanilla…. Now there are so many great flavors, there is a flavor for everyone. We had so many flavors to choose from but what did we choose…. Well vanilla… sometimes the basics are the best. These treats are so loved, and in my opinion much better than the truck treats. 

Summer is going to be over before you know it, enjoy the warm weather, and the summer fun while you can. If you are looking for a sweet ice cream treat, don’t wait for the truck, just stop by your local Walgreens for an amazing amount of sweet frozen treat  and great price options that the whole family will love! Ice cream makes the perfect treat for any night of the week with no need to chase down the ice cream truck. Ice cream makes any night a party!

Is there a cool treat you would like to try at Walgreens?


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions .  I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


VickieC said...

nice to know where to get a cool treat,,we don't have ice cream trucks near us anywhere

VickieC said...

we love to get vanilla ice cream from there

Ashley S said...

Personally I love the Magnum bars!!

mail4rosey said...

Frozen treat shopping is the best kind of shopping. I didn't realize there was such an array of choices at Walgreens!

Unknown said...

I wish we had a Walgreens here, those Fruttare bars look delicious! Our nearest Walgreens is over an hour away.

Mandee said...

Oh how I wish there was a Walgreen's closer to home! I have seen many great posts about coupons and frozen treats lately. Yummy!!!!

Scott said...

Our Walgreen's has the Twix ice cream bars on sale the other day for $1/each. Much cheaper than the ice cream truck and one of our favorites!

Lena B said...

You had me at ice-cream - such delicious selection!

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