Monday, June 23, 2014

On set at, the HUB's Family Game Night and Interview with host, Todd Newton and Hub Network's VP Ted Biaselli, #FamilyGameNight

*** This trip was provided by the HUB. I received an all-expense paid trip to LA, courtesy of The HUB. My opinions are 100% my own and have not been influenced in any way.***

On our recent trip to Los Angeles thanks to the HUB Network we had the chance to see an episode of Family Game Night being filmed. That was something I've always wanted to see done, I've always wanted to be a part of a studio audience and getting the chance to finally be in one was a dream come true and it didn't disappoint!

Family Game Night is a really cool and wonderfully fun show on the HUB Network, Family Game Night is hosted by Todd Newton who is an Emmy Award winning host and getting to see him do his thing in person was very cool and getting the chance to talk to him on a more personal level was even better. It's easy to see why Todd is an Emmy Award winner, he's easy going and doesn't act like he's bigger than the show. He lets the show and most importantly the families involved in the show be the stars. 
On the show that we saw being filmed we had the chance to see some of the games we love such as Jenga,  Bop It, Monopoly Remix, Barrel of Monkey's and Battleship. Watching those games being played live as opposed to watching it on television was a wonderful experience. 
After the taping we had the chance to sit with Todd and ask him a few questions and to get to know him a little better. It seemed that most of the bloggers kids did the question asking and that was fun, Todd being a father himself handled it like a champ! 


The kids asked him about his favorite Family Game Night game (Bop It), if he was rich (he skated around that question with the precision of a Olympic champion) but he did say that if you're happy and healthy then you are truly rich. We found out his favorite color is blue and that he loves to wear dark blue shoes on the show because they appear black on camera and it gives him the chance to let him wear his favorite color. 

Todd talked about living outside of Boston and flying to LA to do the taping and that a whole season of shows is taped in a couple of weeks. Todd also told us about his involvement with Soles4Souls and helping the children in Haiti get proper footwear. What I loved most was that Todd seemed like a genuine person, he was just a normal family man and it comes across and that is also why he's a wonderful game show host. After our chat we were given a tour of the studio by Executive Producer Kevin Belinkoff and that was a real eye opening experience.
Kevin let us loose in the studio somewhat and we had the chance to interact with the props used for the games and like a moth to a flame we all ran over to the Bop It game and had at it! It was so much fun getting to interact with a game we see on TV and get the opportunity to actually touch it and see what the contestants have to deal with. 
Kevin was a great tour guide and a very engaging man, he took us on a tour of the production truck and we got to see the nerve center of the show and in there Kevin mentioned that they filmed a show with wrestlers...or WWE Superstars and my husband being a wrestling fan had to ask who it was....I can't say who but you won't be disappointed! 
Kevin mentioned about not being able to refer to them as wrestlers and being the resident know it all my husband informed him why that was. I can't believe because of my blog we got to do all of this, this was so fun and I can't begin to thank the HUB Network enough for this opportunity. They really treated us like stars.
Later in the day we had the chance to eat with Ted Biaselli and Joanna Dodd Massey. Joanna is Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications and Publicity and Ted is the Vice President of Programming for the network. This was a great opportunity to get to talk with the people who make what we watch happen. Both Joanna and Ted were really great and were a blast to talk to. We talked about everything from shows to earthquakes and Ted's love of collecting action figures. Ted told us about his mother's first experience with an earthquake after he moved her out here from South Philadelphia and right on cue my husband piped up with "from what neighborhood?" And right in stride Ted answered.... It is such a small world! It was equally nice to have that connection with Ted.
During our dinner we were clued in on what to expect in the coming month's from the HUB and I have to tell you that it's all very exciting. From Kid President to a new show called Parent's Just Don't Understand the shows they are coming up with are unique, creative and just flat out good. Patent's Just Don't Understand is a wife swap like show where kids swap places with their parents just so they can better understand what each other really have to go through in their lives. It gives both adult's and kids a better understanding of each other and will be an eye opening show. Again I can't thank HUB enough for what they did for us, they really rolled out the red carpet and treated us like VIP's. 

Family Game Night Sundays at 7pm ET  6pm CT

Emmy® Award-winning host, Todd Newton, is your guide during this hour of action, strategy, and teamwork. Featuring classic game night games, only bigger, better, and more exciting! Watch weekly as families come together to compete for points, prizes and a chance to make a withdrawal from the Crazy Cash ATM machine!
Action-packed life-sized Hasbro games viewers love including JENGA, BARREL OF MONKEYS, MONOPOLY Remix, YAHTZEE, BATTLESHIP, CONNECT 4 Basketball, SIMON FLASH, OPERATION, SORRY! and BOP IT! Boptagon. Every family that participates on “Family Game Night” plays in the Community Chest round. One lucky family with the combination that opens the chest advances to the final MONOPOLY Crazy Cash round and has a chance to win cash and a new car. 

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Hub Network's "Family Game Night”  is on Sunday nights at 7pm ET  6pm CT

Are you excited for the new season of Family Game Night, or the new shows coming to the HUB?

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Masshole Mommy said...

What an AWESOME experience. That show looks like so much fun!

CindyWindy2003 said...

Kids love this show and want to be on the show and win some money.

Unknown said...

wow that looks like so much fun! I've always wanted to go on a game show!

April Golightly said...

SUper cool. It looks like so much fun.

Mama to 5 said...

We watch this show on t.v., what fun show and an amazing experience that you got to go!

Adaptable Kay said...

I don't have cable so I can honestly say I've never heard of this show but after reading all about it and your adventures, it sounds like so much FUN! What an awesome opportunity for you and your whole family :)

Jennifer said...

What a great trip to take with the family! It sounds like you guys had a ton of fun. I remember watching Todd Newton on Whammy. He's great.

Unknown said...

I seriously need to find how to watch this tv show! It would be so much fun to check it out! It looks like a TV show our entire family can enjoy.

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

We love watching this, especially the kids. what an amazing experience that must have been!

Aimee Smith said...

This looks like a blast! I bet your kids were in heaven!

Janel (A Mom's Take) said...

How cool is this. Looks like you and your family had a great time. What a fun thing to get to experience.

Unknown said...

With all the far less desirable shows on TV now, it is so refreshing to watch a show like Family Game Night. This is an experience that you and your family will not soon forget. Good for you.

Cheap Is The *New* Classy said...

Oh my goodness! What a fun experience. :)

Pam said...

How great that you and your kids got to go! Todd does seem like a really nice genuine person!

Unknown said...

I've never heard of this show! I'm totally jealous of your amazing experience, though!!!

Ann B said...

I love this post. It looks like you and your family had so much fun. A behind the scenes tour sounds so fun!!!!

Brett Martin said...

Wow, that looks like an absolute blast! My family would get a kick outta that!

Frugal and Fun Mom said...

This is so neat. What an awesome experience. I haven't caught the show yet but it looks like fun.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, what total fun for the whole family. I am so excited that y'all got to do this and share it with us. Thanks so much

NPC said...

How fun is this??? Looks like you and your family had a great time.

Tammilee Tips said...

Looks like a ton of fun. I haven't seen that game show before.

Julie Kieras said...

Oh my how FUN it must have been to see where all that action happens! I love board games! :)

Unknown said...

Wow! What an incredible experience for your family! Looks like you had a great time!

Unknown said...

I haven't seen or heard of this, but my family would love it. Thanks for sharing.

Debi said...

This would be so much fun. I bet the kids are still talking about it.

Creating, Cooking, and Kiddos said...

Wow! What an amazing experience!

Katrina Kroeplin said...

that looks like so much fun. I'm sure my daughter would love this.

Liz Mays said...

I have got to watch that show and see it from the TV perspective now that I've seen it from your behind the scenes perspective.

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