Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Looking for some fun for your little girl this summer? The Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania has some amazing camps they will love!

 In only a few days my daughter will finished with the third grade and we will be facing a dilemma we've been faced with for a couple of years now...what to do with a nine year old for the summer! I think we found the perfect solution for the summer via the Girl Scouts and their assortment of summer camps. The Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania operate six campgrounds across nine counties and these camps aren't your run of the mill camps either.
 If you're wondering you don't have to be a Girl Scout to attend their camps, the camps are open to all girls ages 5 t o17 and are both day camps and overnight camps. Camp is great I loved it when I was a kid and by the looks of the camps offered by the Girl Scouts my daughter is going to have a great time.

The overnight camps are Camp Laughing Waters in Gilbertsville, PA., Camp Mosey Wood in White Haven, PA., and Camp Wood Haven in Pine Grove, PA. These are traditional camps that offer all of the activities you would expect from a summer camp such as swimming and archery (4th grade and above) hiking, cookouts and arts and crafts to name a few.
While Laughing Waters and Mosey Wood offer your traditional sleeping arrangements Wood Haven has a “Choose Your Own Adventure” program that allows the girls to live in a tent or an Adirondack shelter or (my personal favorite) a tree house with beds and mattresses! I wish I had the opportunity to do this when I was a kid....I mean who wouldn't want to sleep in a tree house?!

The day camps are Camp Mountain House in Allentown, PA., Shelly Ridge in Miquon, PA., and Valley Forge in Valley Forge, PA. These camps offer the same traditional camp activities as their overnight counterparts but what makes these camps a little different is that they have themed weeks where the girls get to pick what interests them the most and focus on that for the week. Some of the themes to choose from are Budding Artists where art is the main focus. Healing Helpers where first aid and helping those in need is the focus. Pottery Princess where the girls get to make and take home pottery they've made. Fresh From the Garden where gardening is the focus. Scene Stealers this is for the drama princesses in your life. And Glamour Girls where the girls get to create their own make-up! These are just a small sample of the many different themes you have to choose from. And the part that I love the best is that there is a bus service meaning all we have to do is get her to the bus stop making life a little simpler for us.
My daughter will be going to the Glamour Girls week and is looking forward to making her own make-up but it wasn't an easy choice so many of the camps looked interesting and she really had to think about her choice but she's very happy with getting the chance to learn how to make her own make-up. From 8:30 am to 3:30 pm for a week in August I don't have to worry about what my daughter will be doing with her time, it will be filled with activities and lessons that she'll carry with her for the rest of her life. I look back fondly at the time I spent in camp when I was her age and I hope she gets all she can out of this I'm a little jealous I'm too old to go myself!

These camps sound like so much fun! If you are looking for activities for your little girl this summer be sure to check out these great girl scout camps, here is some more great information the 2014 Camp Guide  is a great resource! 

Have you ever been to camp? Do you have any favorite camp memories? 

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions .  I will receive a week of cam for posting. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Masshole Mommy said...

I was a girl scout when I was a kid, but we never did anything that fun!

Style, Decor & More said...

Awwww. I was a girlscout too! But like Masshold Mommy said, we never did anything that fun! hee-hee! Wow! Would I love to be a girlscout today! Thanks for opening my eyes! :)

Jennifer S. said...

I never did anything like that as a kid. It probably would have done me a world of good. Looks like a ton of fun!!

Unknown said...

I wanted to be in girl scouts just to be in something like that! This Glamour Girls week I am totally checking out!!!

Ellen said...

I was a Girl Scout for many, many years. When my daughter was younger, she was too. Definitely great memories!

Mama to 5 said...

Looks like they offer a lot of great activities during the summer, lots of fun!

Liz Mays said...

I'm not a camp person because the outdoors at night and me do not get along. However, my kids seem to enjoy camping just fine. They both did a little scout camping as kids!

mommymandy said...

I never went to camp. My daughter just got back from Junior jam with her troop. Sad that she wont be doing Junior Jam as a camper but she can help out as a Cadette next year!

jen temcio @dapperhouse said...

I think summer camp is an essential experience for kids. I went to girl scout camps and have lasting memories but also lasting character, pride, and life lessons.

Frugal and Fun Mom said...

My son has been to camp before, but only a day one. I always wanted to be a part of the Girl Scouts, and this looks like so much fun!

Janel (A Mom's Take) said...

When I was a kid I went to Girl Scouts and went to a camp for the day. I had so much fun. I really want to get my children into this.

Unknown said...

This looks so fun for kids. I dont know if my daughter is ready for camp but it is fun.

Dawn Lopez said...

I kind of want to go back in age just so I can attend one of these camps. LOL They look like so much fun!! I remember being a brownie but never reached girl scout status.

tm said...

My sister went to Girl Scout camp when we were younger. I was so jealous because I didn't get to go. It looks like a lot of fun.

Debra P said...

I remember having fun at summer camp. This one looks like it has wonderful activities!

Pam said...

I was a girl scout and spent a lot of time at summer camp. It was a lot of fun.

Amy Desrosiers said...

My kids would love to go to camp and this looks like a great place for kids.

Debi@The Spring Mount 6 Pack said...

I never went to a camp when I was a kid but this looks like fun

Ann B said...

I've never been to summer camp. I would love to try zip lining!

Kathleen said...

My kids and I attend Girl Guide camp every year, it's tons of fun. Like your Girl Scout camps, they don't have to be a member to attend. I fully support Girl Guide and Girl Scout camps.

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

My daughter is a girl guide, I need to look into summer camps for her. She loves guiding and they do some wonderful things with the girls - great experiences!!

Tammilee Tips said...

The day camps look like fun for the girls!! I bet that will be a great experience for your daughter!

StacieinAtlanta said...

I remember doing this as a little girl and it was an amazing experience. My son is currently on a Boy Scout retreat...hopefully the girls will be able to do something like this as well once they get a little older.

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