Monday, June 23, 2014

Do: More because Degree MOTIONSENSE™and your team won’t let you down!

Summer is here, school is out it is time to prepare for vacation and of course summer means it is time for to cheer on U.S. Soccer! Are your family soccer fans? I know we can't get enough of this exciting game. Ever since my daughter discovered her love of soccer after seeing her cousin excel in the sport.. we have all become big fans. For World Cup Soccer games, we are planning to have a few family get togethers to cheer on the USA and have some good of fashioned family fun. 
To make the World Cup even more exciting this summer, Degree Men and Walgreens are celebrating and cheering on U.S. Soccer!
Degree with New, Improved MOTIONSENSE™ has been developed to meet different demands for men and women, responding to your body to keep you feeling confident and cool for up to 48 hours. Do More this summer with  Degree  MOTIONSENSE, the only antiperspirant that releases extra protection when you move. 

Degree Men is the  Official Deodorant of U.S. Soccer, and Degree wants to reward fans who Do:More with a great offer.  
All you have to do to get this great offer is, head in to Walgreens 6/29–7/5 and get 1,000 Balance Rewards points when you buy 2 Degree Men Deodorant products. What a great deal, do make sure to do more and head to Walgreens and get this great offer. 

Are you following the US World Cup team?

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


akronugurl said...

yes i have i love soccer

Unknown said...

I'm heading to Walgreens today actually so I'm going to have to grab these! Hubby loves this deodorant and I love using the Balance Reward Points towards diapers! :D

TheSuburbanMom said...

I love Balance Rewards Points at Walgreens - great deal.

Unknown said...

We love soccer here! I need to get this!

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

I'm following a little, but not much compared to people I know. Some are stopping on the side of the road to watch on their phones!! lol

Maureen Fitzgerald said...

We have only watched the games the USA has played in. e were never really into soccer until this year!

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