Saturday, June 7, 2014

Check out a Madeleines #Recipe from DreamWorks Pictures' THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY #100FootJourney

  Are you a foodie? A chef at heart? Well one thing I love to do is cook! I love to experiment with flavors, and try new recipes. Have you ever dreamed of opening a restaurant, well you are going to love the upcoming movie The Hundred Food Journey.
In “The Hundred-Foot Journey,” Hassan Kadam (Manish Dayal) is a culinary ingĂ©nue with the gastronomic equivalent of perfect pitch. Displaced from their native India, the Kadam family, led by Papa (Om Puri), settles in the quaint village of Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val in the south of France. Filled with charm, it is both picturesque and elegant – the ideal place to settle down and open an Indian restaurant, the Maison Mumbai.
The Hundred-Foot Journey - Trailer

                 Check out this yummy recipe from The Hundred-Foot Journey

THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY arrives in theaters everywhere on August 8th!

Are you a foodie, and is this your type of movie?

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1 comment:

VickieC said...

no not a foodie,,im not sure I even know what that is,,but I don't think this would be my cup of tea,,but id watch if given the chance for free

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