Monday, May 26, 2014

Walgreens Clear The Voice, purchase any CLEAR SCALP & HAIR™ product and get 2 Free song downloads!

 This post is sponsored by Global Influence, all opinions are 100% my own.
Are you a fan of The Voice? We are huge fans, for us it is the perfect family singing competition show.  I love that the contestants are judged on their voice, not their look, or their age, or any physical attribute. The Voice is the most important part of a singing competition right? We have been fans from the very beginning, first I was a huge fan of Adam, being the best judge… then I had to give it to the ladies, Shakira, and Christina, they all knew talent when they heard it… 

But overall my favorite judge has to be Blake Shelton, he seems so genuine and sincere, just like an old friend, he seems like he would be just like this in person just a great guy. He has an ear for talent, and it shows.  The contestants that have caught my eye this year are,  Jake Worthington’s rendition of Heaven gave me goose bumps! He is going go far in country music, he is born to sing!  Christina Gimmie, Apologize was my favorite song of the season so far, as soon as I heard it I was ready to go out and buy the single, I was sold!

Much like the contestants we want to put our best foot forward, who doesn’t want to look their best? For me my hair is a big part of my outfit, I want it to look healthy and vibrant every day. And CLEAR SCALP & HAIR™ is a product that is right up my alley! If you like CLEAR SCALP & HAIR™, you are going to love the  great promotion going on now from Walgreens and CLEAR SCALP AND HAIR™. This year let your hair perform for you! CLEAR SCALP & HAIR™ will make your hair beautiful and resilient by deeply nourishing your scalp. Just like the most talked about show The Voice, CLEAR SCALP & HAIR™ will give you the confidence you need to feel, look and perform your best! 

And now, head into Walgreens from 5/1/14–7/27/14 and purchase any CLEAR SCALP & HAIR™ product and get 2 Free song downloads (while supplies last). 

The download instructions will be right on your receipt! Why not get hair care you love, and get some free songs you love! Be sure to take advantage of this great promotion from 5/1/14–7/27/14!

 Do you have a favorite judge or contestant on The Voice?

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Masshole Mommy said...

I actually don't watch The Voice (I know, I am the only one lol), but Adam Levigne is pretty nice to look at ;)

Amanda said...

I love Clear Hair Care. It smells so good and it's all I use.

Eat To Live said...

I haven't tried the Clear Hair Care but love anything that smells great. It seems the older I get the more help my hair needs.

Susanna Barbee said...

I do not watch The Voice, but I have a lot of friends who are fans. I may have to start next season!

Kecia | From Mom's Desk said...

I have watched The Voice here and there - Love me some Adam!! I haven't tried Clear hair products though.

Casa Vilora Interiors said...

I don't really watch the Voice except when my fellow Jamaican Tessanne was on. I like Adam and Blake if I had to choose

Unknown said...

I love Adam Levine. No- like REALLY love him! He is my celebrity crush and he can do no wrong- well...except that horrid bleach job on his hair recently!

Unknown said...

Back off! He is all mine:)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I haven't watched the Voice in forever...but I'm loving the idea of this...since having my last daughter, my scalp has been super dry.

Janell said...

I lvoe the Voice. I really love Blake and Adam - I feel like I am watching a comedy.

GayNYCDad said...

If there is a coupon involved, I am happy! We have a Walgreen's on the corner so this is perfect!

krystal said...

I have used Clear before and had good success! Love this promo. Thanks for sharing!

Jenni E. said...

You know, I have heard a ton of good stuff about this brand but I haven't tried it yet! I need to though. As far as my favorite judge, I'm pretty much in love with Adam. Until he dyed his hair blonde. Uhh uhhh...nope. Much better with brown hair!

debdenny said...

Clear hair care sounds neat. Nice deal for download.

Jeanine said...

Oh how fun! I'm not a fan of the voice don't think I've ever watched but this is great!

Unknown said...

I love this deal, especially for The Voice Fans! I'm a huge fan of Usher as judge :)

mail4rosey said...

That is a good promotion. I haven't tried it, but this is a nice incentive to pick some up!

Unknown said...

I will be trying Clear, I love my hair products and this one is new to me.

Unknown said...

I really like the voice, though I forgot to watch last season. Usher is my fave!!!

Onica said...

I havent watched the voice in a while so not sure who my fav judge is. But this is still a good promotion. Maybe I'll tune in again.

StacieinAtlanta said...

We love the Voice! They really had some fantastic talent this season.

Kiittäkää Aina ja Kaikesta said...

I wish I could have a hair like that! I really like Voice also!

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