Thursday, May 1, 2014

Support America's Farmers families #AmericasFarmers

This post was created in partnership with America's Farmers. All opinions are my own.

  Photos are from Americas Farmers
Farms and farming in general are a vital part of our country, without  America's Farmers  dinner wouldn't be as good as it is. As a little girl I remember going with my parents to a local farm/orchard and seeing how everything worked and remembering that the produce and baked goods we got from them tasted so good and fresh and that has stuck with me all these years.
I was reminiscing about those days when I was reading about the Pistorious family from Blue Mound, Illinois. They're farmers and they grow corn, soybeans and organic popcorn. 
They're farmers with a twist that I find fascinating. They take a traditional trade and apply a new school twist, they use programming to autosteer their tractors to devices that collect data about each individual acre of land. These improvements mean that the Pistorius family can grow more with less environmental impact. 
That's an amazing thing, to be able to get more out of your land without harming or striping it. To be able to use modern technology to be able to be more efficient is a great thing and I can only wonder how technology will effect farming in the years to follow.

What lead me to the Pistorious family is what they grow, corn, soybeans and organic popcorn. And after hearing their story and seeing their farm I couldn't help but be drawn to them not because of what they grow but who they are. As a city girl, I'm fascinated by their lives and how different we are but how similar we are in our core values. These are things that are important to me and to the Pistorious family and having a connection there just makes me want to support American farmers even more.
I love cooking and I love trying new things and thankfully my family is willing to go along with some of my concoctions and they're generally met with good results. I'm absolutely in love with corn, I could eat it until it comes out of my ears.....pun intended! And soybeans are a major part of our diet in a different way than you might think. 
 I live with two lactose intolerant people, both my husband and daughter rely on soy milk since regular milk is a no go. The Pistorious family like many families that farm are a vital part of our country and do wonderful things to make our lives and food better. Good products make for good food and the best products in the world are grown right here and there isn't anything better than supporting our farmers, you support America by supporting our farmers.

Check out my American Farmers Pinterest board for some great recipe ideas with the crops these great farmers provide.

How do you relate to  America’s Farmers? Do you try to buy fresh produce when you can?  


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions .  I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Masshole Mommy said...

I always buy local produce from the Farmer's market. It's fresher. It goes bad faster, too, but I like that it's not shipped from god knows where.

Jennifer S. said...

As soon as the farmer's markets start coming around I am there! I love to support them whenever possible!!

Sippy Cup Mom said...

Thank you for sharing this story, I love knowing where my food comes from. We always try to buy straight from farmers.

Unknown said...

Great feature. I frequent our farmer's market. Farm to table is best!

Unknown said...

I love the picture of the "baby corn." I have been wanting to take my kiddo to a farm so they can see that food does not originate at a store.

MommaDJane said...

We love buying local grown fresh produce from our community. It is so much healthier. Soon we hope to grow some of our own.

Scott said...

We're in John Deere country and it is amazing to see the progress technology-wise that farming has made over the last decade. It hardly seems like 'work' any more with all the automation!

daisy said...

I love visiting farms and getting fresh food. Just checked out your Pinterest board and it is really cool!

Lou Martin said...

I'm glad you did this post because I was just discussing with Mr. M how we need to buy our food from the local farmer's market. I can trust that the farmer's didn't put a bunch of chemicals in it.

Unknown said...

I love this post. I go to local Farmers Markets for most of my veggies and fruits and feel like that is a step in the right direction

Theresa Mahoney said...

I like shopping at the Farmer's Market, or we even stop at the roadside stands during the summer. Last year Groupon had a bunch of offers for 1/2 off local farmers produce. I was bummed when they sold out, so hopefully we will be able to get in on the deal this year.

Unknown said...

This is a fabulous post. I love local farmers. So cool to feature a family and show how they are committed to farming for generations.

MrsAshley said...

I always try to shop at farmer's markets when I can. I love to support "the little man" and farmers are hardworkers that I greatly admire!

Mama to 5 said...

That is an awesome post. There used to be so much farming around me but the farmers sold it all and now it's residential.

Jenn@Sweet T Makes Three said...

I try to GROW my own produce when I can. ;) That's not happening this year though so I need to scout out some local farmer's markets.

Erica said...

I come from a long line of farmers- though the farms eventually went away. This post is so wonderful! I definitely support our local farmers and prefer to buy all of my produce locally after growing what I can myself.

BrettBMartin said...

we support local farmers whenever possible. we have to. and by we i mean all of us.

Amanda A said...

I love finding local farmer markets to buy from.

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Thats awesome, very high tech! We will be starting our first herb garden after our fence is finished!

Dawn Lopez said...

I love buying fresh produce, now that it's spring I am feeling even more motivated to create fresh recipes using different fruits and veggies!

Meagan Ivie said...

I come from a long line of farmers! My husband spent a lot of his childhood working on a farm and LOVED it!

Melanie said...

Aww thanks for sharing, what a wonderful post. I'm all about the farmers and love to buy fresh produce that is grown local, head to their fields for pick your own days and create delicious dinners with my yummy fresh fruit..thanks for sharing

Dawn Lopez said...

Isn't that so cute! I definitely think a trip to a local farm is in order for us too!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

I wish there were more farms close to me, because I'd prefer to buy from them! I do like that one of our product markets purchases many of their products from local farms.

Unknown said...

This is such a great story! I try to go to a lot of the local farms and farmers markets here on Long Island. It's so important to support them and keep them in business!

Jenn said...

Wow, I had no idea that there even WAS organic popcorn! I thought it was just made from regular corn...I obviously know nothing about farming. ha ha!

Unknown said...

I'm a farmer's daughter. I highly relate! I definitely buy fresh from farmers whenever I can!

Michele said...

I live smack dab in the middle of farm country & I LOVE it! We have access to so much fresh fruit, veggies and meat, it's amazing!

Jaredamy said...

I am all for supporting the American Farmer, but I do not support Monsanto.

NPC said...

I buy local, organic and grow what I can. :)

Unknown said...

I agree. This story is beautiful because you know where your food is coming from. I can't wait for more Farmers Markets this summer.

Jenni E. said...

We buy everything that we can locally as far as produce, meat and dairy. It's hard sometimes, especially when things go out of season. Living in a very rural area, we have lots of farmers and even quite a few in the family. We support them every chance we get!

Shell said...

What a great story! I try to buy local produce as much as we can.

Unknown said...

I love this piece. Makes me proud of my family history and teaching my kids to garden.

Unknown said...

Living in Iowa, we have a lot of farmers and farm families. We try to be local as much as we can to show support.

James, Davis, and Associates Test said...

Like many people, I enjoy buying food from local farmers' markets because the quality and taste are so much better than what is available in the supermarket.

Pam said...

My family used to farm, but most of them are out of the business now. I still try to support farmers by eating locally and shopping at farmer's markets when I can!

Unknown said...

Mmm, I love corn too! What a neat looking family, and a great organic farm!

Kristen @ My 3 Little Kittens said...

Loved seeing the old photos especially!!

Kristen @ My 3 Little Kittens said...

Loved seeing the old photos especially!!

Jenn @ The Rebel Chick said...

There are no farmers in my family. I do prefer fresh product when I can get it, but I'm a bit picky about where I get it from.

Casa Vilora Interiors said...

Farmers do not nearly get the recognition they deserve. I try to support local farmers as much as I can

Unknown said...

I love the new campaign to remind American's what the concept of farm-to-table really means. I love the photos you have in your post!

April said...

I always try to buy fresh. I don't like preservatives.

Cheap Is The *New* Classy said...

We definitely try to buy fresh produce from local growers at the Farmer's Markets and flea markets. It's generally cheaper, too.

DeDa Studios said...

I live in a farming community - amazing people! It is so important to support your farmers in all ways!

Rachael Ebner said...

I do try to buy fresh produce when I can. There is a farmer's market just down the street from me that I go to.

Tracey said...

Thanks for sharing this story. Farmers are awesome and deserve more recognition!

mail4rosey said...

My son has a little girl in his class who has a dairy allergy. Not sure if that's the same as being lactose intolerant, but come snack time, it's sometimes hard to find a kiddo favorite that doesn't have a dairy product in it!

krystal said...

I love getting fresh produce from the farmer's market. Tomatoes are especially expensive at the grocery store so I always try to get them local.

Autumn said...

It's so amazing to hear about all of the advancements that have been made in agriculture over the years. The tech side of farming is really neat! We started our own veggie garden, and while it is on the small side, we do get great pleasure of watching our seeds grow into food.

Unknown said...

I love supporting our local farmers when I can. Fresh farmer's market produce is amazing!

Pauline Cabrera said...

Beautiful shots! I prefer buying products from the farmer's market as well, since they're usually fresh!

Chelsea Olivia said...

I like to shop at farmers markets whenever possible! In summer, I always purchase my fresh berries and other fruits from roadside farmer stands :)

Cam | Bibs and Baubles said...

So cool to learn more about the families who grow our food! We do buy fresh produce from the farmer's markets in the area.

StacieinAtlanta said...

My son wants to be a farmer. He is fascinated by growing things. We try to buy local as much as possible.

A Mom's Take said...

Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of fresh corn grown around here. Lots of fruits, though. I love getting fresh citrus, especially.

Unknown said...

We go to the Farmers Market every weekend and have our own little garden too!

Cassie Tucker said...

We try to buy fresh fruit and veggies whenever possible. I wish there were farms around us that participated in those "subscribe for farm veggies" programs.

Dina said...

I just got done planting my garden. I still buy from farmers markets too though.

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