Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Look at your reflection and smile back inspire each other this Mother’s Day!

 This is a post is sponsored by Global Influence, all opinions are 100% my own

When you think of beauty what comes to mind? Do you think of beautiful models, or beautiful landscapes? What defines beauty for you? For me when I think of beauty I think of love and caring. For me beauty comes from the way you act the way you treat others show how beautiful you are on the inside. When you are beautiful on the inside, you radiate beauty on the outside. When I was growing up my mother always told me to hold my head up high, and believe in myself. 
We are all different, but learn to love your differences, and know you are beautiful. My mother was always there to bring me up if I ever felt low, with her words or her actions. She knew the importance of self-esteem and made sure I believed in myself, and I am so thankful for this. I now want to make sure my daughter grows up to believe in herself and is confident, in her beauty inside and out.

Self-esteem is so very important, when you believe in yourself you can do anything. For Dove and Walgreens they believe, in building positive self-esteem and inspiring women to reach their full potential, acknowledging that beauty is defined in different ways. I love the current Dove campaign, ”Dove: We see real beauty, so should you.” This is so very inspiring, I love it.

Life is short, make sure to capture your beautiful moments! Dove wants to give women everywhere the tools they need to inspire each other and to take action. What is a beautiful moment? Well it can be as basic as encouraging someone special in your life, or supporting an organization that can use your help. Every moment can be beautiful, in its own way. For Mother’s Day, this year Dove and Walgreens are committed to showing the mothers in our lives something special. Visit the Walgreens Facebook page and create your customized Mother’s Day photo!

Be sure to check out the great, Walgreens Facebook Mother’s Day sticker app 

Walgreens offers, great products at a  great value, and now they have some great sales on Dove. Buy any Dove® products at Walgreens from 4/27/14 - 5/31/14 to take advantage of a great deal! Buy 1 get one 50% off. What an awesome deal!  Purchase 2 participating Dove products and receive a promo code on your receipt to redeem a Free 8x10 collage print! (Offer valid with Balance Rewards card 4/27/14–5/31/14.) Use your promo code on your receipt to redeem your Free 8x10 print!

What is your definition of beauty?


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


JewelWood said...

I am going to have to get some of these Dove products that are on sale right now at Walgreens. I love Dove Products. My definition of beauty is the persons character from the inside. When we love ourselves we will reflect love to others. We must accept ourselves for what we look like, who we are and by accepting ourselves we accept others.

Jennifer S. said...

I love Dove products. We have been using a variety of their items lately and really notice great results on our skin.

Unknown said...

My definition of beauty comes from the inside. Giving, caring, loving. =)

Kathleen said...

I think of natural beauty in the world, like nature and animals. I love Dove products, so soft and they do a great job of marketing.

Janice said...

Beauty is everywhere if you look for it. It's in the tears of a new mom who sees her baby for the first time, in the trees in the wind, in the laugh of a child...everywhere.

The Rebel Chick said...

I love Dove products, I actually just bought some of their hair care stuff yesterday! I love their initiative to show real beauty. My definition would be anyone that is happy. :)

Kristen @ My 3 Little Kittens said...

Always been a fan of Dove products! Having a positive self-esteem changes everything!

MommaDJane said...

My definition of beauty is someone that is beautiful on the inside. Kindness speaks miles.

Kelsey Apley said...

I love Dove and that is a good sale too!! Can't pass that up!

Pam said...

I love Dove products and their advertising campaigns. I think my definition of beauty is something that comes from inside and having a good attitude. Being kind.

DesiredOne said...

I have some dove coupons so this deal sounds like a winner to me. I use Dove body wash everyday!

Unknown said...

This is such a beautiful program to push for more self confidence in woman and to understand beauty is more than just skin deep; but more about you as a person.

Angela S said...

You are so right. Self esteem is so important and I didn't have much of it for a long time. I'm so glad for the confidence I have now. Great campaign!

jen temcio @dapperhouse said...

I 100% support Dove for Inspiring and Empowering women. . . but also I use it because the scent is amazing and it leaves me soft and clean :)

Heavenly Savings said...

That is a beautiful photo of your mom and you!

Heather @ It's A Lovely Life! said...

I love how my skin feels when I use Dove products. So clean but so soft too! My definition of beauty is a really happy person!

Jaredamy said...

Beauty is the way you act and treat others. You love and personality makes you a beautiful person!

Mama to 5 said...

LOVE this brand! I use it frequently and I love the results!

Unknown said...

Love and caring come to mind when I think of beauty as well. Inner beauty is the most visible kind!

Dawn Lopez said...

Love this, I definitely have a challenging time trying to realize my own beauty. It's not all about looks...I always try to teach my son to look for inner beauty too!

Ellen said...

What a great contest. Beauty is being comfortable and confident with who you are.

Marina@EBMR said...

A radiance that comes forth from a beautiful spirit within :)

Liz Mays said...

What's inside absolutely takes over anything on the outside. It's the beauty within that matters!

Melanie said...

I love Dove products, that's the only brand I can use on my skin... and they always have amazing campaigns for Mom's and anything else in our community... they are truly a great company all around. thanks for sharing this post...

Kristin said...

I just love everything about Dove and Beauty Is! My skin just loves Dove too!

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