Monday, May 5, 2014

Diego’s Potato Chips Caution: their contents are hot AND flavorful! #Giveaway

 Do you like it hot? Do you enjoy when your snacks have a nice kick? Well you are going to love Diego’s Potato Chips Caution: their contents are hot AND flavorful! Here is a little more information about the great chips from the website:

 Open Road Snacks™ (formerly Rocky Mountain Popcorn), a leader in the better-for-you snacking category, is proud to announce Diegos®. Meet Diego’s Chips: the bold, hot and spicy chip that’s positively brimming with the authentic flavors of the Southwest.  HOT is HOT!!  With popular ethnic favorites of Habanero and Red Chile flavors, Diego’s Chips are a must-have addition to every convenience chip set.  Hot enough to make your taste buds represent—with a fiery spice blend that redefines the borders of great taste.  Caution: their contents are hot AND flavorful!

 My family and I were able to check out 2 spicy flavors from  Diego's

 Habanero Potato Chips - IRico, Suave! Meet Diego’s Chips: the bold, spicy snack that’s positively brimming with the authentic flavors of the Southwest. Hot enough to make your taste buds represent—with a fiery spice blend that redefines the borders of great taste.

 Red Chile Potato Chips - Rico, Suave! Meet Diego's Red Chile Potato Chips: the bold, spicy snack that's positively brimming with the authentic flavors of the Southwest. Hot enough to make your taste buds represent-with a fiery spice blend that redefines the borders of great taste.

 My family loves snacks, chips especially. When you're craving something with a little salt kick the best thing to quench that need are chips and if that chip happens to have a nice kick to it well that's an even better thing.  Diego's Chips are just the chip we were looking for and we didn't even know it! A box of Red Chile and Habanero chips arrived at my house and they've been the go to snack for us. 
The Diego chips really are hot and flavorful, they're not so hot that you can't enjoy them, they're the right amount of flavor. We gave a couple bags to my brother and when we saw him this past weekend he was asking if we had more because he is hooked on them.

There are a million chips and a million flavor combinations out there, but what sets Diego's apart from the rest of the field is that they are flavorful and when eating a snack that's really what we all want. Who wants to eat a flavorless snack? If you're allowing yourself a treat why do it with something bland when you can do it with something grand? When craving something delicious that has a little kick to it reach for a bag of Diego's chips and enjoy.

The generous folks at Diego’s are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance to win a Diego’s prize pack! The prize pack will include 2  bags of each flavor of Diego’s Potato Chips. Would you like to win? Please let me know who would love to try these fiery chips? There are also other ways to enter, please enter below.

  Buy it:

You can purchase these hot and tasty chips online

 Win it:

One winner will win a prize pack that includes 2  bags of each flavor of Diego’s Potato Chips

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Em Mahr said...

I would love the spicy chips! I love all spicy food and have a slight addiction to chips

PAIGE said...

I'd love to scarf the red chile.

Halation said...

My husband and I adore spicy things!

Anonymous said...

I know my kids would LOVE the chips!

VickieC said...

me of course,but my 2 grown sons an 2 of my son in laws would love them too

Unknown said...

My husband loves spicy snacks.

Unknown said...

My dad he LOVES spicy foods.

mecarolks said...

I'd like to share them with my husband.

Susan Christy said...

My co-workers - we love the spice in our office.

Susan Christy said...

My coworkers....we love the spice in our office.

Charles Burbridge said...

I would love the spicy chips!

Ann Fantom said...

My husband and daughter would love Diego's spicy chips.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My daughter will love DIEGO's chips.

BowieTip said...

I'd love Diego's Chips served with plenty of cold Mexican beer.


kyl neusch said...

love to eat um!

1froglegs said...

My kids and wife are not too fond of spicy things, which means I would get to enjoy these all to myself.

DesiredOne said...

I would love the spicy chips!

Lauren Olivia Wood said...

I would love these spicy chips!

Denise S. said...

My whole family would like to try them, even the kids.

Unknown said...

My husband would love to try this product

Serena said...

I would love to try them. I absolutely love spicy foods.

Serena said...

I would love to try them, I am a huge fan of spicy food.

heymissvirginia said...

My son and I would love these chips. We are the spicy lovers of the family.
heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My dad would love these chips I hope win this one.

Kristen said...

My best friend likes spicy stuff the most.

Marianna said...

My husband would like them - he loves all things spicey!

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

Of course me, and me and me! Sure my hubby would also if I actually saved him any! LOL

Debby said...

My hubby would love these chips!

Unknown said...

Let's be honest - I'd probably eat them all myself - I love spicy food!

sweeps9854 said...

I would love the spicy chips! My family would also :)

Unknown said...

I'd stuff these in my mouth!

bbrittbrat1398 said...

My husband would love these.
Brittney House

Renee B. said...

My husband loves spicy food!

squiresj said...

my husband and my oldest daughter's father-in-law
jrs362 at Hotmail dot com

thin again said...

My cat and I!

Unknown said...

My hubby-to-be loves everything spicy. He would love the Habanero flavor.

Unknown said...

My son and Husband would love them.

Debbie Ritenour said...

My husband and I would love these spicy chips!

Karen said...

I believe that I would. Hubby would try them as well.

katie klein said...

My husband he loves spice!

Jim said...

i would enjoy these chips

SexyBrat said...

My fiance would love them.

Nicole C. said...

My husband and son would love these spicy chips!!

Erica C. said...

I would love them.

Unknown said...

I would love them. I love spicy foods.

billwinsbig said...

Both my wife and I would gobble these up..

Robin T said...

My son loves to get hot chips.

Tammie Venne said...

I would love to try them, they all look so yummy

Jen said...

I would love them.

diesel51 said...

My wife, me and my daughter would love these.

Sky Evans said...

My mom would love this.

susan1215 said...

My husband and I would love these spicy chips

Allisha Gold said...

My brother would love these chips! :)

Heather B said...

My boyfriend is the spicy lover in our house!

a_ski25 said...

I really enjoy anything spicy.

Unknown said...

My hubby enjoys spicy foods.

Allison said...

I know my family would love these!

Anonymous said...

My husband and myself!

Jessica said...

My husband and I would both love them!

alona y said...

My husband would love these and he's always wanting snacks and chips.

Kathy P said...

I think my whole family would love them :)

sue14625 said...

I would i love trying new foods and like spicy foods both sounds really good

Jessica Rose said...

I would love them! I'm a big fan of all things spicy.

Unknown said...

My husband would love Diego's spicy chips :)

Unknown said...

would love to share these with son in FL.

susansmoaks said...

my husband and i would love these spicy chips!

rlbouch said...

My whole family loves spicy :D

Angela M said...

I would! I love spicy anything.

kris Mihalov said...

My boyfriend would love these, he loves spicy foods!

MELINA said...

My husband loves spicy so he would love these chips.

Breanne said...

My husband

Susan Climan said...

My husband! He loves potato chips AND anything spicy.

Tylerpants said...

This would be great for my hubby! Lisa L tylerpants(at)

Buddy Garrett said...

I would love these chips.

trixx said...

I would love to try these!

Nine said...

Everyone! We all love spicy chips. lexbaylor27 at gmail dot com

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