Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Creator of Domo Debuts Creative and Educational Komaneko eBook, and great Discovery Kids items!

Are you looking for a fun app, kids will love? An app that will get their mind thinking, as well as having fun? Well you and your kids are going to love this Educational Komaneko eBook! Here is a little more information about this fun app from the site: 

Komaneko: The First Steps - the- the critically acclaimed animated short film from Tsuneo Goda, creator of the lovable pop culture sensation Domo - has been adapted in a new eBook that will charm, entertain, and educate kids in a truly innovative way.  Komaneko is a clever and creative cat who is planning to shoot a stop-motion movie all by herself. 
Watch and read the story of Komaneko as she creates her first movie, and the magic that happens after she is done.  Komaneko is a heartwarming and stunningly beautiful eBook and an educational tool that will show kids how to make their own stop-motion animations through a Movie Maker feature. The eBook also includes interactive content, personalization tools, games, and puzzles. Komaneko appeals to children of all ages and is now available on iTunes and Google Play for $3.99.

In the past few months our daughter has developed a loved to making her own little stop motion movies. She'll take her dolls and Lego figures and make her own little movie that she films using her Nintendo 3DS. I'm actually quite surprised at how good she makes them and I know that stop motion videos are something she's really into so when the chance came up to check out Komaneko Kideo app for the iPad I knew she'd be interested in it.
Komaneko is like my daughter with one exception....Kmaneko is a cat! But Komaneko is making a stop motion video all by herself and the story lets you follow her along and watch her make her movie. It's like they captured my daughter turned her into a cat and put her in this app!

 She loves the app and the story because of the connection it makes with her, but I'm sure if she never filmed a stop motion movie herself she'd love this app because the animation is amazingly cute and the story is fun, the movie was made by someone we're familiar with in this house Tsuneo Goda, the creator of Domo. If you have a kid you know who Domo is!

The animation, the story, the fact that you can use the app to make your own little movie this app has it all the keep kids occupied but not mindless entertainment this is a learning app as well. They'll be able to read along with the story and thus helping them sharpen their reading skills. This is the kind of app I love for kids because like I said earlier it's not a mindless app, this is a very helpful fun filled app that will bring your kids hours of fun like it has mine.
Speaking of great gifts for kids, a place I love to look for unique and fun gifts for kids is Discovery Kids. They have a lot of great gifts that are not just fun but also educational, but not to the point where kids will get bored with them and not like them.
We just received a Discovery Kids- Fairy Tale Princess Canopy  that hangs above our daughters bed, she's getting older but she still loves to pretend she's a princess from time to time and I'm holding onto these moments like grim death because they are few and far between now. Something else we received was something I think is really cool a 3D book the brings learning to life. 
This is great for kids who are just learning to read, it really makes reading more interesting and won't give them a chance to get bored. The 3D glasses and and stickers really make the book come to life and will keep kids occupied for a while. Discovery Kids has a wide variety of ideas for kids of all ages that are not only educational but full of fun that will keep kids entertained for hours. These aren't the gifts that wind up in the back of the toy chest collecting dust!

Be sure to check out the great Komaneko Kideo app and the fun Discovery Kids toys

Would you kids like to check out the Komaneko Kideo app?


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Just Short said...

This looks like a great app for kids! My niece is 2 so not quite at this age yet. I can't wait to see what great apps are available when she is a few years older.

Nikki said...

This looks like such a cute app. Domo is adorable, but I really love Komeneko!

Victor Goguen said...

Finding ways to get kids to read more is great. Make learning fun!

LisaLisa said...

I have never heard of this app before. Looks like something my young kids would enjoy and yes my kids love Domo too. lol I'm all for educational apps and eBooks.

Simply Being Mommy said...

I think my youngest child would really like it. Thanks for sharing.

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