Sunday, May 18, 2014

Check out the X-Men: Days of Future Past FREE poster & Movie Ticket #Giveaway

This is a post is sponsored by Global Influence, all opinions are 100% my own 

May 23rd is a long anticipated day in my house, why is May 23rd anticipated you might ask? It's the release date for X-Men Days of Future Past! I knew years ago when I first started dating my husband he was a geek and he sucked me right into his world over the years and I now have an appreciation for all things geeky. Even our daughter who's been slowly moving away from princesses and moving towards the Marvel heroes is looking forward to seeing Day of Future Past. 
The arguments that have over who is better is rather funny...nothing like listening to  a grown man argue comic books with a nine year old. That said, the X-Men are a favorite of my husband and he's passed his love for them onto us, from books to toys and video games and even clothes our family is obsessed with the X-Men and we're really looking forward to a family day out to see X-Men Days of Future Past on May 23rd.
If you can’t wait for the movie’s release, then visit a Walgreens near you for an exclusive X-Men: Days of Future Past Axe® gift pack with a FREE movie poster inside! Enter your zip code into the store locator below to find a Walgreens near you.


Giveaway is open to US residents only and will end on May 30, 2014 at 11:59PM EST. Enter below using the rafflecopter form.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions .  I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Unknown said...

We are looking forward to the Wolverine character. (Love Hugh Jackman) also my son love anything superhero.

VickieC said...

my two oldest grandsons are wanting to see this movie,so ill guess ill take them

Anonymous said...

My husband and four boys are so excited to go and see this movie.

Kimberly said...

My daughter is looking forward to this movie. She is a big Wolverine fan.

Debby said...

My son is looking forward to this!!! :)

Shooting Stars Mag said...

I am totally ready to see this one. It looks great!

@meandthemush said...

The X-Men movie is the perfect excuse for a much needed date night. We are both fans & with all the reviews the anticipation the growing.

Unknown said...

My son and I are wanting to see the movie, we are HUGE wolverine fans :-)

Allison said...

I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie! I've seen all the other X-Men movies :)

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing it with my grandchildren Rosanne

DesiredOne said...

My husband is the one who wants to see X-Men.

steve weber said...

Ive seen the others, would love to win so I can see this one!

nydia said...

My son and hubby are anxiously waiting for this!!!

Bebemiqui said...

my son and I are looking forward to seeing this movie.

CindyWindy2003 said...

Both my boyfriend and I are looking forward to seeing this movie, thanks!

kim keithline said...

My son wants to see this movie really bad and is driving me nuts to go see this movie

Michelle said...

My younger brother really wants to see this movie.

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

Me and my hubby are looking forward to seeing the Xmen!

Things to Do Now said...

My husband. He makes me listen to him read X-men comics aloud a alot. To say he is an Xen fan is an understatement!

imaclutz89 said...

My fiance really wants to see this movie! And I love Jennifer Lawrence, so it's a win win!

Sara Wood said...

I want to see this movie!!

Lisa said...

My boyfriend wants to see this.

Amanda said...

My Dad would love to see this. He is the one who actually told me they were coming out with a new movie first. I would surprise him with these tickets for father's day... hope my husband would be okay with giving them up though. lol

Let's Grow said...

My fiance is looking forward to this one! I think it's just because she thinks Wolverine is hot though haha

Unknown said...

My mom would love to see this. We've been seeing all of them together since the first one.

steph j said...

my husband and i

Anne said...

Me! I'm looking forward to seeing this movie. I've seen a lot of clips on talk shows, and it looks really good. Great cast!

Candie L said...

My entire family is looking forward to watching this movie. Thank you


Breanne said...

I definitely am!

Ronald Oliver said...

Me, my wife and stepson are looking forward to seeing the new X-men movie.



Vikki Billings said...

My fiance and my son are looking forward to seeing this movie!

cassandra marquez said...

I would love to see this with my boyfriend.

Unknown said...

my children would enjoy it a lot :) thanks for offering

Anonymous said...

Hurray! Thanks so much, can't wait to see this movie!!

Aura R

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Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions, . No compensation was received. All opinions are my own. This is a unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.