Thursday, April 24, 2014

Star Wars Weekends Disney World Solo trip Behind the Force: Star Wars Voices #Starwarsweekend #Disney #Travel

Thinking about our upcoming trip to star wars weekend, here are some favorite highlights from last year’s Star Wars Weekends.

The shows were great Behind the Force: Star Wars Voices gives you the chance to see what it's like being a voice actor for the Clone Wars cartoon. Once that show ended I rushed outside the theater to get back into line for the next show Stars of the Saga. This show is more of an interview type show and we got to find out how both Jeremy Bulloch and Ray Park got their parts in the movies and what being in the movies has meant to them and their careers. 

That show ended and I was rushing from the theater to the line once again to see a Visit to the Maul with Ray Park. Ray Park shows you what it was like playing Darth Maul, he goes through a martial arts demonstration complete with weapons and acrobatics that leave you speechless. The man is simply amazing and this show is a great one to see. Again the show ends and I'm headed back into another line to see Obi-Wan and Beyond with James Arnold Taylor.

 This show was stunning, words can not express how talented a voice actor James Arnold Taylor is. He gives you a glimpse into the life of a voice actor and does in the neighborhood of 200 or so voices from Obi-Wan to Christopher Walken to Michael J. Fox and Fred Flintstone. Those are just a small sample of the voices that you'll hear, this show isn't to be missed it was that good and most impressive. After another 13 hours or so in the park I was toasted between Friday and Saturday I spent more than 24 hours in the Studio's surrounded by my people Star Wars geeks. I took it easy Sunday and went to the Magic Kingdom to ride Space Mountain and Pirates. Magic Kingdom was crowded again but being the veteran that I am I was able to get past the crowd and get on to Space Mountain quickly. 

The people didn't realize that if you go into the Confection shop you can get to the end of Main St. without having to deal with the massive crowd, I zipped past them all in a matter of seconds took a short cut through the Noodle Station to get past a few more people and made it to Space Mountain. Space Mountain still makes me feel like a kid for some reason this ride makes me laugh with joy, I'm not sure how many times I've been on it but it still brings out the kid in me and never gets old. And my first car first seat streak still lives which is important to me and I will make sure to get the same spot in few weeks when we head out to Disneyland. 

I know people say you have to experience Space Mountain from the last seat but I love experiencing it from the front it's the only spot I've ever sat and I'm not about to break my streak! This was the first chance I had to ride Pirates since they added the Mermaid to the ride, you hear the Mermaid's singing and it adds an eerie feel to the ride then you see a Mermaid skeleton and that just completes the scene. I like the touch it was done well and adds to the ride. Now if they could put another drop in and make it as good as Disneyland....oh well, I still like ours.  

More to come! Stay tuned!

Susan S. Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Sky Evans said...

This looks so cool! I love star wars.

VickieC said...

what fun,,my grandsons would love this,,they are huge starwars fans

DesiredOne said...

I love reading about our rush from one to other. I am so like that too. Such a neat way to spend your day.

Sara said...

This sounds like a very fun event

lgothard said...

I was looking to see when we were going to head to Disney and I saw that they have the Start Wars weekends the first few weekends in June. Even though we love Star Wars, I have girls, so we will probably not go those weekends!! It does look fun!

poor_salieri said...

This sounds so awesome. I recently got to go to DisneyLand in CA and ride the updated Star Tours. So Fun!

sheila ressel said...

What a fun time! Reading this makes me want to go to Disney World again real soon.

@flowerseazas202 said...

There are a couple of Star Wars fans in our family that would love to see this. We LOVE Disney. Thanks for the post!

Unknown said...

What a cool experience for you! :)

Anonymous said...

This looks like so much fun for the entire family I love star wars.

April Crisafulli said...

This looks great! Star Wars is such a fun thing any age would love.

lgothard said...

We thought it would be fun to go to Star Wars weekend, but we didn't make it this year!! Looks awesome!!

Unknown said...

Looks like it was a lot of fun. It would be hard for me to travel solo but good for you!

PoniLinda said...

Hi Susan, I know you are Disney pro. What do you think about park memberships? Worth investment?

Susan said...

Annual passes are expensive! You need to be sure you are going to be at the parks for many many days, or a local to get your $ worth.

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