Monday, April 21, 2014

Planes Fire & Rescue - Print & Play fun activites!

    My family and I were huge fans of the original Disney movie Planes! What is not to love, adorable character, brave and courageous characters, and must like every Disney movie this has laughs for the kids and for the adults so the little kids, and the big kids (my husband and myself) can enjoy the movie together.

  It is almost time for this fun movie to hit theaters, the summer will he here before you know it, and so will this great looking movie. Here are some great activities and fun to have with the kids.
                 Download Print & Play Activities
PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE opens in theaters on July 18, 2014!

Are your kids looking forward to Planes Fire & Rescue?


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KathleenKL said...

We can't wait to see this movie--thanks for the printables--perfect for today-since my sonny boy is "bored" LOL thanks

Maria said...

My nephew is 2 years old and would love this film!! My son is a little too big for the toys but perfect for the movie.

Just Short said...

This looks like an adorable addition to the Disney line up of movies. Disney is really brining out some great animation.

Unknown said...

Thank You so much for these! The boys have been anxiously waiting to see this since they saw the movie trailer. It looks awesome, yet another Disney favorite!

Claudya Martinez said...

Oh yeah, this is the perfect film for us to check out this summer. My girls will love it.

Unknown said...

I am sure my grandsons would like to see it. My youngest daughters son absolutely loves fire trucks, so this would be the perfect movie for him!

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