Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lets not tinker around! We have some great questions here, a Q&A with The Pirate Fairy filmmakers #Piratefairybloggers

****Disney provided  an all-expense paid trip for me to cover this great event
Pictures provided by Disney. All opinions are 100% mine. ****

I have loved sharing my journey with The Pirate Fairy Bloggers, during this great event, not only did we get to do an interview with  filmmakers from frozen we also were able to chat with the producer and director of the newest Disney Fairy movie, The Pirate Fairy. Peggy Holmes, Director & Writer of “The Pirate Fairy” and Jenni Magee-Cook, Producer of “The Pirate Fairy”.

After watching the great new movie “ The Pirate Fairy” in the movie theater in, Disney’s Toon Studios (the same theater where they would debut the movie to Disney high executives) some fellow bloggers and I were able to have a great Q&A with the filmmakers. We all talked about the great new Disney fairy movie, and the newest fair addition… Zarina.  These two ladies were so sweet and personable, it was like chatting with some  good friends.  Here is a sampling of the great Q&A session we had together:
Question: Here's is my question about the little crocodile guy...mommy was the one fairy buy then they switched powers who will he go to? Will he sad?

Peggy Holmes: It will always be Rosetta because that's who he imprinted was important to John Lassiter that he imprint and that we use the idea of imprinting...Rosetta will always be his mommy. John Lassiter encourages us to do research and it's a true fact that imprinting is true.

Question: How involved is John (Lassiter) in your process?

Peggy Holmes: We do a lot of research and we like things to be authentic, a baby croc looks similar to the movie croc and this is what we presented to John and John was like it needs to be cuter, we need to make it like a toddler with big eye's. Bruce Smith did a drawing and it got closer and Ben Abraham drew the croc that we ultimately went with.
Question: I'm going to ask this from the perspective of my daughter how does James understand what Zarina saying because to everyone else she sounds like a bell but to him she speaks normal, does he really understand her?

Peggy Holmes: I think he spent a lot of time with her, so just like Peter Pan understands Tinker Bell, James understands Zarina.

Question: Was it a conscious decision to make movie more appealing to boys?

Peggy Holmes: No, the decisions come from what kind of story we want to tell. I wanted to tell a story about a girl who made a mistake and I love the idea that she made this really big mistake and when she realizes it she really tried to right her wrong. And she doesn't expect to be able to come back to Pixie Hollow and she was ready to find a new life for herself.

Jenni Magee-Cook: We had meetings with all the directors and we were talking about how are we going to tell this story... 2 hours go by and we had that moment of AHA! And John Lassiter came up with pirates and that's how he came up with the general idea.

Peggy Holmes: Where should she go? I kept wanting her to run away from home and John went BAM! We could introduce a young Captain Hook.

Question:  Is there going to be one with Peter Pan?

Peggy Holmes: We have to find a story we want to tell.........we're excited about where things are going but...

Question: You talked about the design of Zarina and coming up with a new fairy...

Peggy Holmes: The first drawing her did of her was super sweet but I wanted her to have a vulnerable side...but she was just too sweet and we couldn't believe that she could run a pirate ship. She's actually about an inch taller than Tinkerbell, she's more athletic and she needed to be a little tougher because of being a captain of a pirate ship. I wanted her to have more hair, a beachy California swept look... People love to be pirates….
According to Yuriko Senoo the  Animation Supervisor on The Pirate Fairy, “Peggy Holmes she used to be a dancer/choreographer she was perfect for pirates song and dance sequence”. The animators used the movements of the director to get the idea of how the characters should dance in this scene.

Jenni Magee-Cook: She wasn't living in Pixie Hollow and had no organic material, all she had was plundered and stolen material on the pirate ship. He belt was a watch band and her sword was a hat pin …. It was fun being able to utilize new materials. And Christian….was AWESOME! Came right from the runway to being able to design a six inch fairy...

Question: Is she (Zarina) going to stay the way is… like a pirate?

Peggy Holmes: I'm dying to create her Pixie Hollow outfit! There is no way she's going to totally stay a pirate and I want to create her new look...I'm hoping so much she winds up in another movie and even if I'm not directing it I'm going to put in my two cents.

Question: I really enjoyed when you were talking about switching their talents, I enjoyed watching them learn how to use their new powers and how did you decide what fairy got what talent?

Peggy Holmes: What would be the worst possible talent to give them and that's how we decided. They also had fun setting up shots and finding interesting places for the fairies to hide...

Question: You guys seem really enthusiastic and energetic about working with fairies and left no stone unturned...

Peggy Holmes: It was really a fun project. I can't believe they pay me to come here!

It was great chatting with these real, down to earth folks and seeing how the movies are made from concept to the actual production. This movie is especially great because, of the pirate theme, which appeals to both boys and girls.  I personally loved Disney’s The Pirate Fairy, and so did my daughter. In true Disney fashion, there are great characters, great animation and a fun story line the whole family will love. Make sure to pick up a copy of this fun movie, it would make an awesome Easter basket stuffer.

Buy it:
You can purchase The Pirate Fairy in stores now you can also buy this dvd online at Amazon. 


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


daisy said...

I would love to see this movie. I'm adding to our family movie list since I think that it will be a hit!

BrettBMartin said...

love the way they show how they draw character in these films. we are watching this tomorrow!

Liza @ Views From the 'Ville said...

What a great interview! I love how they've redone Disney Toon Studios with all the Pirate Fairy decor and items. That screened mast is amazing!

Stacey @ Cheap is the New Classy said...

Great questions! I love a good interview, and this one doesn't disappoint! I can't wait to see the movie!

Ellen said...

What a fun interview. I cannot wait to see this with the kids.

Mama to 5 said...

Looks like a cute movie, my daughter wants to see it. Great interview, what a nice experience!

Unknown said...

What an experience! I just love all things Peter Pan, Neverland, & Fairy! What a cute movie.

The Frugal Greenish Mama said...

I love all the behind the scenes info! Sounds like you had a grear rime.

Jennifer S. said...

I used to be obsessed with a game called "Monkey Island" and that skull reminds me of it. I really want to see this movie!! Looks adorable!

Jaredamy said...

Wow, how lucky were you to get an all access pass to behind the scenes?! I love seeing what went into making this hit movie!

Unknown said...

That is a great interview - the skills it took to draw the movie....amazing! Our whole family loved it!

Tammy said...

My niece desperately wants this movie. And hah! I had no idea the movie featured a 'boy' Cpt. Hook!

Liz Mays said...

I think they drew the characters perfectly according to their personalities. Love the big-eyed Croc!

Dawn Lopez said...

Aww this is so much fun! It must have been an amazing experience! I love getting to read all the fun interviews and things happening behind the scenes. Thanks for sharing!

Melanie said...

AWESOME..thanks for the behind the scene info.. we just bought the movie yesterday and can't wait for Family Movie night this weekend.. soo excited to watch this movie..

Pam said...

I love the little croc! It's so cute!

tara said...

Love this movie! Zariana is my new favorite fairy! Girl power! :)

Unknown said...

So fun! This movie looks so fun! My girls are super excited about it and really want to see it!

Unknown said...

This movie looks so fun! Thanks for this great review! My girls are so excited to see this movie! I better get out and buy it!

Melissa Au said...

This was such a neat opportunity interviewing them!

Mindy said...

Thanks for sharing this great interview. I can't wait to see this movie with my daughter.

Marina@EBMR said...

How interesting! I love the answers to the questions. Definitely makes the movie all the more interesting!

clc7pe said...

if this is as good as tangled, then I'm definitely in!

Doreen said...

Great interview, the characters look great!

Kimberly P. said...

Such an awesome opportunity to interview them!

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