Thursday, April 17, 2014

Easy at home doctor appointments with American Well #AmericanWell AD

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of American Well.
Spring is here, and with it comes nicer weather.. but it also brings colds, allergies and many other heath concerns. That is were American Well, fits in I've been suffering with a bit of an ear issues recently and it had gotten to the point where I needed to see someone about it. Normally you'd go to your family doctor to take care of your issues, but if your doctor is anything like mine it's just a major chore to get someone on the phone to make an appointment and if you're lucky the appointment would be within a few days, but sometimes it's a week or two away and not all that helpful. 
Once at the doctor, I'm forced to sit in a waiting room with sick people and sitting in a room with germs isn't a pleasant thought! You can sit there for an hour or so waiting to be called, once called you go into the back and go into another room and wait and wait and wait...another forty or so minutes go by and finally here is the doctor! A minute later you're leaving the office forty or fifty dollars lighter and hoping you'll get better.

I decided to do something a little more convenient, something a little more cutting edge and a lot more reliable than hoping my doctor could see me soon. I went to American Well where I was able to pick a doctor in the privacy of my own home and within minutes we were having a personal one on one conversation via webcam. I'm astonished by the fact I saw a doctor via my computer! It was quick and painless and within a few minutes of logging in I was have a safe and secure conversation with my doctor and she was able to diagnose me and send a prescription to my pharmacy!

I love the fact that American Well is always open—24/7, 365 days a year someone will be there to help. You will be able to have a doctor talk to you and help you out immediately. If you get sick in the middle of the night it's not like you can call up your family doctor to see you, but with American Well a doctor will always be there ready to help. Don't think of it as replacing your existing family physician, all that you talk about with your American Well doctor can be made available to your pediatrician or your physician and the cost is the same or sometimes less than your tradition in person visit. 
Having a tool like this is something we all need, having peace of mind that a doctor is a few key strokes away at all time is a wonderful tool to have in your bag. I would highly recommend American Well, it is a wonderful service that is a great help for a working mom like me. I will surely be using this service the future. With the cost of $49.00 for a physicians visit and $25.00 for a visit with a nutritionist, the cost is affordable, and even less than some copay's.
Would you like to try out this amazing service, and ask a doctor the questions you may have from the comfort of you own home? Well now is the time to sign up for American Well, if you sign up before the end of April, you can use the code SPRING for one free visit. Yes you can try this service fore free! The code is valid for one year (as long as you signed up by the end of April) there is no credit card needed, so you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I am sure you will love this service as much as I did.

Be sure to sign up for American Well, and enter the code SPRING for a free visit with a physician, or nutritionist. 

Would you like to go to a physician from your home? Wouldn't  this make life so much easier? 
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of American Well.

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions .I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Masshole Mommy said...

That is a brilliant idea and honestly, with all the technology we have these days, it's about time. What a convenient option to have at our fingertips.

Eat To Live said...

I hate sitting at the Drs office. They think their time is so much more important than our time. This is such a great idea.

Scott said...

Sounds like a great service. I may have to try out that promotion to get one call 'on the house'. ;)

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

What!? This is such a brilliant idea, I'm all for this - if only to not drag the kids out when they are well and to avoid that waiting room.

tammilee said...

this is a fantastic idea. i would love to be able to connect from home and not sit in the dr office

Marina@EBMR said...

Oh definitely! Anything beats the long waits in the doctor's office!

Home Cooking Memories said...

Well, isn't that cool? I love where technology is taking us. I would consider using this.

Ellen said...

Love that this is open 24/7. Sometimes you just have to have after hours care.

Tracey said...

What a brilliant idea! This is great!

Unknown said...

This is such a great idea. I hate waiting forever at the doctor's office just to be seen for like 5 minutes!

Unknown said...

This is a very convenient idea. What an amazing thing technology does for us!

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

I'm glad we are using technology to come up with cool things like this! I would totally use it!

Unknown said...

I agree. It seems like you always need your doctor the most after hours.

Kelsey Apley said...

That is the worst when you feel sick and have to get around to go to the doctor to be seen! I would love this!

Lou Martin said...

That's a great idea because I hate sitting at the doctor's office, especially around sick people.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness; I love this! I hate waiting rooms! The doctors are always running behind and yes; the germs all over the place is not fun! I love that you can see a doctor at home!

BrettBMartin said...

i'd gladly do it right now. i'm sick and miserable

Unknown said...

Wow, I thought for sure it would be a database of nurses, but seeing someone on a webcam is very cool! I love technology.

MommyB said...

What a convenient service! We usually go to the doctor for more major issues so I'm not sure this would work for us, but great for avoiding sickies etc.

Debra Rutt said...

Wow, that sounds like a great backup or alternative to a traditional doctor's visit. There are times I can't get in to see my doctor or I'm not really sure if something is serious enough to go see a doctor. This would be great for those times.

Pam said...

This is such a great use for technology! I love when technology makes people's lives easier.

Jaredamy said...

I LOVE this idea and wish more doctors did this type of service!! I would so use this!

Jennifer S. said...

So, I can stop scaring the heck out of myself by googling all my ailments?!?! LOL I love this idea!!!

Mindy said...

I am a stay at home Mom to an 11 month old, without a car most days. It's very hard for me to get out of the house for appts., so I would definitely love this service!

Sarah @ Must Have Mom said...

That's a great idea! How neat!

Unknown said...

Wow, this just sounds awesome, so you can have a Doctor answer your question 24/7? How cool

A Helicopter Mom said...

I love how technology is making life easier in so many ways. This is very cool!

Nicole B said...

That is such a cool idea. There are times I really should take myself to the doctor but don't because it's just too much hassle finding someone to watch the kids.

StacieinAtlanta said...

I hate the doctor reception area wait. This is a great idea!

Mama to 5 said...

This sounds great, I love how much you can do on-line!

Dawn Lopez said...

Wow! Okay, now that is convenient! I am kind of shocked, I am definitely going to need to bookmark this one!

Liz Mays said...

I think for certain situations that would be pretty darn awesome. It's such a timesaver too.

Unknown said...

I love this idea for a service and even would love it more in the middle of the night when my kid is screaming from an ear ache!

Pam said...

I bookmarked this and I know it will come in handy down the road. What a great idea.

Pauline Cabrera said...

Oh technology! Looks like a great idea. Don't really wanna go back and forth and wait for long hours in the doctor's office. ;(

krystal said...

Love how easy it is to do this online. Thanks for sharing!

Kristin said...

Wow! This is such a great idea!!! Why not do it online?

Shell said...

This really would make things so much easier! I'll have to remember this the next time I'm not feeling well.

mail4rosey said...

That's awesome that you can get one free visit. Thank you for sharing, and for sharing the code.

Casa Vilora Interiors said...

that's different! Pretty interesting. I guess just for consultations and nothing that requires an exam it would be good

Erica said...

Thanks for sharing the code for one free visit. I honestly think I will use this!

Angela said...

24/7 hours is awfully convenient. The one free visit sounds good to me!

Happy Gardening, Kim said...

Haven't quite grasp the concept yet. That's interesting b/c I thought docs had to physically see you in their office before writing a prescription. This could be the best thing ever...I'll need to read back through for sure!

Unknown said...

YES! With 2 busy kids it would be wonderful to not have to wait in a waiting room to see a doctor!

Amanda said...

It's so important to see a doctor regularly - and sometimes I forget that. That website is something I would use to make it easier.

Mommy 2 J.A.M. said...

This is such a great thing to use. My boys and I could really benefit from this and it would save money on gas too.

Lolo @ Crazy About My Baybah said...

This is a great service! I would love to try the nutritionist. $25 is a great price!

Chelsea Olivia said...

This is a great idea. It'd be nice not to wait in the waiting room with a bunch of coughing people and possibly catch something when you're just there to renew a prescription!

Jenni E. said...

I love the idea behind this!!! After just spending several hours the last couple of weeks at the Dr's office, I would have LOVED to have done it this way instead. I despise waiting to see a Dr. Especially when I have an appt. and it's 1-2 hours later! Grr.

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