Monday, April 21, 2014

Do you think you know Maleficent? Check out the new Maleficent book from Disney #Maleficent #Disney #Giveaway

Are you like me? Are you extremely excited to see the upcoming Disney movie Maleficent?  Well as a huge Sleeping Beauty fan (so big a fan, I wanted to name my daughter Aurora, or Briar Rose, but the names were vetoed by my husband) I have always be fascinated by maleficent, what caused her to have such contempt for Aurora?  Disney Publishing is releasing two Maleficent Books, these middle grade novels based on the upcoming Walt Disney Pictures film, Maleficent . I was very fortunate to be able to check out, THE CURSE OF MALEFICENT and MALEFICENT before the books hit the market on 4/29/14. 
I am sure most of you are familiar with the story of Sleeping Beauty, it’s a treasured move, a true Disney classic. Disney’s Maleficent is the untold story of one of the most famous  villains of all time. These books reveal events that hardened Maleficent’ s heart and caused her to become evil, and curse poor baby Aurora.

THE CURSE OF MALEFICENT: The Tale of Sleeping Beauty
By Elizabeth Rudnick
Illustrations by Nicholas Kole
Imprint: Disney Press
Ages: 8–12
ISBN: 978-1-4231-9751-5
Price: $9.99
On sale: 4/29/2014
An illustrated middle grade novel based on Aurora's story in the upcoming Walt Disney Pictures film, Maleficent.   Aurora has always enjoyed her simple life. She loves to explore the beautiful woods surrounding her quaint cottage. She even likes living with her bumbling yet well-meaning aunts. But when Aurora discovers a dark secret about her past, her whole world turns upside down. Will she be able to save herself from an imminent curse? This beautiful novel filled with whimsical illustrations tells Aurora's story in the upcoming Disney film, Maleficent. 
By Elizabeth Rudnick
Imprint: Disney Press
Ages: 10–14
ISBN: 978-1-4231-8543-7
Price: $16.99
On sale: 4/29/2014
A deluxe novelization of the new film, Maleficent, from Walt Disney Pictures, starring Angelina Jolie.  This visually dazzling live action film explores the origins of one of the most iconic Disney villains: Maleficent, the infamous fairy who curses Princess Aurora in Disney's animated classic Sleeping Beauty. This "origin" story is told from Maleficent’ s perspective, intersecting with the classic in both familiar and unexpected ways.
Do you think you know Maleficent? What makes her tick, and why she does what she does? Can she ever be anything but evil? Well we shall see? I very much enjoyed the movie adaption  MALEFICENT, even though this book was geared to younger kids, it was still enjoyable to me.  As most of you know from the recent trailers ( no spoiler here..) Maleficent had wings! 
 It was fascinating to read about her early life, and all of the events that made her who she became. Can a person (fairy) change? Can Maleficent truly love, or care for anyone or anything anymore? Well I will not spoil the books (or the movie) for you so I can't tell you much more, but I can say this is a great book you will enjoy. 

My daughter was able to check out THE CURSE OF MALEFICENT: The Tale of Sleeping Beauty, she toted this book around with her and read and read…. Something I do not mind at all, a great thing to do during spring break, read. She loved this book, she even started reading it again she loved it that much. 
I noticed that this book had some amazing illustrations, that made my daughter even more infatuated with this book. Having the illustrations added in here and there really gave you a feel for the characters and their situation, a great help for the younger readers out there.

So if you are looking for a great book for the special tween in your life (or the big kid like me…) THE CURSE OF MALEFICENT: The Tale of Sleeping Beauty would be great for the ages, 8-12. And  MALEFICENT would be great for slightly older kids, ages 10-14 or again big kids that never grow up like myself. Be sure to check these great books out, they will be released on Tuesday April 29, 2014.
The generous folks at Disney are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance to win a one of each book, MALEFICENT  and THE CURSE OF MALEFICENT: The Tale of Sleeping Beauty! Would you like to win? Please let me know who would love to read these books? There are also other ways to enter, please enter below.

Buy it:
These two books will be available wherever books are sold on 4/29/14, they are also available to pre-order now on Amazon, MALEFICENT By Elizabeth Rudnick and THE CURSE OF MALEFICENT: The Tale of Sleeping Beauty By Elizabeth Rudnick
Win it:
One winner will win a copy of each book, MALEFICENT  and THE CURSE OF MALEFICENT: The Tale of Sleeping Beauty!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received 2 books to review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Jeanna said...

My daughter would love these books!

nickieisis3 said...

My niece would love these books

VickieC said...

any of my 13 grandchildren would love to read these

April said...

my self, i love everything sleeping beauty!

ssgsweeps @ gmail .com

McKim said...

My niece would like to read these books.

d schmidt said...

I would love to read these books to my oldest son.

Unknown said...

My daughter would love to read sleeping beauty!

Amy said...

I would love to read them and share with my kids when they are the right age

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

My nieces would love these books!

Melanie Montgomery said...

I feel silly for saying this but I would read them!

Unknown said...

I gotta say, I am REALLY excited for this movie! Probably gonna pick the novelization up because im too impatient lol.

Elizabeth Drake said...

I would love to read them!

Kelly said...

My daughter would love these books.

Unknown said...

My daughter would love these.

Unknown said...

My daughter! She has been talking about this movie nonstop, she cannot wait to see it,.

baby sister said...

My nephew illustrated the book!

Anonymous said...

I would give this as a gift to my niece, she would love this.

Saku said...

As an art student and movie lover I would love to read these books! This pleases the inner child in me!

Unknown said...

Well, I wouls certainly love to win these books. I'm especially digging The Curse Of Aurora, since it has Nicholas Kole doing the illustrations.

Unknown said...

Well, I'd love to read these books myself. I'm especially digging "The Curse Of Maleficent", since it has Nicholas Kole's beautiful illustrations! :)

Anastasia said...

My daughters are both huge bookworms! I know they would both love to read these books :)

Unknown said...

My niece will love me for this

kapsweeps said...

My Niece loves to read this would be wonderful to add to her collection

AmySd said...

My daughter and I would like to read these books together. Thanks for the opportunity.

Stacy said...

I would read these books! I may pass them along to my nieces when I am done, but Sleeping Beauty was my favorite when I was a kid so maybe not.

Yago Martins Campos said...

I'm from other country, and I would love to read these novels and have them in my shelf.

Kristina Valcarce said...

My 8 year old daughter would read Curse of Maleficent and I'd read Maleficent!

Denise S. said...

My daughter would love to read these, thanks.

Carla D. said...

My daughter would love to read these books. She's a HUGE bookworm!! :)

eva biggs said...

I'd love to read them as well as my nieces.

eva biggs said...

I'd love to read them as well as my nieces.

emchelly77 said...

me! i would love to read these! of course i want them to read to the kids but I love this story and cant wait to see the movie1

Unknown said...

My son and I would love to read these books. Sleeping Beauty has always been my favorite of all Disney movies and Maleficent is the absolute best bad guy (woman in her case lol) ever!

Snytar said...

My daughter would love to read them.

Ashley said...

I would love to share these books with my clients I take care of.

Ashley said...

I would love to read them and share them with my clients.

Kim Reid said...

My daughter would love to read these books, thanks!

kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Francine Anchondo said...

my daughter would love them

Wendy Rozema said...

my daughter would like this!

Daniel M said...

these would be for my niece! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Denise M said...

I would actually, I am a bg Maleficent/Sleeping Beauty fan

Denise M said...

i would like to actually

krystal wethington said...

i would.

Carolyn Daley said...

I would enjoy reading these books.

Unknown said...

My daughter would love to read these. She loves Disney and reading.

Tylerpants said...

I would love to read them myself! Lisa L tylerpants(at)

LesleyfromWI said...

I would want to read them

Stuart Conover said...

My son has been getting into Disney movies lately and would probably love to read these!

Anonymous said...

My granddaughter would really enjoy this one.

Lisa said...

My niece would like these.

Unknown said...

My oldest son

Unknown said...

I would love to read them to my stepdaughter and my son

trichie said...

my niece Parker

trixx said...

This would be a nice gift for my niece

Unknown said...

can you please sent me to this e-mail ( a little summary of the book(whit spoiler)? please i cant way to see this movie and i want to know what happened (sorry for my english but i am italian) :)

Jetza said...

I would love to read it! :D Also the kids I babysit would be please to read it with me lol

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