Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Take care of your skin with Pinxav you'll be happy you did! #Giveaway

If you have/had a kid you more than likely had to deal with diaper rash at one point or another. It's a pain in the butt for your child as well as you. No one wants to see their child uncomfortable and in pain and no one wants to have to deal with a child who in uncomfortable and in pain. It's a lose-lose situation. Thankfully when my daughter had issues with diaper rash I turned to Pinxav and it made both our lives a lot easier.

No matter how on top of things we were and how diligent we were our daughter would sometimes develop a rash on her bottom we used Pinxav because they've been in the business of solving rash issues for over 85+ years so they know what they're doing. Now that our daughter is older and hasn't worn a diaper for a long time we still use Pinxav because it's not just great for red bottoms it's great for all types of skin issues.
My husband has issues with dry, cracking skin on his hands, it's so bad sometimes he's knuckles would crack and start to bleed. This is normal when you're working out in the elements but he works in an office! He's been using Pinxav as a preventative measure and since he's done that his chapped hands are a thing of the past. We've all been using it to keep our skin from chapping, it's been so cold here this winter that it's been brutal on skin and thankfully we have Pinxav in our arsenal to keep our skin looking and feeling good.
Pinxav is amazing. It's the best out there for cooling burning bottoms, but it also helps prevent chapped skin, it can be added to sun screen to add another layer of protection from the sun, burns, scrapes, acne, any skin irritation really. If you're a parent of a baby in diapers or if you're an adult with chapped skin, a bug bite, poison ivy or rash issues you need Pinxav.

Pinxav has been there for us and it should be there for you. Take care of your skin with Pinxav you'll be happy you did.

The generous folks at Pinxav are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance to win a Pinxav  prize pack! Would you like to win?  Please let me know what you would use Pinxav for if you won? There are also other ways to enter, please enter below.
Be sure to stay social with Pinxav and like them on Facebook for more information.

Buy it:
To purchase Pinxav please visit the store locator, to find a store near you. You can also purchase Pinxav online with FREE shipping

Be sure to ask your local store to carry Pinxav, so you will be able to purchase this great product, locally. 

  Win it:
One winner will win a Pinxav  prize pack
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions .  I was compensated for this post, but all opinions are 100% my own. . I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in  


Maryann D. said...

I like that this product keeps skin from chapping. My hands get very dry and get cracks also and it is painful, I could use this.
twinkle at optonline dot net

VickieC said...

I like that : helps prevent chapped skin, it can be added to sun screen to add another layer of protection from the sun, burns, scrapes, acne, any skin irritation really - See more at: http://www.susansdisneyfamily.com/2014/03/take-care-of-your-skin-with-pinxav.html#sthash.oF44qSr3.dpuf

Laura said...

I like that it is cooling.

Unknown said...

I love that this works good and that its been around as long as it has

Anonymous said...

I love that the company has been making the product for such a long time.

Unknown said...

I like that it is good for skin irritation because I have very sensitive skin.

bbrittbrat1398 said...

I like that it prevents chapping.
Brittney House BBrittBrat1398@yahoo.

Kristina Valcarce said...

I like that you can use it on chapped skin.

mecarolks said...

It looks like a great product.

Anonymous said...

I love that is cools.
heather hgtempaddy@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

My son was getting a horrible diaper rash from teething and the Aquaphor and Desitin my pediatrician recommended wasn't helping very quickly. Tried Pinkxav on a whim after that was mentioned as well. It healed it by the next day including the raw spot he had from the diaper rash. I immediately bought another tube! It definitely soothes and heals. Love it!

Kathy P said...

I like that it can be added to sun screen to add another layer of protection from the sun

Anonymous said...

maria simon

for sure that its cooling and you can use on chapped skin :)

Buddy Garrett said...

I like that it can be used on adult skin irritations.

Candie L said...

I love the retro label. Thank you


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