Thursday, March 27, 2014

Looking for a great place to visit this summer? Well Virginia Beach is waiting for you! #VisitVaBeach

A few years ago when we were trying to figure out where to go on vacation my husband suggested that we go to Virginia Beach, it's a place he had gone to many times as a kid and wanted to go back. Being that I love seeing new things and visiting new places I was all in! That was before we had a child and in those ten years or so we've been back a few times simply because of how much fun we have. From beaches, to shopping, fishing and museums, Virginia Beach has fun for the entire family. And after suffering through our 15th snowfall this past week I for one, can't wait until the summer gets here!

We love to visit the beach, and have a relaxing fun time, my daughter just loves soaking up the sun. Some of the things we love to do besides hitting the beach are hitting up museums, every city we visit we have to hit the museums, Virginia Beach is no exception! We hit the Oceana Naval Air Station because seeing jets and hearing them is something everyone should do up close.

You can get up close to Tomcats, Banshees and Panthers and marvel at how incredibly brave and crazy the pilots are for flying these jets at the speeds they do! You want more history? Virginia Beach was claimed for England in 1607....407 years ago! The First Landing Cross symbolizes this and I have to tell you it's a neat feeling thinking about what it was like for John Smith landing here after month's at sea not knowing if they'd make the dangerous crossing of the Atlantic.
Photo credit Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach is rich in history and it's also rich in great food. Great seafood is a given but they also boast restaurants from Italian to Indian, Cuban to Thai and all points in between it is impossible to not come away from a visit to Virginia Beach a few pounds heavier than when you arrived. Being from Philadelphia and having Italian restaurants literally on every corner we tend to not eat Italian often but when we're in Virginia Beach we always hit Mannino's, we have to or our trip isn't complete. I could write for days about how good their food is but words aren't good enough...this is something you need to physically taste to believe.
Photo credit Virginia Beach
Another favorite place of mine is Pungo, it's located in the southern part of Virginia Beach and is a small quaint place that is famous for its strawberry festival every spring and my personal favorite the Witch of Pungo Grace Sherwood. I love a good witches tale and this is a favorite of mine, accused of bewitching a neighbors cotton crop, some hogs and being accused of bewitching and killing a bull (which was later dismissed) Grace Sherwood was bound to a cross and literally tossed into Witch Duck Point. If she floated she was innocent and if she drowned....well she drowned. After floating to the top she had a 13 pound bible tied to her neck and she sank only to rise up again. Ultimately she was placed in jail for almost 8 years and once she was released she lived the rest of her life quietly until her death at about the age of 80. I love this story and I never get tired of reading about it and visiting the area, it's both spooky and cool and my husband calls me morbid but I don't care it's what I like!

Virginia Beach has beach in its name but it's so much more, rich in history and the arts and wonderful restaurants and nightlife Virginia Beach offers you a laid back vacation that is of unmatched quality. It's a place we love to go to and have been visiting for years and the sign of a great vacation spot is that you never tire of visiting and you're always planning your next trip there. Virginia Beach is a great place that you and your family will enjoy.
Photo credit Virginia Beach

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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Virginia Beach via Burst Media. The opinions and text are all mine.
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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Virginia Beach via Burst Media. The opinions and text are all mine.


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .

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