Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Frozen a movie that will warm your heart on Blu-ray Combo Pack today! #Frozenbluray #Giveaway

I was trying to come up with adjectives that haven't been used to describe Frozen....upon further review I got nuthin'! What can I say that hasn't been said already? We saw Frozen, we loved Frozen, everyone loves Frozen and my daughter watches it almost every night before going to bed. An instant Disney classic was thrust upon us at Thanksgiving and it never looked back.
Frozen is a movie about two sisters and their struggles with being sisters. Elsa princess of Arendelle, posses magical powers and can create ice and snow at will. Her younger sister Anna and best friend for the first several years of their lives is accidentally injured by Elsa's magic, Anna is helped by the Trolls but her memory is wiped and she has no idea of her sisters magical powers. Elsa afraid of hurting Anna again stays locked in her room refusing to come out and ultimately shutting her sister out of her life.

Moving along several years the girls parents are lost at sea to a storm and now Elsa is to be crowned Queen of Arendelle. Anna happy to finally be outside of the castle went exploring and ran into Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, the two hit it off quickly so much so Hans proposed to Anna who accepted. Elsa was afraid of what would go wrong during her coronation, afraid everyone would find out about her magical powers and what would happen if they did. 
 The coronation went off with out an issue until Anna seeking approval from the new Queen on her marriage to Hans. Elsa refused to give her blessing triggering an argue between the sisters and thus causing Elsa to lose it and put all of Arrendelle under an eternal winter. Panicked Elsa runs off to the mountains to be alone to spend her days in solitary in an ice palace.

Anna not wanting to lose her sister again sets off on a journey to get her sister back. Along the way she runs into Olaf her snowman friend from childhood who was brought to life when Elsa had her episode. Anna also meets Kirstoff and his reindeer Sven and this is when the hilarity ensues. 
I'm going to end it here and not ruin any of the movie for the 3 people in the world who haven't seen Frozen or haven't heard 'Let it Go' by Adele Dazeem....I mean Idina Menzel. From start to finish we were all entertained and will continue to be entertained by this Oscar winning movie for years to come. This movie quickly charged into the Pantheon of all time great Disney movies and it rightly deserves its spot there.

One of Susan’s Disney Family readers will win a copy of Frozen on Blu-ray. Would you like to win? Please let me know who would love to see this movie? Or if you have seen it, who was your favorite character? There are also other ways to enter, please enter below.

Buy it:
You can purchase Frozen on Blu-ray on in stores, and on Amazon today!

Win it:
One winner will win a copy of Frozen on Blu-ray

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


AmySd said...

This is a great movie. Anna and Olaf are my favorites.

CindyWindy2003 said...

My favorite Frozen character is Elsa. Thanks!

steve weber said...

Anna is my favorite.

Jackie said...

Olaf is one of my favorite characters. He made me laugh quite a bit.
Thank you!

Heather Hayes Panjon said...

Elsa Is My Favorite!

Wendy Rozema said...

Elsa is my favorite Character from the movie!

Shelley P said...

I’m looking forward to seeing the movie :) I think I would really like Sven.

Steph @ Three Loud Kids! said...

I love olaf!

Carmen said...

I love Olaf! He is to adorable and funny. Thanks for the chance!

d schmidt said...

My children's favorite is Elsa.

Janet W. said...

Olaf is my favorite character!

D Cheatle said...

I haven't seen it yet, but I'm so excited about seeing it!

Bernie Wallace said...

Elsa is my favorite Frozen character, BWallace1980(at)hotmail(dot)com

Fiddlin' Dandi said...

Definitely Olaf. Probably everyone's favorite....

Jessica K said...

As an older sibling, I can't help but feel protective of Anna. I identify more with Elsa though.

Julie Donahue said...

I like all of them, but I guess if I had to pick one it would be Olaf

arress said...

Olaf by far.

Wanda McHenry said...

I haven't seen the movie, but what I've seen from the previews I believe it would be the snowman Olaf.

janetfaye said...

I have not seen this but Iipick Elsa.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) (com)

Mami2jcn said...

Olaf is our favorite!

heymissvirginia said...

I am one of the three who haven't seen it! I'm goinig to go with Elsa as my favorite.
heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

Catherine said...

Olaf the snowman!

Laura said...

I love Elsa!

Pam OLeary said...

I haven't seen the movie yet, but judging from the previews, I would have to say Olaf is going to be my favorite.

Cheryl said...

My favorite Frozen character has to be Elsa.

Unknown said...

i like Olaf

Cinderella10383 said...

Elsa is my favorite.

Jamie Brigham
PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com

momo said...

My favorite Frozen character.is Elsa, so funny!

latanya t said...

Olaf is my fave

yo8798 said...

Elsa! I just love her! Very great put together movie!

Catie said...

I love Elsa!

Robin A said...

I have not got to see the movie yet. I soooo want to see it

Sue Ellison said...

Olaf is my favorite.

Unknown said...

Anna...she's got a great personality.

Anonymous said...

My favorite character is Anna.

Jen lleras said...

I love elsa

Denise S. said...

I haven't seen it yet, but I'll pick Olaf.

Deanna said...

Sven is my favorite character. He reminds me of my dog.

alienxphile said...


Unknown said...

I like Olaf

Unknown said...

we like anna.my daughter was dressed for her for her birthday a couple weeks ago.it was "frozen" theme

peg42 said...

I like Olaf. Thanks so much.

Kelly Skibbe said...

I don't have one yet. I haven't seen it but me and my girls really can't wait!

lee mckoen said...

Olaf is my favorite

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

Elsa is my favorite character!!!

April said...

my favorite character is Olaf! love him so much!

ssgsweeps @ gmail.com

Claire said...

I love Elsa.

Unknown said...

Elsa is my favorite character from the movie

Michelle said...

We loved Elsa!

bkwrms said...

I haven's seen it yet, but from what I hear, Elsa would be my favorite.

lilsnobelle said...

I love Anna.

Kristina Valcarce said...

OLAF! OLAF! OLAF! Have I made myself clear? :-)

Unknown said...

Elsa is my favorite character!

ThriftyAnnabella said...

I haven't seen it yet but I think the Snowman would be my favorite
annabella @ centurytel dot net

Lisa V. said...

Olaf is my favorite.

Unknown said...

Oaken is my favorite character.

Kimberly said...

I have not seen it yet BUT I have watched the songs. I like Elsa.

Jamielee said...

Olaf is my entire families favorite. We really wish he was in the movie more...

Daniel M said...

Olaf is our fav - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

amy said...

We love Olaf

Unknown said...

Olaf made the whole movie! He's awesome!

MizVickik said...

I like Anna!
Miz Vickik

bbrittbrat1398 said...

I love Olaf.
Brittney House BBrittBrat1398@yahoo.com

guettel78 said...

I'm obsessed with Olaf!

Geoff K
gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com

Jenna d said...

Elsa is my favorite Frozen character.

skater425 said...

Olaf, of course.

Unknown said...

Olaf ofc

Erica C. said...

I like Elsa.

Growl Tiger said...

Anna is my favorite

Lena said...

My favorite is Elsa.

Randi S said...

I like Anna. My son prefers Olaf.

Unknown said...


MissKate126 said...

Elsa is my favorite!

MissKate126 said...

Elsa is my favorite!

crankyyanky1 said...

Anna is my favorite
crankyyanky1 at charter dot net

Unknown said...

I like Kristoff.

Anonymous said...

I love Anna ~ so sweet & positive! Beautiful voice too!

Robin T said...

Olaf is my favorite character.


debbie said...

I like elsa.

kyl neusch said...

like Elsa

Amy Z. said...

Anna is my favorite! But Olaf is hilarious too.

Audra O'Hara said...

My daughter likes Olaf the best.

susan1215 said...

Elsa is my favorite character

bunniker said...

I haven't seen Frozen yet, but obviously I have heard it was great. Waaayyyy behind on movies thanks to grad school / work over the past two years, but almost done. And then, I am catching up on the fun I missed.

bunniker said...

I haven't seen Frozen yet, but I want to. Been busy with grad school / work, but will graduate soon and then get caught up on some missed fun!

Heather B said...

I have not seen Frozen yet but Olaf is cute!

Keya said...

I like Elsa.

LesleyfromWI said...

We have not seen the movie yet so we do not have a favorite

wigget said...

my favroite is elsa

Debra said...

sad face i have not seen it yet

Unknown said...

I adore Olaf. He has the best lines! "You're worth melting for". :)

Becca Ann said...

Love Olaf.. i also love little anna, she looks like my youngest

Unknown said...


kport207 at gmail dot com

SexyBrat said...

Olaf is the favorite in our household.

tina reynolds said...

I love Olaf and sven

imaclutz89 said...

I love Anna!

Unknown said...

my favorite is elsa she is so cute

Katie Rose said...

Kirstoff and Sven!

Julie said...

My fave is Olaf this is a great movie we loved it

sohamolina said...

OLAF hands down!!

Roxann said...

Hans is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Olaf, he is soooooo funny.

tlcfromtn said...

I haven't seen it yet so I don't have a favorite

Francine Anchondo said...


susansmoaks said...

i haven't seen the movie yet. i am tony l smoaks on rafflecopter.

Renee B. said...

I love Olaf!

Candie L said...

I like Olaf. Thankyou


buzzd said...


AEKZ2 said...

Olaf is my favorite

Marilyn said...

Olaf was my favorite character

Kim Reid said...

My favorite is Anna, thanks!

kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Christie said...

Olaf all the way :)

Lily said...

Elsa and Olaf!!!!

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