Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Catch it All now at Best Buy @BestBuy @BestBuyWOLF #CatchItAll

I have been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card for this post, all opinions are 100% my own. 

With March Madness is full swing my husband was trying to gather up all his recesses to be able to stay connected to the games and his bracket while at work...I know you should work at work but he works at really laid back place. He was always connected thanks in part to his Sling Box, his iPad and he beloved flat screen. All of which he purchased at Best Buy. There isn't an electronic in our house that wasn't bought there from laptops to the PS4 and everything else that's electronic it all came from his favorite store.

The multi-screen experience is a big thing now, some of the best shows on TV offer multi-screen options. It adds a nice layer of depth to what you're watching and you have to learn quickly to focus one eye on your HDTV and one eye on your tablet or phone. My husband had to add a third eye to “focus on his work.” I'm not even a basketball fan but I get caught up in the madness and I was looking forward to rooting for my Temple Owls....then I found out they had an awful year and didn't qualify for the big dance...heck they didn't even qualify for the grade school dance! Nonetheless, I still like going from game to game and they way things are set up here there is no longer need for channel surfing. The other night my husband had on basketball, a spring training Phillies game and the Flyers game. And not a single time did he have to reach for the remote.

The days of flipping from game to game are essentially over. We live in a world where we can have all we want on the screen and since screens are so crystal clear and vibrant you don't really lose all that much in the way of clarity. It's kind of like being the head of security for a casino or Tony Montana, you're sitting there watching multiple screens because you can. You don't have to miss a second of anything anymore because you don't have to just head on out to your local Best Buy and they'll set you up right.

How to you watch all of your favorite games? 


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Dawn Lopez said...

I am totally loving what tech can do! I've been known to watch shows on my tablet. It's great for when the hubs and I can't agree on the same thing to watch too. Double bonus!

BrettBMartin said...

we watch live or on DVR. but we're UCONN fans and that's how we roll :)

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

I may be 'old fashioned' but I prefer to watch shows and movies on a giant TV, and save games and social media to tablets and laptops. I agree though, Best Buy has it all!!

Ellen said...

I'm pretty old school. I watch just about everything on TV. Now, my teens watch it on their devices instead.

Nicole B said...

I love to watch games on a big screen but it's awesome that we can use our tablets and smartphones to keep up with everything in real time even when we are not at home.

Fiddlin' Dandi said...

We only watch sports on our 20-year-old TV in the basement. Yep, we haven't exactly caught up with the modern world.

Unknown said...

I seriously love new tech and gadgets from Best Buy! I haven't used my table for watching videos/entertainment before though. I seriously should!

Unknown said...

Isn't it crazy what we can do? I'm not a big game fan though, unless it's the SuperBowl. LOL

Mama to 5 said...

this great, my husband would really like this, he is so electronically savoy!

Pam said...

We watch things through our Roku on our TV, but the kids will definitely catch a movie on their laptop or tablet sometimes!

Unknown said...

We don't use multi-screen enough! I always forget about it.

Marina@EBMR said...

On the phone only because we've switched to Netflix now.

NPC23 said...

I watch my shows and games on the boob tube. :) I do like watching Netflix on my laptop, tablet and phone. :D

Unknown said...

We like to use the DVR so we can forward through the commercials. Big TV for us. But hubby will use his iPad to watch at times.

Jennifer S. said...

I have been watching shows on my phone a lot more often!! Movies on the iPad are sweet on a plane, too!

Unknown said...

best buy i our favorite store for everything tech! we will probably watch on a mix of both. gotta keep up with everything!

Angela S said...

I have to admit that I don't use this feature on my TV very often, but it's nice knowing that we have it for when the right occasion.

Melanie said...

I love technology.. what would we do without it... My Tablet is always with me and I love to watch Movies on it ..thanks for sharing

emily said...

I love my DVR!! But it's nice to have the option to watch anywhere nowadays!

Jaredamy said...

We like to catch all the hottest and latest game on our widescreen TV.

Liz Mays said...

This is so much better than the days when my brothers carried multiple tv's into the same room to watch all the bowl games!

Unknown said...

We watch on dvr most times. It's nice to skip commercials.

Catherine L. said...

I prefer to watch games live on a TV. From time to time I will watch them on my laptop, but it's just not the same.

Cheap Is The *New* Classy said...

I have multiple screens open all the time on my computer! I love to multitask between what I am looking at. :)

Melissa Au said...

My husband watches his games on the tablet but I use the tv.

Stefani @ said...

I used to love DVR. Now I just watch everything on Hulu or Netflix.

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