Sunday, February 16, 2014

Van's Natural Foods, great treat gluten free, organic and nutritious frozen breakfast and snack foods. #Giveaway

 Do you have to have a gluten free lifestyle? Are you sad that you have to give up chips  and other snacks like cookies? Well not anymore there are some great options that are gluten free from Van's Natural Foods. I would love to introduce you all to a  company Van's Natural Foods. They have an amazing amount of items that are gluten free, a great variety you and your family will love! Here is a little information about Van's from the website:
Do you have to have a gluten free lifestyle? Are you sad that you have to give up bread and other snacks like cookies? Well not anymore there are some great options that are gluten free from Udi’s.  I would love to introduce you all to a great gluten free company Udi’s Gluten Free. They have an amazing amount of items that are gluten free, a great variety you and your family will love! Here is a little information about Udi’s from the website:  - See more at:
Do you have to have a gluten free lifestyle? Are you sad that you have to give up bread and other snacks like cookies? Well not anymore there are some great options that are gluten free from Udi’s.  I would love to introduce you all to a great gluten free company Udi’s Gluten Free. They have an amazing amount of items that are gluten free, a great variety you and your family will love! Here is a little information about Udi’s from the website:  - See more at:

At Van's, we've been leading the way for years with our gluten free, organic and nutritious frozen breakfast and now snack foods. Van's is devoted to providing meals that live up to your high standards. We've always stayed true to our commitment to making foods just the way you would—with fresh, wholesome ingredients and never any artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. And we make absolutely sure that our gluten free waffles and snacks are what we say. To ensure the absence of any wheat or gluten byproducts, we schedule these items through our production line first—and we test every single batch.
Van’s Natural Foods, based in Phoenix, AZ, is the leading food brand in gluten-free and allergy-friendly, frozen breakfast and snack foods including waffles, pancakes, cereal, crackers and snack bars.  Driven by a company mission to encourage healthy habits, our broad range of products deliver superior nutrition with such great taste that eating healthy is easy. 

Van’s has a 20-year legacy of serving a loyal and growing community of wellness-oriented consumers with high quality products including waffles, pancakes, French toast sticks, cereal, crackers and snack bars.   Our wonderful line of offerings continues to grow. We're making life easier than ever before with new gluten free whole grain snack bars, cereals and crackers. The best part is, they're so delicious the whole family can enjoy them! Look for Van’s products in grocery stores and mass retailers across the country.
I must admit I played a trick on my husband; I gave him a PB&J sandwich bar and didn't tell him it was gluten free he gobbled it up and said it was good. I did it again later with the multi-grain chips, I did it because I wanted his honest opinion, I didn't want him to prejudge anything because of the words gluten free. It’s not as bad anymore; everyone deserves to be able to eat tasty food no matter what allergy you suffer from, it’s bad enough you have an allergy why should you be forced to eat tasteless food as well?
 It used to be not that long ago that when you say the words “gluten free” it also meant taste free, my husband was fond of saying gluten means flavor. That was then this is now, I received an assortment of goodies from Van's Natural Foods and even though their products are gluten free they are not taste free. In fact they are very yummy!  
Van's does a wonderful  job of making what was a once bland option into something that is tasty and safe for those who aren't gluten tolerant. My of a husband wiped out almost the entire pack of PB&J blueberry bars by himself, he said there is only one problem with it……there’s no more left! If you’re one of the many people with a food allergy give Van's Natural foods a shot.If you’re allergic to something don’t worry they don’t make anything with it!
My family and I loved the PB&J strawberry and PB&J blueberry bars, they were tasty sweet treats. They would make a great snack or an addition to a lunchbox.
The Nacho Nacho Man chips, had a great cheesy taste, it was a great salty treat that reminded me of my favorite nacho chips. The BBQ chips were my absolute favorite, a great smoky flavor that we all loved. So if you are looking for some great gluten free treats I would highly recommend Van's Natural Foods, the selection and the taste is great. 

The generous folks at Van's Natural Foods are giving one of Susan's Disney Family readers a chance to win a Van's prize pack that includes free item coupons for Van's products including, three for the dry snacks including chips, crackers, snack bars, and cereal and three for the frozen line; the value is approx. $25.  Would you like to win? Please visit the Van's site, take a look around then come back here and tell me something you would love to try. There are also other ways to enter, please enter below. 

Buy it:
You can purchase Van's Natural Foods products at a store near you, check out the store locator, to find a store near you. 

Win it:
One winner will win a Van's prize pack that includes free item coupons a $25.00 value. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received vans snacks to review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
If you would love to win do not forget to enter the rest of the current Sweepstakes


Renee B. said...

I want to try their BBQ chips

Maryann D. said...

I love all of the Van's Waffles and crackers.
twinkle at optonline dot net

Catie said...

I like the Fire-Roasted Veggie Crackers!

VickieC said...

PB&J blueberry bars

rookieabh said...

Love their blueberry waffles!

tat2gurlzrock said...

Their waffles are delicious!

Erica Barnes said...

I love their Say Cheese crackers, Nacho Nacho Man chips, and Ancient Grains waffles.

Jen lleras said...

veggie crackers!

amp said...

I really like their French Toast sticks!
alyce poalillo

heymissvirginia said...

I like Van's waffles. Although, that is the only think of Van's I have tried so far.
heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

peg42 said...

I'd love to try the French Toast Sticks.
Thanks so much.

Natalie said...

I would love to try the pb and j sandwich bars.

Unknown said...

I like their french toast sticks

Anonymous said...

I love the pb&J bars. I've tried them. Yum.

Halation said...

French Toast Sticks! Yummy!

Linda said...

I like their blueberry waffles.

Christie said...

Their waffles, I love their waffles.

Unknown said...

I love the french toast sticks

Unknown said...

I love their waffles some of the best I have had

Terri said...

I like their gluten free blueberry and peanut butter snack bars.

Anonymous said...

I have not yet TRIED VAns so I can't tell you which I love! BUT I have a daughter who discovered that she needed to go gluten free, so I am VERY interested in this product line now. I discovered, from being at that daughter's house, that I PREFER much of her gluten free things over what I use!

Unknown said...

I really like the waffles and french toast sticks.

Unknown said...

I like the Gluten Free Cereal Honey Nut Crunch.

clc408 said...

I would enjoy the Nacho Nacho Man chips.

mogrill said...

I love the French Toast sticks.
Thanks for the chance.

mamamouse72 said...

I love their waffles.

davujare said...

Waffles are great.

Unknown said...

I've never had their products but would love to try the french toast sticks.

luckynordberg said...

I like their Gluten Free foods like the peanut butter snack bars.


Edge Of Insanity said...

Our family just loves their Honey Nut Crunch!

Anonymous said...

blueberry waffles

Kat said...

I like their waffles

Lauren-Olivia Wood said...

I love the PB and Strawberry Bars!

Diana Lane Utley said...

I love to eat the Nacho Nacho Man Chips. Yum.

kath g said...

i've never tried van's, but i like wholesome food and i love blueberry waffles, so i'd like to try them.

Amy Z. said...

I like their Multigrain Pancakes.

wigget said...

I like the pb&j sandwich bars

Jackie said...

I've only tried the Organic Totally Natural waffles..and I really liked them.
Thank you!

SexyBrat said...

I love the French Toast Sticks Totally Original.


We have never tried vans, but we would like to try the chips.

Unknown said...

I’d love to try their French Toast Sticks!

1993wel said...

I love the Say Cheese! crackers.

Sara Wood said...

I have tried their waffles and they are delicious!

Anonymous said...

yes, please.

Unknown said...

absolutely LOVE the french toast sticks

Catherine M. said...

I love their blueberry waffles. Great in the am and at nite

SolDucky said...

the gluten free blueberry waffles are one of my kid's favorites

Stacy said...

I love the vegan waffles, especially the Blueberry. I almost always have a box in my freezer for a quick weekday breakfast.

jlafount said...

I would go with Nacho, Nacho Nacho man chips. Anything to compare to tasty doritos

Jakes Movie Reviews said...

I have never had Vans but I want to try the PBJ Bars they look and sound delicious!

holly hook said...

I love their French toast sticks

alona y said...

I have never tried Van's, all of the snack bars look good and the french toast sticks look nummy too.

kyl neusch said...

French Toast sticks

susan1215 said...

I love their Say Cheese crackers

one frugal lady said...

I love the blueberry waffles!

Unknown said...

I like their waffles.

csue said...

I love their gluten free waffles.

Pat said...

I like Van's Blueberry Waffles.

Sky Evans said...

I love their BBQ Chips.

Anonymous said...

i love the PB&J blueberry bars


Unknown said...

there pb and j bars look amazing

Erica C. said...

I like their waffles.

Unknown said...

I like the Fire-Roasted Veggie Crackers :)

Unknown said...

I love the crackers.

Wendy Rozema said...

I like nacho nacho man

LesleyfromWI said...

I like their Gluten Free Cereal Honey Nut Crunch

brendaelsner said...

I want to try the french toast sticks.

imaclutz89 said...

I love their french toast sticks!

a_ski25 said...

I haven't tried any of their products yet, but they look good!

Unknown said...

I haven't tried Vans-natural....but the Nacho Nacho Man chips sound good and will be on my next shopping list.

shirley Hicks said...

I have not tried these products yet..but blueberry waffles sounds good

cpsnsamples @

J. Gray Rosenblum said...

I like the french toast sticks.

wendy said...

Haven't tried any of their products yet, but the multigrain chips look great, especially the BBQ! I'm always looking for healthier crunchy snacks.

Lisa said...

I want to try the Say Cheese Crackers

Anonymous said...

I love the fire roasted veggie crackers

Candie L said...

I would love to try their French toast sticks. Thank you


contestrobyn said...

I love the PB & J Crackers

William W. said...

Cranberry Almond Snack Bars
are very tasty! *yum*

Unknown said...

Their cheese crackers are tasty so are the blueberry waffles

Unknown said...

I love their organic blueberry waffles.

EclecticZebra said...

The blueberry waffles is all I have had...

Kristy Thiel said...

I love their waffles!

susansmoaks said...

i love their pancakes and waffles. i can't wait to try the new snacks. i am tony l smoaks on rafflecopter.

Melanie Montgomery said...

The nacho nacho man chips

Library Lady said...

I like their Gluten Free Snack Bars - Peanut Butter Chocolate

Library Lady said...

I love their Gluten Free Snack Bars - Peanut Butter Chocolate

Allison said...

I love the French toast sticks. Thanks so much for the chances to win.

Vikki Billings said...

I like the Nacho, Nacho man chips!!

Buddy Garrett said...

I love the Gluten Free Crackers Say Cheese!

cassandra marquez said...

I have never tried anything by them but the BBQ chips you have up there look really good.

Shea =) said...

We love their chips!!

cman said...

French Toast Sticks.

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