Thursday, February 6, 2014

Promised Land Dairy, amazing milk flavors #Recipe

Milk, we just looked at it as that stuff we'd have with cereal, or used in a recipe, or to dunk cookies in and not as something that we'd just drink for the sake of drinking. Without the flavoring of the cereal or cookies it was just milk. Plain ol' milk. Our world was shaken up a bit this past week when we received several bottles of milk from Promised Land Dairy and all my thoughts about milk have been tossed out the window and I now have a new opinion about milk.

Promised Land takes milk and makes it something other than an afterthought. How is that possible? They have flavored milk. FLAVORED! No longer do you just have milk flavored milk to drink or dunk your cookies in....this is crazy....crazy good! Strawberry milk, cookies and cream, southern pralines and cream, midnight chocolate were some of the flavors we received and I'm floored at how good this milk tastes and how milk has been brought up to a level it has never been before.
 Southern Pralines and Cream French Toast
Bread of choice
1.5 cups of Promised Land Dairy Southern Pralines and Cream milk
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon of cinnamon

Whisk eggs, milk vanilla and cinnamon until mixed well. Dip slices of bread in the mixture, fry bread until your desired consistency. Enjoy!

I decided to do something with the milk to let my husband enjoy it without issues and I made something that my husband loves French toast. If he had to pick a final meal it would probably be French toast.
 I used the southern pralines and cream because it almost tasted like liquid French toast and I thought it would be the perfect option and one missing loaf of bread later it was. I thought the French toast would last a few didn't last a few hours.
The chocolate milk is amazing. We've all had chocolate milk and this milk is so much more. It tastes like melted chocolate ice cream, it's a flavor chocolate milk I've never had before and now that I've had it I'll never want to drink another chocolate milk again because it can't hold a candle to the chocolate milk from Promised Land Dairy. My husband isn't much of a milk drinker due to the fact that lactose hates him with a passion. He saw the flavors and decided to just taste a sip of them to see how good they are and this is the truth he went to the cabinet grabbed a glass and poured a glass of the cookies and cream milk stating what ever happens to me later is worth it because this milk is so good. 

Milk no longer is bland and flavorless thanks to Promised Land Dairy and their magical cows that produce the best milk ever!

Buy it:

You can purchase Promised Land Dairy milks in select stores all across the US

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


VickieC said...

never heard of this brand of milk before,,not so sure they sell this around here

Anonymous said...

I have not seen this in the supermarket yet. I am sure the kids would like a change of pace with milk


I have not tried it yet! My local store does not carry it yet but maybe next time I visit super Walmart they might carry it. I would buy the chocolate milk from Promised Land Dairy !

Donna said...

That milk looks tasty. I haven't seen it around here yet.

elaine said...

looks yummy ... though that brand of milk isn't here /=

elaine said...

looks yummy ... though that brand isn't around here / =

April Crisafulli said...

There really is nothing like fresh milk from a dairy! It's all I drank when I was pregnant!

Cheryl said...

Cookies n Cream milk, that is pure genius! I also would love to try that strawberry. I LOVE MILK!

Cheryl said...

Cookie N Cream milk, that is just genius! I would also like to try strawberry. I love milk!

wins4me said...

I have not seen this in my supermarket, looks yummy

Unknown said...

I want to try the Cookies and Cream one!

Maryann D. said...

I never heard of this milk, but it looks like it has some delicious flavors. I love the bottles too.
twinkle at optonline dot net

Sandy Cain said...

I never heard of this brand before, but you can bet I'm going to be looking for it now! The strawberry milk looks AWESOME! I'd make Strawberry French Toast with it. Your French toast sure looks good!!!!

tannawings said...

I havent seen this brand in our stores yet but it looks and sounds like it would be a good one. Cookies and Cream milk sounds delicious!

Mary said...

I have never tried this brand. I will have to check and see if we carry it here. Looks wonderful!

Unknown said...

Our local stores carry it, and trust me, Susan is not exaggerating. It really is that good!

Anonymous said...

I would love to try these in so many things they sounds really good.

Lisa Lalaloopsy said...

Looks Tasy!

Anonymous said...

I would love to try these especially the cookies and cream.

Donna Jacoby said...

Southern Pralines & Cream with a recipe--winning combination! Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

I would like to try these they look good.

Unknown said...

This looks so much cleaner than gas station milk!

Rose-Marie said...

I want to try these - my fav flavors - Strawberry milk, cookies and cream, southern pralines and cream!

Unknown said...

Love the variety of milk makes it easy to cook

Jerry Marquardt said...

I haven't tried this yet, but it seriously looks delicious.

Jennifer H. said...

These milks look so incredibly yummy!

lisaray said...

The Galactic Fudge inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 2 sounds REALLY good!

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