I was very fortunate to be able to have a little family get
together to have a viewing of Free Birds. Over a cold and snowy weekend, a few of my
friends and family and their children got together for a Free Birds pizza
party. My daughter was so excited to
have a Free Birds party! We had some
family members over and my daughter’s best friends.
Why not have a great time together having a fun party? We all filled into my tiny home, and got ready to party. We were all looking forward to the movie, well everyone except my husband. He was not looking forward to the movie, he thought talking turkeys that eat pizza, oh I’m gonna love this. But he didn’t want to disappoint our little girl so he watched the movie with us all.
Why not have a great time together having a fun party? We all filled into my tiny home, and got ready to party. We were all looking forward to the movie, well everyone except my husband. He was not looking forward to the movie, he thought talking turkeys that eat pizza, oh I’m gonna love this. But he didn’t want to disappoint our little girl so he watched the movie with us all.
After an hour and a half my husband’s original thoughts
about the movie couldn’t have been more wrong. This movie was really good,
really funny and I was floored about how much I was laughing at it.

The girls just adored the baby turkeys and squealed when
they came on the screen. Free Birds was a wonderful animated comedy packed with
lots of action and adventure and stunning performances by Owen Willson, Amy
Poehler and other great voice actors.
The movie animation is colorful and amazing. It made you feel like you were in
the forest, with great looking animation.
Two turkeys get together to travel back in time to try to
take turkey off the Thanksgiving menu for good. Now that is a unique premise for a movie, a
funny back in time tale. These two turkeys have nothing in common with each
other, they do not get along at all thy argue
constantly, of course they run into some trouble when they travel back to pilgrim days. Will Reggie (Owen
Wilson) and Jake (Woody Harrelson), get along long enough to save turkey kind??
I could go on but I don’t want to spoil anything.
The movie never dragged for me, it didn’t have any slow
parts was paced very well in my opinion and was very funny. We had a great time
watching the movie and having pizza and enjoying each other’s company. It’s a fun movie for the whole family to sit
back and enjoy. And even guys like my husband end up loving the movie; he is
just a big kid at heart. We had a great time at the party, and the kids had fun
playing with the stickers and the coloring and activity sheets. I have to say
the party was a hit, the guest loved the movie, and I am sure you will
too. I would recommend Free Birds, it would be the ultimate Easter basket
stuffer that any child would love!
Buy it:
can purchase Free Birds in store, and online at Amazon on 2/4/14
- See more at: http://www.susansdisneyfamily.com/2014/01/free-birds-coming-to-dvd-2414-ten.html#sthash.9uH3YSz3.dpuf
Buy it:
You can purchase Free Birds in store, and online at Amazon on 2/4/14
Have you seen Free Birds? What did you think of this movie?
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received a certificate for pizza and other party goods fro this post. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
h fun! We love this movie, it's hilarious !
We haven't seen free birds but would love to. Love the pictures of your pizza party!
How fun!! I haven't seen Free Birds yet, but it looks pretty funny.
My daughter can't wait to see this movie! Cute party idea.
How much fun! I need to see this movie! Looks like a blast!!
Loks like such a cute storyline for the kiddos. Perfect movie and pizza combo!
HOw much fun is that!!! also get back you're too close to the TV Susan, lol!
This looks really cute! I've never even heard of it. I guess I live under a rock, ha ha!
This looks like such a cute movie! After seeing that pizza, I'm craving it for lunch today!
Ha ha, but my house is so tiny I have no choice lol...
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