Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Goodbye snow! I’m going to sunny LA! ‪Come follow along with me! #‎PirateFairyBloggers‬ ‪#‎FrozenBluray

On a cold a snowy afternoon, I got an email that made me feel warm and happy inside!  I was invited to a very special Walt Disney Studios trip to celebrate the upcoming In-Home releases of THE PIRATE FAIRY, and FROZEN!!!! Sure there is about two feet of snow outside, but I will (hopefully, if mother nature lets up on the snow a bit) be going to sunny LA, for some great warmth for one... LoL and of course some great behind-the-scenes look at the making of THE PIRATE FAIRY and FROZEN including interviews with filmmakers and the creative teams behind the films! This is a Disney lover’s dream come true. Getting to see the back stage, and see how things are made is so wonderful.

Getting to have a Q&A with Director, Chris Buck and Producers, Jennifer Lee and Peter Del Vecho from Frozen, will be amazing. Frozen is one of my favorite Disney movies of all time. It is an instant classic, that will be loved for generations to come. And being able to record my voice on a cartoon character? This is a bucket list item for me! Who hasn’t wanted to be a cartoon character, at some time in their lives? Well I get to voice one, this will be the highlight of the trip for me, I am sure. I am sure it will be hilarious… I hope we can do a voice over for Olaf… I will work on my best Olaf impression just in case.

We will also be touring the iconic Walt Disney Animation studios, where everything began. I was very fortunate to visit the amazing place, and I cannot wait to return. I will be able to visit the DisneyToon studios for the first time to see where all of the cartoon magic happens. I will be able to see the Walk through the creation of “Zarina”, The Pirate Fairy from story to character design to animation. 

I have always wondered how the characters were created.. and now I can see how it happens from beginning to end. So exciting. I will also be joined with 24 or so other lucky bloggers, I look forward to making new friends, and connecting again with other friends.  May of the bloggers are my friends online, and it will be great to meet them in real life. I cannot wait to share all of my adventure on this whirlwind trip with you all!

 We will start the trip with a visit to  Walt Disney Animation Studios for a behind the scenes look at the making of FROZEN and THE PIRATE FAIRY including:
Tuesday, February 11th

  • Travel to Walt Disney Animation Studios for a behind the scenes look at the making of FROZEN including:  
    • Q&A with Director, Chris Buck and Producers, Jennifer Lee and Peter Del Vecho
    • Hands-on demonstration of the Rigging process lead by Character TC Supervisor, Gregory Smith
    • Voice-over recording session with FROZEN’S Audio Engineer, Gabe Guy
Wednesday, February 12th 

  • Travel to the DisneyToon Studios for a look at THE PIRATE FAIRY including:
    • Advance screening of the THE PIRATE FAIRY
    • Sit down with THE PIRATE FAIRY Director Peggy Holmes and Producer  Jennifer Magee-Cook     
    • Walk through the creation of “Zarina”, The Pirate Fairy from story to character design to animation

 Our hotel will be the Sheraton Universal this looks like a lovely hotel, with some great amenities.   Be sure to follow me on twitter, instagram and facebook see all of the great sights with me. Check out for some great pictures, I cannot wait to share them with you all.  I will also have some more information about a little surprise, I cannot say anything about this yet, but I am sure you will love learning about it, soon… Well stay tuned I will have more information about the trip soon!

Do you have any questions that you would like me to ask either of the teams from FROZEN or  THE PIRATE FAIRY?

****Disney is providing an all-expense paid trip for me to cover this great event ****

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Kristin said...

Lucky you how exciting!!!!

Scott @ SahmReviews.com said...

You can ask them if they had any particular inspirations when modeling a character.

Nicole B said...

What a fun way to get out of the snow! Have a nice trip!

Unknown said...

That sounds like an awesome trip. And I'm with you on getting out of this snowy weather. Though I'm not headed to Disney, I am moving to CA in just a few weeks (CA is my home). Have a great time, can't wait to hear all about it!

Mrs. Stephens said...

I'm going as well Susan and I'm escaping snow as well. I plan to soak up as much warmth as I can

Jennifer S. said...

Very exciting! Look forward to reading about it. I didn't even know about this pirate film!!!

Ellen said...

Sounds like loads of fun. Can't wait to hear all about it!

A Mom's Take said...

What an exciting trip!! I'm jealous! I loved Frozen, such a great movie!

BrettBMartin said...

have a blast!! my kids want you to ask who came up with the idea to have olaf ask someone to grab his butt for him.

Unknown said...

Oh what an amazing experience you will have! I would love to go on a tour trip like that to learn about the behind the scenes of such fun movies! I love FROZEN!

Unknown said...

This is going to be awesome! Frozen is by far my favorite movie!

Whispered Inspirations said...

Oh how I love Olaf. My daughters would love to build him. :)

Meagan Ivie said...

What a fun trip you have planned. I'm a HUGE Frozen fan; sounds like quite the adventure ahead!

Unknown said...

Ask them where their inspiration comes from. I cannot wait to see both of these movies!

Melanie said...

Enjoy your trip to LA.. soo jealous I love the movie frozen... can't wait to read more about your trip

Kathleen said...

That's an amazing opportunity! I know it will be interesting because I was at a conference where the keynote speaker was from the Disney Institute and among many other topics, she shared some info and facts about how some movies and characters were made and it was SO interesting!

Pam said...

I think I'm the only one who hasn't seen Frozen yet! I think I need to.

Liz Mays said...

What a fun adventure you'll be having! I hope you enjoy every minute of it!

Melissa Au said...

Yay! I'm excited, too. I look forward to meeting you!

tammilee said...

Have so much fun! I can't wait to hear about your trip!

Marina@EBMR said...

You are going to have such a blast. Two fantastic films!!

Marina@EBMR said...

What fun!! You're going to have such a blast!!

Stefani @ MommyEnterprises.com said...

You are going to have a BLAST. I can't wait to own these movies.

Debi@ The Spring Mount 6 pack said...

We are so excited for both of these. My daughter is obsessed with both Frozen and all things Tinker Bell.

Adaptable Kay said...

I only have one question for you.....Take me with you!?!?! LOL It's snowing (yet again) here in IL and we already have snow up to our knee on the ground!

Other than the cold I'm so excited you get to be apart of this amazing trip! It sounds like a lot of fun things are in store for you and I can't wait to hear all about it :)

Safe travels!

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