Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Try a FREE 5 Week Trial of Reading Eggs, help your child learn to read #ReadingEggsUS AD

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Reading Eggs.
 We've heard from the time we were children that reading is fundamental. Being literate is important, it's very important. Being able to read words is one thing being able to comprehend them is another. The challenge we have as parents is to be able to teach our children to not only read but to be able to understand and comprehend what those words are saying. In my family I read as often as possible, I have a collection of books that are as tall as I am in my ready to be read pile.

 My husband is proud of the fact that his reading and comprehension level were far above average and it's been that was from the time he was five, books are a big part of his life. So being able to read is a big part of our family and it's something we've passed along to our daughter. She has quite the collection of books and she's read all of them!

Some kids take to reading like fish to water,'s like pulling teeth. But one thing we must emphasize to our children is that being able to read and comprehend are some of the most important life lessons we can learn. A place you can go to help strengthen your child's reading and comprehension skills is Reading Eggspress  this website is amazing.
  ReadingEggs is a wonderful tool to have in your arsenal, it makes reading fun and instead of it being just a straightforward read this kind of site it tuns reading into a game that if you score well enough you earn cards from a variety of different types. You can sign up now for a completely free 5 week trial (you do not have to use your credit card at all) and try out this great program for yourself.  I am sure you will love it just as much as we do.

One of my daughters favorite features is being able to explore the land like a game, she can make her own avatar and visit anyplace she would like. The library is her favorite place to visit in the game. First up my daughter read a book about kittens, and super heroes. Yes she likes a wide variety of books, and lucky for her, Reading Eggs, has a great amount of books on her lever, of all different types of genres.
When she was done reading she took a quiz and if you score 80% you're rewarded with a card for getting a passing grade (she picked an animal card and got a flamingo.)There are also fun grammar "race" games where you can test your skill level and see if you can beat the computer! My daughter loved the games, she loved to win and rack up the points, learning and sharpening her skills was just a bonus for her.

If you have a child between the ages of 3 and 7 Reading Eggspress is a place you should familiarize yourself with. They have 120 lessons that are perfect for kids who are just learning to read. Not only will your child become a better reader but also a better speller and writer and with the quiz's given their comprehension will get stronger too. If your child is 7-13 Reading Eggs is great to help with comprehension, to challenge their reading skills and has fun live games.
The way to site is set up it is simple to use and navigate and the games and challenges are fun to play. Truth be told I've been playing a few of the games myself to make sure my grammar is up to code! One of the many lessons we need to pass down to our children is that literacy is important Reading Eggspress is there to help us pass along one of life's most important lessons. No matter what level your child is at they can always learn more and make themselves a better student.
  ReadingEggs is a great website for children 3-13 years old that uses games, songs, golden eggs and other rewards to make learning to read interesting and fun. Be sure to check out this great site and sign up for the free trial, sign up now and enter below for a chance to win an Ipad! 

Reading Eggs is hosting the Read to Cure Challenge to raise funds for the National Children’s Cancer Society. You can access Reading Eggs and take part in the Campaign for FREE. They are looking to improve the quality of life for children with cancer, they would like to raise $25,000 and will match each donation up to this amount. All money raised will help provide financial, emotional and educational support for children and families battling childhood cancer. Learn more about the NCCS at
From February 3 to March 7 they are encouraged to complete as many books and Reading Eggs lessons as they can. Friends and family can sponsor their reading efforts, with all money raised going to the NCCS. What’s more, there are (6) great prizes up for grabs: (3) for the most money raised in the Read to Cure and (3) for the most books and lessons completed in the Read to Cure. Why not join this great program, and help to give back.

ReadingEggs is holding a wonderful giveaway that will be open from Monday January 20th through Friday March 7th, 2014

There will be one winner of an Ipad mini, a $299.99 value! Wouldn’t you like to win? I know I would love an Ipad mini, this would be great for travel, and fun to use.

To enter, you must register and activate the 5-week free trial (hey it is FREE) on the Reading Eggs website between 1/20/14 to 3/7/2014 with their name , child’s name and postal address..

Easy huh? Well go on and enter below.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Reading Eggs.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Ellen said...

I love apps that make learning fun. This one sounds great!

Jennifer S. said...

This is just too cute. Looks like a fun way to learn!!!

Not So Average Mama said...

Lauren really liked this program

Nicole B said...

I have a 4 year old who would probably enjoy this. We'll have to try it while it's free and see how it goes.

Mama to 5 said...

My kids are using Reading Eggs and they love it - I incorporate it into our homeschooling lessons - they are loving it and doing great with it!

Audrey at Barking Mad said...

This looks like so much fun! I'm going to do the free trial with my granddaughter and if she enjoys it, I'll make sure she has a full subscription when her mom's deployment is over and she goes back home!

Beth said...

We have two readers here that would love a program like this.

Beth said...

We have two readers at our house that would love this!

The Rebel Chick said...

That sounds like such a great promotion! I love any program that helps kids learn to read!

Unknown said...

Sounds awesome. My oldest needs a boost with reading, I'll have to check it out.

Donna said...

I'll share this with my s-i-l. I think she'd love this for her youngest son.

SensiblySara said...

I've heard great things about Reading Eggs! I need to download it for my youngest.

Robin {Mom Foodie} said...

We have just started using this. Hoping it helps my daughter.

Tonya {The Traveling Praters} said...

This would have been a great program for my boys' when they were younger.

Cat Davis said...

Fun! My kids love educational apps like that.

Tara said...

Great app! My kids are older, but I love how they make this easy for kids to use!

Kristin said...

I love apps like this, in fact we've had a lot of fun with Reading Eggs!

Angela said...

This is great! I love that they are offering a free trial.

Jennifer H said...

We love reading eggs! And have been apart of the reading program for a few years now. My 5 year old reads on a 3rd grade level.

Pam said...

My kids always liked educational apps and websites when they were young. They would have really enjoyed this one.

Laura O in AK said...

I've got this one book marked for when my preschool son is ready to get started.

Unknown said...

We actually used this with my daughter. She loved it and really learned a lot.

Nicole said...

I like that the reading level goes up to 13. There are so many apps that have such a childish feel but aren't interesting to older children. This looks like it is a good mix.

A Mom's Take said...

We have reading eggs, too, and love it!!! My 3, 5, and 7 year old boys fight over getting a turn to play.

trisha said...

Great educational app! Thanks for sharing so we can look up.

StacieinAtlanta said...

I really love the fact that there are so many things my kids that can do with their electronics that are actually useful. This app looks like a great way for kids to learn to read and actually like it.

Unknown said...

This looks like a great way to help my Kindergartener augment what she is learning at school!

Melanie said...

Thanks for a great review, I had heard about this app and wasn't sure if my daughter would like it.. I think it's super cool... soo gonna check it out. Thanks for sharing

Liz Mays said...

The give back component is a super incentive to getting started and/or ramping up the use.

BrettBMartin said...

my four year old has been trying Reading Eggs and loving it. she wants so badly to read like her big brother and sister do

Michelle said...

This sounds like a great app for kids. I love ones that are both educational and fun.

Melissa Au said...

I have three kids in those age groups that would love this.

tammilee said...

I have heard great things about Reading Eggs.

Unknown said...

thanks for giveaway <3

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