Thursday, January 23, 2014

New AMBI™ Cooling Device Puts Instant, Convenient Cooling Relief from Hot Flashes and Migraines in the Palm of Your Hand #Giveaway

Are you looking for a great way to cool down? Well here in the northeast, I am sure you can just walk outside of your door and enjoy the 10 degree temperature outside, but that is not the kind of cooling you really need. Are you experiencing hot flashes? Migraines perhaps? Well I have come across a great item that you are going to love to travel with, the new AMBI cooling device, here is a little more information about this wonderful new product from the website:

When symptoms hit, hot flash and migraine sufferers know that a cool compress applied to the back of the neck or head is a fast, effective way to get much-welcome relief. But, ice packs, gel pouches, frozen vegetables and other conventional cold therapy is messy, drippy and inconvenient, not to mention impossible to keep on hand when you’re out and about.

Introducing AMBI,powered by Blu●TEC™ (“AMBI”), the first-ever portable, personal cooling device that works like an electronic ice cube to instantly deliver mess-free, cool, soothing relief from hot flashes and migraine symptoms, as well as insect bites, bumps and bruises, at the touch of a button. AMBI™ is small and discrete—about the size of a smartphone—and provides safe, non-invasive relief that can be used anywhere, anytime: in the car, in bed, at work, on a plane or soccer field—anywhere symptoms strike.

In the U.S. alone, menopause affects nearly 50 million women and the vast majority experience hot flashes, as do some breast cancer survivors and those who have undergone hysterectomies. These numbers are expected to grow as the baby boomer generation is being quickly followed by their daughters, who are maturing to menopausal age. Cool therapy has been widely recognized as a soothing treatment for both hot flashes and migraines. In the recent “Hot Flash Prescription” episode of “The Dr. Oz Show,” Dr. Mehmet Oz 
acknowledged that the most important thing women can do is, “extinguish the heat the minute it strikes.” And, in her book “The Migraine Brain,” author and clinical director of the Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians Comprehensive Headache Center, Carolyn Bernstein, M.D., said, “The cold decreases inflammation, which lessens the pain.” AMBI™ is ready to use the minute the heat or migraine symptoms strike.

 “Hot flashes and night sweats are annoying, impact your sleep and cause many women to feel embarrassed by the sudden flush and sweating that can happen when you least expect it,” said Trisha Welch, president of  Ambient Therapeutics, Inc. which developed the AMBI™ device. “A cold compress applied to the back of the neck can bring nearly instant relief, but you can’t carry an ice pack in your purse or keep it on the bedside table all night, every night. But with AMBI™, instant, soothing relief is available at the touch of a button, and you can carry it anywhere.”

Our Take:
ambi™ is the first portable device to provide comfort and relief from HEAT TRAUMA (including HOT FLASHES), MIGRAINES, INJURIES, INSECT BITES, and more, all in the palm of your hand.  Just imagine, a little portable electronic ice cube, that you can travel with that can cool you off at any time.  As soon as my mother found out that this handy device arrived, she tried to confiscate the ambi. My mom has been having issues with hot flashes, and knew this would be a big help for her. 
 She asked to borrow it for a few days to check it out… I allowed mom to borrow it as long as she promised to give it back, I knew I could use it as well. Well after a week I had to ask for this back again and again, and begrudgingly she gave it back to me. Needless to say she loved having a portable ice cube, an easy way to cool down without bothering her co-workers. Previously when a hot flash hit, she would turn on the fan on her desk… being in a small office, having a fan turned on when it is freezing outside is not a great thing for the other co-workers.  She loved this and I am sure, I will be buying one for her upcoming birthday.

I think this would be so handy to bring with on vacation. While traveling, I can get stressed and this seems to trigger a migraine, I don’t know if it is just the hassle of travel, or my nerves, I always get terrible headaches. I will surely be bringing this on my next Disney vacation this May. This ambi will be great for the plane and for toting around in the parks, for a quick cool breeze in the Florida heat. 

This is for so much more than migraines and hot flashes the Amb can be used for select injuries,  The coolness of the ambi™ triggers a response from the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that controls body temperature) which stops or reduces, within seconds, the effects of a hot flash and ensuing sweats. 
And ambi is also very useful to help with the pain of inscet bites, ambi™ may be used in addition to standard practices of applying calamine lotion, a paste of baking soda, or an over-the-counter hydrocortisone ointment.  ambi™ works as both a sensory distraction and helps reduce the inflammation caused by the bite.  
So if you are looking for a handy portable devise that is good for many things, easy to tote in its handy bag, you are going to love the AMBI™ Cooling Device. I know I love it, and so does my mother, I would have to give this a thumbs up!
One of Susan’s Disney Family readers will win an AMBI™ Cooling Device. Would you like to win? Please let me know who would love to use this device? There are also other ways to enter, please enter below.  ambi™ convenient and effective at delivering cold therapy… anytime …anywhere you need it.

Make sure to stay social with ambi, and follow them on Facebook 

Buy it:
You can purchase an Ambi online

Win it:
One winner will win an AMBI™ Cooling Device! A $45.00 ARV

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Jen lleras said...

me, me and me. I have bad knees from running injuries and this looks like it would help a lot!

Unknown said...

I would love this

DesiredOne said...

I would love to have this. I suffer from migraines and use a cold compress but this is such a great way to relieve them.

lisaray said...

I would love this. I've been having ongoing issues with my knee, and this would really help.

Renee B. said...

I would give it to my husband for his migraines

Unknown said...

My daughter would love this , she gets migraines and this would be soothing to her.

Unknown said...

I would love it

Unknown said...

My whole family would use this.

slb3334 said...

I would love this.

Unknown said...

I would love this for the summer when I get headachs from the heat

mecarolks said...

I'd keep it for myself.

Wendy Hark said...

I would love it and so would my daughter-in-law.

latanya t said...

for my husband

nickieisis3 said...

This would be great for my mother who suffers from migranes

Bobbie Smith said...

Me, I would just absolutely love this.

Anonymous said...

My sweetie and I would both love using this.

renee walters said...

This would be great for my daughter who suffers from terrible migraines. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

fosterdad said...

My wife could use this for her migraines

kelly tupick said...

My husband would like this. He suffers from bad knees and have had a number of knee surgeries already.

amy said...

I would love this. I get migraines and this would really help!

Unknown said...

My husband would love this! He constantly hurts himself at work.

Sandy Cain said...

I would love this. I CANNOT stand these hot flashes any more!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

It would be for me and my husband.

Debra Guillen said...

I would love this.

Kristina Valcarce said...

I wonder if this would work for sinus problems!

littlelatina said...

we could all use this but my mom would love it

Anonymous said...

My husband and I would both get good use out of this!

BethElderton said...

I would love this. I always thought that "hot flashes" were kind of a joke---they are real and miserable.

harolde said...

My wife would love this!

greg said...

my wife would love it!


I could use this for nauseousness by putting it behind the neck.

Unknown said...

I just turned 50. Something tells me this is going to come in vey handy in the nex couple of years.

Heather said...

my godmother would love this.

Deb K said...

My daughter would love this!

bbrittbrat1398 said...

My mother would love this.
Brittney House

iggysaysno said...

my mom would love this.

Phelank said...

My son would love this. He is seriously always hot. He turned on my air last week when it was 55 out. I wasn't happy.

Unknown said...

My fiance could really use this. He gets migraines quite a bit and it's hard to see him in pain.

kath g said...

me - between sinus headaches and tendonitis this would be wonderful.

heymissvirginia said...

This would be for me! I am having severe hot flashes. I could really use this!
heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

Unknown said...

I started having migraines last year and I try to avoid taking medication unless it is absolutely necessary. I would love to try the AMBI™ Cooling Device to give me some relief from from headache pain.

Tamar said...

I would! I need this for headaches.

tiffanynichole89 said...

I would give this to my fiance because he always gets migranes.

tlcfromtn said...

I think my husband and I both could use this

Melissa Shirley said...

I would love this

HedgeHogi said...

I would keep this for myself. I get a lot of headaches! at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

my wife would love this. she is always hot.
gabbflabber at

Unknown said...

my wife would love this. she is always hot.
gabbflabber at

dheath3 said...

I would love this

joe rad said...

Live in New England the weather can change in 5 min I get such headaches. Wonder if this would work.

rookieabh said...

My mother in law could really use this!
Ashley S

Heather! said...

I think this sounds wonderful for when I have terrible migraines!

Wanda McHenry said...

I would definitely love this!

mogrill said...

It would be awesome for hot flashes.
Thanks for the chance.

lisa said...

I would Love to have this!
It will get used alot..=)

jlafount said...

I would use it. I can see this being helpful when I have a headache

Anonymous said...

I would love to use this!

Lisa P. said...

My daughter would love this.

Lauren-Olivia Wood said...

This would be helpful for headaches for my family members.

Angie Bailey said...

My teen son would love this for his aches and pains after football practices and games. (Angie PreciselyMine)

Angie Bailey said...

My teen son would love this for his aches and pains after football practices and games. (Angie PreciselyMine)

Anonymous said...

My mom would love this.

njsunbunny said...

I would love this but my daughter who plays lacrosse and soccer would love this for practice and camp in the summer!

Christie said...

my adult daughter, she is in cheer and cheer coaching and is always sore.

Unknown said...

i have migraines all the time

jill190 said...

My oldest son and I get bad migrates. It would be for both of us.

Terri Mc said...

I would love this and would also use this for the kids

SandySue210 said...

It's ME that would love this!

Sharon McIntyre said...

OMG, I would love this for the torture of hot flashes! This sounds like an incredible product!

Jim W. said...

My wife would love this

Unknown said...

I would love this to help with my headaches

Unknown said...

I would love this and so would my husband.

tina reynolds said...

I would use this myself for my awful migranes

Unknown said...

My Mom would love this for her migraines, or in the car when my Dad has the heat cranked up :)

william said...

My Wife would love this for her migranes

Anonymous said...

I would use it myself to help rid the headaches I sometimes get

Heather B said...

I have fibromyalgia i would love to try this out and see if it is of any help to me!

Unknown said...

I would love this and so would my husband.

Wendy ArtsyChaos said...

I would totally like to have one of these!

Roy F. said...

My Mom would love this.

Deborah P said...

I would love this because I get bad migranes and hot flashes

Roxann said...

I would use this myself.

Anonymous said...

This would be great for my mom

LesleyfromWI said...

My husband could really use this

jtwark said...

i would love this for my headaches


Melanie Bahr said...

My husband and I would use this for our headaches!

Ronda Patrick said...

I would love this for my migraines!

Unknown said...

I would!!

Erica C. said...

It would be great for the summer.

contestrobyn said...

My boyfriend would love this!

contestrobyn said...

My boyfriend would!

bac1 said...

i would love this it is great

mperkins37 said...

Im in Phoenix, the family would have to draw straws LOL

brendaelsner said...

This would be great for my migraines.

Anonymous said...

instagram ID gmrich22

Unknown said...

My husband would like this

imaclutz89 said...

I would love this for my neck pain

Anonymous said...

I would love this

Candie L said...

My husband or I would like it. Thank you


scottsgal said...

I would love this for hot flashes

Karrie said...

I would love this. anything to help my migraines. looks perfect

Sky Evans said...

My sister would love this.

Melanie C said...

I think the whole family would use this, though my husband would probably use it the most.

Kat said...

I would love this since I am menopausal

Anonymous said...

I would love it for my headaches

Anonymous said...

I would love this for my headaches!

Unknown said...

I would use this I get really bad tension headaches

Jaime said...

I suffer from migraines and would love to try this.

kyl neusch said...

I would love this.

sparkedcat said...

This would be perfect for my mom.

susansmoaks said...

i would love this. i am tony l smoaks on rafflecopter.

amanda whitley said...

i would love this. my husband would too!

Kayla said...

everyone would. mostly my boyfriend.

07violet said...

my mom would love it

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

Laura said...

My mother would love this!

Gina F. said...

Me and my husband would love this.

DivasNewsReviews said...

I would love this!!!! Sometimes I think I am the only person sweating like a pig while standing outside with snow falling from the sky. The only things that keeps me from stripping and running around the yard are my neighbors. Gotta love menopause.

Kathy P said...

I would love this for myself

Allison said...

Everyone that I know would love it! Thanks so much for the chances to win.

Buddy Garrett said...

My wife would love it.

kmcgrew213 said...

goodness its like this product was made for me. i'd love this product.

Unknown said...

My husband! He suffers from weekly migraines this looks like it will help so much :)

Melanie Montgomery said...

Me, for my migraines

Vikki Billings said...

I would love it the most. I could use it when I get migraines and for my arthritis.

Tylerpants said...

I would love this for myself! Lisa L tylerpants(at)

Nine said...

I would give it to my mom! lexbaylor27 at gmail dot com

Breanne said...

My husband

/\Heather/\ said...

This is all me. Allllllll me. Thanks!

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Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions, . No compensation was received. All opinions are my own. This is a unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.