Friday, January 24, 2014

Free Birds coming to dvd 2/4/14 Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Turkeys and coloring sheets #Giveaway

Free Birds
From the Academy Award®-Winning producer of Shrek* comes a hilarious animated adventure about two turkeys from opposite sides of the tracks who travel back in time in order to keep their species off the Thanksgiving menu. Featuring an all-star voice cast, including Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson and Amy Poehler, Free Birds is loaded with laughs and stuffed with fun for the whole family!
Check out these great coloring sheets:
Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Turkeys

Get ready for Free Birds, coming to DVD and Blu-ray February 4th!

Who said Turkey season was over? From the Academy Award®-Winning producer of Shrek* comes a hilarious animated adventure about two turkeys from opposite sides of the tracks who travel back in time in order to keep their species off the Thanksgiving menu. Featuring an all-star voice cast, including Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson and Amy Poehler, Free Birds is loaded with laughs and stuffed with fun for the whole family!

 In anticipation of the film’s Blu-ray and DVD release, we’ve compiled a list of fun turkey facts so you can better understand the ins and outs of the Free Birds gang!

  1. Turkeys need to be trained to eat. In order for turkeys to reach their biggest size, they must be taught to eat small meals throughout the day, instead of their natural routine of consistently gorging themselves on food.
  2.  A turkey’s snood (red thing attached to the beak) serves no functional purpose.

  1. A turkey’s gobble can be heard from a mile away. Talk about a loud mouth!4. Young turkeys are called “poults.”

  Turkeys were domesticated by Native Americans in pre-Columbian Mexico,
more than 500 years ago. They arrived in Spain in 1519 and quickly spread to the rest of Europe.

  1. Turkeys prefer to sleep in trees. They do this as a way of avoiding predators in the wild.
  1. Female turkeys (hens) do not gobble. Instead, they communicate through low-chirps and clicking noises. 8. Wild turkeys can fly. They are actually quite fast, reaching speeds as fast as 55mph.
 9. Turkeys can blush. This usually takes place when they are frightened, agitated, excited, or ill. And here we thought they were just bashful!

  1. A turkey’s stomach has a container called the gizzard. It contains small stones the turkey has swallowed which help aid with breaking down food for digestion, since the birds do not have teeth.
 Check out Free Birds when it trots it way onto Blu-ray and DVD February 4th!

The generous folks at Fox, are giving one of Susan's Disney Family readers a chance to win a Blu-ray copy of Free Birds. Would you like to win? Please let me know, who would love this movie? There are also other ways to enter, please enter below.

  Buy it:
You can purchase Free Birds in store, and online at Amazon on 2/4/14

  Win it:
One winner will win a Blu-ray copy of Free Birds

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Michele P. said...

my grandsons and my daughter would love Free Birds

Kelly g said...

I think my son would like this movie

Mysharona said...

my kids would


My son!!!

Michelle said...

My two little ones would enjoy this!
Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Heather Hayes Panjon said...

My Niece And Nephew Would Love Free Birds!

Unknown said...

My daughter really wants to see this.

Renee G said...

My husband, two boys and I would love this movie.

slb3334 said...

my nephews would love this.

sarah79harding said...

My daughter and son would love this show I'm pretty sure!

bbrittbrat1398 said...

My niece would love this.
Brittney House

Unknown said...

My nephew would love this

renee walters said...

My family would love this movie! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

Growl Tiger said...

I love that it uses bold colors, is gender neutral and family friendly.

Jackie said...

My family would enjoy watching Free Birds together.
Thank you!

Unknown said...

I know that my 7 year old would absolutely love this movie along with the rest of the family! Thanks for the chance to win it.

heymissvirginia said...

My grandson Coleman and my granddaughter Ivy would love to see this movie.
heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

Mami2jcn said...

My 3 kids would all enjoy it.

Heather said...

I am secretly looking forward to this!

Unknown said...

Our granddaughter would love Free Birds, loves birds.

Kristina Valcarce said...

I think my daughter would love this!

Jenny Q. said...

This looks like a really cute movie that both of my kids would enjoy!

d schmidt said...

My sons would love to see this movie.

C and C girl said...

My 7 year old would love this.

Unknown said...

my younger kids would love this movie!

Unknown said...

My daughter

kport207 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My Daughter Would Love.

Ryan said...

My nephew loved it in the theaters, so im sure he would love to get it from me!

carol said...

I would love to win this for my grandkids

April said...

my two boys and hubby would love to watch this!

ssgsweeps@ gmail .com

rookieabh said...

Both my sons would this!
Ashley S

bison61 said...

my grandkids would love this

tiramisu392 (at)

Heather! said...

My stepson would love it!

kyl neusch said...

my niece does

Unknown said...

My son and I would love it!

Unknown said...

My daughter and I would both love Free Birds!

Anonymous said...

Looks awesome

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

My nephew would!

CindyWindy2003 said...

I think my nephew would love the movie.

momo said...

My grandson and I will watch this great and cute movie together.

mummadear said...

My three kids would love to have the Free Birds movie!

brooke thomas said...

my son!

Wendy Rozema said...

My kids would!

Denise S. said...

My kids and I would.

lisa said...

My Grand Son would love this!

ThriftyAnnabella said...

my son and daughter would
annabella @ centurytel dot net

Anonymous said...

My baby cousin would love to see this movie!!

Lisa P. said...

My grandson would enjoy it.

Jen lleras said...

my son and daughter

Bernie Wallace said...

My niece and nephew would enjoy it.

Deanna said...

My nephews would love for me to win this dvd.

Anonymous said...

I want to win this for best friends child.

Unknown said...

My three kids would love this DVD. Thanks for the chance to win. Alternate email

Christie said...

my six year old and I would love this movie.

Unknown said...

My granddaughter's would love this.

Linda said...

My grandson would love to see this movie.

cyndi br said...

my kids would love to see this

KT said...

my daughters would love free birds

Unknown said...

I would love to wach it with my youngest granddaughter. Thanks.

Jim W. said...

My whole family would like this movie.

Unknown said...

My 2 sons would love to see this

Lisa V. said...

I think my grandbaby would like this.

Unknown said...

all of my kids would love this movie

corey1971 said...

mY YOUNGEST SON WANTS TO SEE IT (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

Daniel M said...

my nephew would love it - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Erica C. said...

My nephew would like this.

Becca Ann said...

My kids would love it!

Heather B said...

It looks like a movie all 5 of us could enjoy but especially my 3 children!

Unknown said...

My 3 year old!

LesleyfromWI said...

My whole family would love

amanda mclemore said...

Both of my kids would love free birds!

Unknown said...

my nephew would love this movie

melissaandkeith miller said...

My son would :)

brendaelsner said...

We all would love Free Birds!!!

Ellie Wright said...

My 2 grandsons would love this.

Anonymous said...

My whole family wants to see this, it looks so cute!!

Desiree Dunbar

imaclutz89 said...

My nephew would love it!


contestrobyn said...

My friends' son would love this!

susansmoaks said...

our entire family would love to watch free birds. i am tony l smoaks on rafflecopter.

scottsgal said...

my niece would enjoy this

Anonymous said...

My family would enjoy watching Free Birds together.

D. Wood said...

My nephew would love this and i would love watching it with him

tlcfromtn said...

My grandsons would love this!

Melanie C said...

The whole family, but especially our lil daughter :)

Lisa said...

My niece would love free birds.

Anonymous said...

Sandra Manning - My grand son would love this, he is 3 years old and such a little fan of these guys =)

Kathy P said...

my friends child would love this :)

kmcgrew213 said...

i would! then i'd donate it to my local library

Unknown said...

My daughter would love it!

emchelly77 said...

my kids would love it! they like all kinds of birds movies!

Rebecca said...

I know my son would love it.....

Thalia said...

My son would love to watch this

Unknown said...

My daughter really wants to see it :)

toastersareflying said...

My son would love it.

ReggieMann said...

my niece would love Free Birds

Unknown said...

I think the whole family would love it.. especially ME.....

Jim said...

i want to see this movie

misterjim74 at gmail dot com

Buddy Garrett said...

Our granddaughter would love it.

Roxann said...

My grandson would love this movie.

Unknown said...

I know my children would love it.

Melanie Montgomery said...

I'd love to see it myself

AEKZ2 said...

My daughter would love this movie

Vikki Billings said...

My grandchildren would love Free Birds

Anonymous said...

My nephews would love it. lexbaylor27 at gmail dot com

Allison said...

my daughter and her friends would love it! thanks so much for the chances to win.

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Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions, . No compensation was received. All opinions are my own. This is a unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.