GE Lighting GE
is proud to continue its long tradition of innovation in lighting and hopes you
enjoy your new lighting experience with clean beautiful light of GE reveal® bulbs.
For more information, please visit GE reveal®. If you are looking to make your room brighter
and have the colors look real and crisp, not yellow and dingy, you are going to
love the new GE lighting, here is a little more information about these new
bulbs from the website:
Makeover Any Room
with GE reveal’s Innovative Clean, Beautiful Light™ – now available at Target,
just in time for the New Year! We all know the holidays and New Years
are the perfect time to consider a makeover. Did you know the quickest and
easiest way to makeover your home for the holidays is with good lighting? With
GE reveal® light bulbs, you can switch on the true beauty of life’s spaces and
the people within them.
You’ll be amazed at how GE reveal® bulbs replace yellow, dingy lighting with crisp, white light that makes colors and patterns pop, transforming homes from ordinary to extraordinary with just the flip of a switch. GE’s new and innovative reveal® LEDs offer the same aesthetic benefits as the rest of the GE reveal® brand plus energy-efficient technology that allows them to last over a decade, based on three hours of usage a day.
You’ll be amazed at how GE reveal® bulbs replace yellow, dingy lighting with crisp, white light that makes colors and patterns pop, transforming homes from ordinary to extraordinary with just the flip of a switch. GE’s new and innovative reveal® LEDs offer the same aesthetic benefits as the rest of the GE reveal® brand plus energy-efficient technology that allows them to last over a decade, based on three hours of usage a day.
Buy GE reveal® at a
Discount at Target! Not only are GE reveal® LED bulbs available almost
exclusively at Target, but there you can find great prices and savings
on all GE reveal® solutions. Target’s Cartwheel App provides savings for in-store
purchases of GE reveal (as well as many of the other items you’ll likely need
in the upcoming months). Simply download Target’s money-saving Cartwheel app,
(available on Apple IOS here and Android here), select the GE reveal (and any other savings
you need) and head to your local Target for great deals!
Target now features a new lighting section including GE reveal® premium light bulbs. The reveal® bulbs are known for transforming rooms by removing the dull yellows of standard soft whites and instead providing beautiful clean white light that help the colors (and everything else) in your home to pop. GE Lighting also just released a new LED version that you can find at Target.
Target now features a new lighting section including GE reveal® premium light bulbs. The reveal® bulbs are known for transforming rooms by removing the dull yellows of standard soft whites and instead providing beautiful clean white light that help the colors (and everything else) in your home to pop. GE Lighting also just released a new LED version that you can find at Target.
I was very fortunate to be able to receive GE reveal® bulbs
to do your own quick and easy reveal lighting makeover. I have used classic bulbs
for many years, to me there was not much of a difference, a light bulb is a
light bulb right? Well I have to admit I was wrong.
We tested the light bulbs all through the house, from the kitchen to the bedrooms. The soft light was crisper, and the colors in the room were no longer muted and looked so much better. Here is my living room lamp before and after, look how much more vibrant my couch looks, isn’t it great?
We tested the light bulbs all through the house, from the kitchen to the bedrooms. The soft light was crisper, and the colors in the room were no longer muted and looked so much better. Here is my living room lamp before and after, look how much more vibrant my couch looks, isn’t it great?
To see how quick and
easy a reveal® lighting makeover
can be, watch this fun andstylish new video GE
Lighting created featuring four hip West-Coast tastemakers who depend on
the best lighting possible for their craft, as they complete a GE reveal®
makeover and share their authentic experience. Learn more about our experts and
their lighting transformations. Make sure to check out this video:
Overall I was very happy with the new lighting look in my
home, my home was bright, and really comfortable. I love the look of the new light
bulbs, and I am now a fan for life, I will be back. I am sure if you try them,
you will love them too.
The generous folks at GE are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance to win a $50.00 Target gift card and a package of four reveal halogen bulbs, so you can do your own room makeover. Would you like to win? Please let me know what room in your home needs this lighting makeover? There are also other ways to enter, please enter below.
The generous folks at GE are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance to win a $50.00 Target gift card and a package of four reveal halogen bulbs, so you can do your own room makeover. Would you like to win? Please let me know what room in your home needs this lighting makeover? There are also other ways to enter, please enter below.
Buy it:
You can purchase these
great light bulbs at your local Target
One winner will
win a $50 Target Gift Card and a package
of four reveal halogen bulbs.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received light bulbs to review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
1 – 200 of 334 Newer› Newest»Our family room could use a lighting makeover.
Thanks so much.
my kitchen
My living room could use it!
My kitchen needs a lighting makeover!
My kitchen needs a lighting makeover!
I would like to makeover my living room
my livingroom
Master Bedroom could use more light.
My living room could use a lighting makeover.
my kitchen
my living room
My office is in need of a makeover. The lighting is terrible in there and I spend a lot of time in there.
alyce poalillo
My bedroom needs the lighting makeover.
getting new lightbulbs is the best
My living room desperately needs a lighting makeover!
My living room needs a lighting make over asap.
our bedrooms
craft room!
craft room!
My living room, it's cavelike.
the family room.
My livingroom needs a light makeover!
My bedroom.
My living room needs it.
It would have to be the bedroom. So needs it.
My kitchen could use a lighting makeover.
Thank you for the nice giveaway!
My master bedroom get use it.
My living room definitely need a lighting makeover. The lighting is not good at all.
twinkle at optonline dot net
I would makeover the bathroom.
My bedroom.
My living room could use a makeover.
My kitchen and/or bedroom definitely could use a lighting makeover!
I would do it in my living room
My bedroom!
I'd like to make over my living room.
I would update the bedroom. Lighting is all from one lamp stuck in the corner
My kitchen needs new lighting.
I would makeover the family room.
Our living room could use a lighting makeover.
My bathroom needs a lighting makeover, it's dark and dim.
My bathroom could use a makeover.
Our den could use a lighting makeover.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
My bathroom!
Ashley S
My home office really needs a lighting makeover.
My bedroom could use a make over
My living room because it is so dark
My living room could use it the most.
My bathroom.
my bedroom
My sunporch could use one!
My living room could use a makeover.
My bedroom could use a makeover!
my living room
my living room
My bathroom
our TV/Familyroom could use a lighting makeover
The living room is the first room that could use a makeover.
coupons (at) amandaemily (dot) com
My living room is pretty dark.
The bathroom
My living room could use a lighting makeover.
My bedroom. The lights are all old and yellowed.
My living room could use a lighting makeover.
Our bedroom!
Our living room
our living room could use a makeover.
My craft room could use a lighting makeover - thank you.
My kitchen
My family room could use a lighting makeover, especially during the winter.
My kitchen could use a makeover
The room where I do my cross-stitching (living room) will be so much brighter with these bulbs! Wow!
Our family room really needs a lighting makeover
my living room
my basement bathroom, it's scary dark.
My living room needs it badly
My living room! It is too dark for my liking.
The bathroom needs a lighting makeover.
My living room really needs a lighting makeover!
i would make over my family room
my living room
My master bedroom needs a lighting makeover
Our kitchen could use a lighting makeover.
my bedroom or family room
my bedroom or family room
My Garage! My basement, which is the kid and woman cave. We do puzzles down there... the living room! I need good lighting everywhere, doesn't everyone? I can't wait to get these bulbs. I REFUSE to buy the mercury bulbs being forced on us. WHO needs to put more mercury into the earth?
The lighting in my bathroom is terrible. We could use a lighting makeover in there
My living room!!!!
All of my bulbs need replacing. Especially the living room by my readiing chair.
Our laundry room could really use a lighting makeover. It is really dark in there and makes it tough to get things done.
my bedroom
My bathroom really needs it. It's not very bright in there.
heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com
My family room could use a makeover.
I would make over my master bathroom.
My living room could use a GE reveal makeover.
My living room is extremely dark. It could definitely use a good lighting makeover. s2inamug at aim dot com
the kitchen!!!!
My bathroom could use a makeover.
our living room
My bedroom has an ancient ceiling fan that really needs an new look.
My bedroom has an ancient ceiling fan with a light and it really needs an update
Our living room, we just have a lamp to light it.
I would makeover the dining area.
My bedroom could definitely use the makeover.
My bedroom could really use the makeover.
My living room needs a lighting makeover. It's too dark.
I would makeover my living room
My bathroom needs a major one!
My living room could use a lighting makeover.
I would make over the living room
My bathroom could absolutely use a lighting makeover.
my living room
I would like to makeover my living room. I want to thank you for this awesome sweep :)
My living room is incredibly dark, but my dining room also needs a lighting makeover.
My bathroom which is quite dim.
My basement could use a makeover
I need one in my bedroom.
The living room
I could use a makeover in not only my living room but my craft room as well Both need better lighting
My bedroom could use a light makeover. Thank you!!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
My living room could use a lighting makeover
I would love to spruce up my kids playroom!
ssgsweeps @ gmail .com
Our bathroom for sure!!
My bathrooms need a makeover
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
my bedroom could use the makeover!
my master bath needs a lighting makeover!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
I will change my bathroom first, and then my living room.
Our bedroom!
My living room could use a makeover.
My living room could use it!
Brittney House
living room could use a lighting makeover.
our bedroom needs it.
gabbflabber at
our bedroom needs a makeover.
gabbflabber at
our living room
My living room or kitchen
The kitchen needs an upgrade
I'd start with the living room, since it's the room I'm in most :)
My Bedroom could use a Lighting Makeover.
my bedroom needs it
My living room.
My bedroom! the paint makes my roomsuper dark and i need something to light it up.
My son's room
my office
Our living room could use a lighting makeover.
My spare room could use the makeover.
Our kitchen could use a lighting makeover.
rafflecopter: happi shopr
Our bathroom has terrible lighting and could use a makeover.
I would use it in my bedroom.
my dining room
My children's playroom would love a makeover
I think my living room lighting needs a make over!
Carly D.
my living room
My living room could use a lighting makeover.
I would makeover the living room.
my parlor. The lighting is horrible, and colors become distorted in this room.
My living room could use a makeover.
My bedroom could use a makeover in general, why not start with the lighting LOL
my livingroom needs a lighting makeover!
My son's room could use a makeover.
my livingroom
My living room could use it! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com
My bedroom! I have no overhead light!
Our living room could use a lighting makeover.
My home office could use a makeover... I'm an artist and can always use more light!
My son's bedroom.
Our home office could use a makeover - it's fairly dim and drab as is and needs some major sprucing up.
Geoff K
gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com
Our bedroom
My bedroom could use a makeover.
the master bedroom and bathroom
My living room always looks orange. It could use a makeover.
My living room
My living room needs a lighting makeover.
My living room!
Our living room
My office could use a lighting makeover.
My living room
My bedroom :)
My bedroom :)
My kitchen could use some lighting help! Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
My living room needs a lighting makeover.
My dining room could use a makeover
annabella @ centurytel dot net
My bathroom could use a lighting makeover.
our living room needs a lighting makeover
my living room could definitely use a lighting makeover.
my living room
My living room lights could definitely use some help/
My bedroom. Feels and looks live a cave when getting dressed in the morning.
My livingroom.
My family room could use a lighting makeover.
I'd makeover the kitchen as there's no windows so we need alot of light in there :)
definitely my living room
my kitchen is in desperate need of a lighting makeover!
My laundry room could use a lighting makeover. :) Thanks.
I would use a lighting makeover for my bedroom. Thanks.
My office can use a lighting make over!
My music studio room could use a lighting makeover.
jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com
Our kitchen needs it the worse.
I would use it in my living room
My kitchen could use a makeover.
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