Friday, December 27, 2013

Balance Bar, great tips and #NewYearBalance Giveaway

 Is your new year’s resolution, to eat healthier and live a better lifestyle for 2014? Well I have a great suggestion for you all, Balance Bars, great low calorie bars that you will love. Here is a little more information about Balance bars from the website: 

Founded in 1992, Balance Bar, one of America’s original nutrition/energy bars, inspires consumers to lead active, well-rounded and balanced lives by providing great-tasting, healthy and convenient nutrition for lasting energy. Balance Bars are available in eight unique product lines (Original, Gold, Dark, Bare, CafĂ©, CarbWell, nimble and mini) and all 28 flavors are based on the 40/30/30 nutrition model – a proven formula developed by scientists to help stabilize blood sugar levels that represents the caloric ratio the body needs to enjoy lasting balanced energy and satisfy hunger for longer; 40% of total calories from carbs, 30% from quality protein and 30% from dietary fat.
I wanted to let you know there is a great contest that Balance Bar is holding on their website, make sure to check it out.  Balance Bar will also be hosting its Pledge to best the best person you can be for 2014 contest to win a Grand prize trip a Fitness Resort Vacation and other great prize packs featuring Balance Bar products and items to help consumers achieve healthy balance in the coming year. The contest runs December 12 – January 31st make sure to enter, you never know you just might be a winner!  Enter the Balance Bar pledge & giveaway: Here are some great tips on a blog post on  Take The Balance Bar® Pledge
 This year, Balance Bar is helping Americans make the right choices for their health, wellness and overall happiness in 2014 with its Balance Bar® Pledge, an anti-resolutions pledge that encourages people to skip the tradition of setting overly ambitious and sometimes unachievable goals and instead make one small step each month.

Ready to join us in our 2014 anti-resolutions pledge? Get started on making 2014 your best year yet by taking the Balance Bar® Pledge and mark your calendar for our #NewYearBalance Twitter party on January 9.
A Year Full of Tips for Loving Life and Living to the Fullest

 JANUARY - Make an “intention” board to stay motivated.  "Intentions" (rather than “resolutions”) allow you a little leniency while still holding a basic structure that helps to keep you on track to achieve your goals. Create an intention board of images and words cut from magazines that illustrate the energy behind your goals/intentions/resolutions for the year. For the tech savvy out there, go ahead and make it on Pinterest!

FEBRUARY - Don’t let old habits derail you. It’s time to start paying attention to your old habits and the little things that derail your progress on eating healthy in 2014. If you’re having a bad day and you usually turn to sweets to make yourself feel better, take a step back and realize how you’re handling the situation. Instead of doing something counter-productive to your goals like overeating, do something good for you like going on a brisk 20 minute walk or calling a friend to catch up.

 MARCH -Exercise to minimize your stress level. When you exercise, your blood starts pumping faster through your veins, you take deeper, more cleansing and detoxifying breaths, and your brain releases endorphins- your body’s natural “feel good” chemicals. Not only are you achieving a goal by exercising, but you’re also making yourself feel better!

APRIL -Spring clean your life. Take a look at your life and see what needs cleaning! In a bad relationship or friendship? Be honest to yourself and the other person, and end the relationship. Feeling tired and drained? Look at the activities in your days and revitalize them – drink more water, change up your breakfast commit to healthy afternoon snacks like a Balance Bar® and get outside a for a few minutes each day. Don’t just clean your house or office this spring, but clean up your life too.

MAY - Surround yourself with motivating people. Nothing is more of a “downer” than wanting and trying to better yourself but seeking encouragement, motivation or advice from people who say "you can't." Find the "You CANs" and do what they do!

JUNE -Better your life by making some changes. Make a list of everything that makes you uncomfortable or annoyed like spending too much time on shopping, going out too much, not exercising, etc. Decide on a short, daily action that you can take that is exactly the opposite. You’ll make yourself feel better and make life less stressful.

JULY -Find your passion and start living it. Ask anyone who seems to be happy at work and they will say "I LOVE what I do!"  They are passionate, enthusiastic and they have energy from living their dreams. Don't wake up 10 years from now wondering what happened to your life … start living TODAY! Try a new hobby, sign up for a new class at the gym or take a cooking class.

AUGUST -Take care of your BODY.  It's the only one you've got. Move your body in a way that helps it feel good. Anything you can do to get your heart rate up releases chemicals that just plain make you feel better. And don’t forget to feed your body the right fuel (like with a Balance Bar®!) Otherwise, no matter how much exercise you do, you will always feel drained.

SEPTEMBER -Build your self-esteem every day. Self-esteem is essential when it comes to your self-image, how you’re perceived and ultimately how you treat yourself. If you’re down in the dumps about yourself, do something to make you feel happy, healthy and beautiful! Identify one thing to do each day like exercise, volunteer, open the door for someone, donate money, etc. and you’ll feel much better. 

OCTOBER  -MAKE time, don’t find time. We all have busy schedules these days so it’s hard to find time to do what we want. Rather than wait for the perfect moment to exercise or for a relaxing quiet moment, make the moment! Wake up an hour early to hit the gym or go into the office early to get your work done so you can enjoy an extra 20 minutes outside at lunch.

 NOVEMBER -Get a full 8 hours. As a culture, Americans shortchange ourselves on sleep. But not getting enough sleep doesn’t just leave you tired, it takes a toll on your skin, your stress levels and overall well-being. Shut the computer down and commit to getting at least 8 solid hours a night. Then start your day with a balanced meal like Balance Bar® and a cup of Greek yogurt with fruit.

DECEMBER -Create a fitness bank. Every time you don't want to work out, but do anyway, give yourself $1. Once it adds up, treat yourself to something nice like a new coat or even a nice dinner out with friends. Your hard work and motivation will benefit you in the long run in more ways than one!

My Review:
Are you trying to eat better with the new year?  I know I have made that resolution many times in my life, and not I am sticking to it. I was very fortunate to be able to try out a variety of Balance Bars I could not wait! I am a huge fan of Balance Bar® over the past couple years, I have become and ever bigger fan.  I can’t say enough about the high quality, and great taste of these nutrition bars.   I was very fortunate to be able to try out some of the great bars including, Dark Chocolate PeanutChocolate Mint Cookie Crunch and Yogurt Honey Peanut Balance Bars, A 2014 Calendar with tips from Lifestyle Guru Laurel House and a cool set of headphones from Yurbuds

  I know what you may think, you may have tried healthy bars in the past and they are tasteless… or they just are terrible.. Well Balance Bars are here to help, they are nothing like bars you have had in the past. I just adore the bars, they remind me of delicious candy bars, they seem too good to be true! If I had to choose a favorite I  would have to choose the Chocolate Mint Cookie Crunch bar, because who does not love minty chocolaty goodness? Well I sure do, and this bar realty has a mint chocolate flavor.  The calendar will be great to keep track of my 2014 events. The Yurbuds will be great for my workout sessions, listing to music for me really keeps me going and motivated to keep up my movements and my resolutions.  So if you are looking to eat healthier in 2014 I would highly suggest Balance Bars you will surely love them as much as I love them.

The generous folks at Balance Bar are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance to win an assortment of Balance Barsa 2014 Calendar with tips from Lifestyle Guru Laurel House and a cool set of headphones from Yurbuds. Would you like to win? Please visit the Balance Bar site, take a look around then come back here and tell me something you learned from the site. There are also other ways to enter, please enter below.
The Balance Bar is available at
Win it:
One winner will win an assortment of Balance Bar® 2014 Calendar with tips from Lifestyle Guru Laurel House and a cool set of headphones from Yurbuds

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received bars, a calender and ear buds to review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Maryann D. said...

I learned that Balance Bars are great for you and the energy bars are packed with delicious flavor and loaded with balanced 40-30-30 nutrition.
twinkle at optonline dot net

AG said...

They have 40-30-30 nutrition

Natalie said...

I learned a balance bar provides 23 vitamins and minerals

GANDORF57 said...

They have quite a variety of flavor.

Anonymous said...

I would love to try BARE Bars Sweet & Salty Chocolate Almond.

Unknown said...

I learned that balance bars are great and low calorie.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE balance bars, for sure. I buy them from time to time and keep them in my purse! It is a great meal for me, along with a smoothie! They are high in protein! And the flavors! YUM. I LOVE the DARK bars. And the cookie dough ones.

kim burnett said...

I learned that it was Founded in 1992 by a group of sports enthusiasts, scientists and people with a passion for life in Santa Barbara, CA

rhonda1111 said...

new GF follower. Will you follow me back trying to get more friends thanks you

Anonymous said...

The holiday flavored coffee drinks at coffee shops are very high in fat and sugar!

Becky Mc Dowell
beckybopp at netzero dot com

Diana Lane Utley said...

I learned that there are several low calorie flavors to choose from.

Becca said...

I learned that the company started in my hometown - Santa Barbara.

Unknown said...

I learned that Balance Bars have a ton of protein! They have about 13 grams, and they are also rich in fiber as well. I had no idea they had so many delicious flavors! Thanks for the chance to win!

renee walters said...

I learned a balance bar provides 23 vitamins and minerals! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

Melissa Shirley said...

The Balance bar was founded in 1992

Anonymous said...

Balance Bar energy bars are packed with delicious flavor and loaded with balanced 40-30-30 nutrition.

Unknown said...

They are PACKED with protein!!

Jakes Movie Reviews said...

they r low calorie snacks :)

Unknown said...

They're rich in fiber and pack in a lot of good stuff with less calories

heymissvirginia said...

I learned that Balance Bars are made to provide long-lasting, balanced energy, not to create a sugar rush. I just tried a cookie dough balance bar yesterday and it was really good!
heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

Lisa said...

I learned they are a healthy protein snack

Daniel M said...

a balance bar provides 23 vitamins and minerals - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

shamah selvam said...

i learn that you can keep yourself healthy with eating balance bars. and it is a snack that you can have on the go:)

LesleyfromWI said...

I learned of the huge variety of flavors that they have!

Julieh said...

I learned about balanced 40-30-30 nutrition
Julie Hawkins

Unknown said...

I learned that they are a better alternative than a lot of the bars we get.

Unknown said...

The protein keeps you full so you lose weight

Danai @ Living, Learning, Eating said...

I learned that they have an ideal ratio of protein: carb: fat.

Kathy P said...

Balance Bar products are certified kosher dairy (as noted with the OU-D symbol on our packaging) by OU Kosher

kmcgrew213 said...

i learned that they make smore's bars (yum!!) and i would love to try one :)

Buddy Garrett said...

I learned the Balance Bars have balanced 40-30-30 nutrition.

Anonymous said...

I learned they have good protein.

Anonymous said...

that they hAVE a lot of protein Vivian

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