Welcome to the
enchanting world of Flutterbye Fairies. Discover the real magic of fairies as
she glides and dances through the air. Only the magical world of FlutterbyeFairies can turn a young girl's dream into a reality.
Are you looking for a great gift idea for that special little
girl on your holiday gift list this year? Is your little one a fan of fairies?
Those magical little creatures that are out there somewhere. Well would she
like one to be in her home? She is going to love the enchanting world of
Flutterbye Fairies!
My daughter was very fortunate to be able to check out
the world of Flutterbye Fairies. Flutterbye Fairies- The magic
of fairies is real! This is the only fairy that a girl can fly, simply by the
palm of her hand. These beautiful fairies are inspired by flowers and
star dust, bringing love and sweet dreams to all little girls who fly her. Age: 6+ Suggested Retail Price: $34.99

Our daughter like most girls her age love Fairies, they can
fly, and they have pixie dust and they're just really cool to most little
girls. What if you were able to give your little girl her very own fairy that
can actually fly? The Flutterbye Fairies prove that the magic of fairies is
real. This is a very cool toy that is a lot of fun for girls but also for the
other members of your family as well. Just set your fairy in the launcher that
also doubles as the charger and watch her takeoff. With raising the palm of
your hand up and down your fairy should move up and down.
Our fairy sometimes had a little issue with following
directions and she would crash and that would make my daughter laugh out loud
she thought that was the funniest thing. This is an indoor toy so you don't
want to play with it outside, but if your child is like mine they'll get
countless hours of fun playing with the Flutterbye Fairies. If someone asks you
if fairy magic is real just show them your Flutterbye Fairy and they'll have
their answer.
Another great thing about the Flutterbye Fairies, is this
was a “Wal-Mart Top 20 Chosen by Kids” so you know a lot of kids loved it. So
if you are looking for a for kids in an age range that is hard to buy for (in
my opinion this age range is tough to shop for, I just have such issues finding
what some girls would like at this age) ages 6-10 (and of course it is good for
big kids like my myself as well) the Flutterbye Fairies is a great gift idea.
This is a gift that special someone on your holiday gift list will love, and I
am sure you will have a great time playing with them with these fun toys as
Make sure to check out the Flutterbye Fairies website for some great doll information and some cool coloring pages. With Flutterbye Fairies, the magic of fairies is real! Make sure to pick up a fairy or two for that special girl on your holiday gift list this year. I am sure your little one would love it!
Make sure to check out the Flutterbye Fairies website for some great doll information and some cool coloring pages. With Flutterbye Fairies, the magic of fairies is real! Make sure to pick up a fairy or two for that special girl on your holiday gift list this year. I am sure your little one would love it!
Buy it:
You can purchase Flutterbye
Fairies in stores and online
Make sure to stay
connected with Flutterbye Fairies via social media and like them on Facebook
Are there any little
girls on your list that would love Flutterbye Fairies?
Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I received a fairy to review. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
Wow, my youngest daughter would love this. Flutterbye Fairies are so cute, what a cool doll!!
My niece would love this! I haven't bought her a gift yet -- so I need to check this out while shopping this weekend.
Oh...those are so cute! I know a little girl who would be very excited to find this under the tree.
I've seen this on a commercial and thought it was really neat. Maybe Santa will being one for my 6-year old for Christmas.
I saw a commercial, I think, for those not too long ago. My daughter is still a little young for them for Christmas, but maybe for her birthday next year.
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