Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Culturelle Kids! Probiotic All-Stars Honor Roll. #Giveaway

The Culturelle Kids! Probiotic All-Stars Honor Roll.
When Kids feel good, they do amazing things! Keep your kids' digestive and immune systems healthy this school year with Culturelle Probiotics. Show how bright your children shine when their natural defenses are strong and digestive issues don't slow them down. Share photos, videos and stories of his or her bright moments at school-getting good grades, spelling bees, school plays, graduation, musical performances-and you could win a $100 Visa gift card and free Culturelle Kids products. 

Visit the Facebook page to enter: 

There’s a coupon on the app tab, but also one on the main site: http://www.culturelle.com/AllStarsCoupon
Make sure to connect socially with Culturelle:  

The generous folks at Culturelle are giving one of Susan's Disney Family readers a chance to win a tote filled with great Culturelle products. Would you like to win? Please check out the Culturelle site, take a look around then come back here and tell me something you learned. There are also other ways to enter, please enter below. 
Win it:

One winner will win a Culturelle prize pack

the pack includes:
2 Boxes of Culturelle Kids! Probiotic Packets
2 Boxes of Culturelle Kids! Probiotic Chewables
1 Box of Culturelle Adult Digestive Health 
1 Culturelle Tote Bag

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions . I will receive a pack as well for posing. No monitory compensation was received. I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


Unknown said...

learned that Supporting kids' natural defense systems is important to promoting their overall health as well as helping to alleviate occasional digestive distress.*

BethElderton said...

I learned that Culturelle probiotics are important to digestion, reduces bloating, and helps bolster the immune system.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

wigget said...

i learned probiotics help support the natural defense systems

kolpin said...

i learned that 70% of your body’s entire immune system is in your digestive tract.

raffleopter: daniel

Unknown said...

Pro-bi-o-tic. The world literally means "for life." I think that says a lot..I've been reading recently about how it could help improve behavior in children with ADHD...been dying to try them on my son.

Anonymous said...

Probiotic means for life. I personally take a probiotic everyday and would like to get my kids started on them. colleenaw@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

i learned from their site that probiotics help support a natural defense system
heather hgtempaddy@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I learned that I should take and give my family probiotics everyday for better health.

Anonymous said...

I am entering under Jennette.

Maryann D. said...

I learned how to store properly: STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS:
Store Culturelle in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep Culturelle at room temperature or below.
twinkle at optonline dot net

Unknown said...

Probiotics help create normal flora in the digestive system. I have been using this with my son for years now and I definitely notice if we are ever out or Culturelle.

I follow on instagram- terps1990

Unknown said...

I learned Probiotics help create normal flora in the digestive tract. I have used Culturelle for many years with my son and I definitely know it helps him.

I follow on Instagram under terps1990

Kathy P said...

In study after study, Lactobacillus GG has been shown to survive stomach acid and form a strong barrier against non-beneficial bacteria. Unlike many of its competitors, Culturelle delivers the optimal number of live, active cells recommended by medical research – in each capsule.

Gala said...

i learned that 70% of your body’s entire immune system is in your digestive tract, so we better support it

cman said...

Helps reduce occasional digestive upset.

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