Are you looking for a unique doll for the little girl in
your life? A unique doll with her own personality. A doll that is talented,
empowered, successful and just plain fun to play with. I would like to
introduce you all to a new doll line called The Beatrix Girls , it is a line of collectible dolls that your
little girl will love! Here is a little
more information about the doll line from the website:
The Beatrix Girls is a line of collectible dolls -- they’re musicians, they’re dolls, they’re role models for a new generation of empowered young girls, with great clothes, fabulous hair, and original pop music developed by platinum-winning songwriters and producers. The Beatrix Girls are an accomplished pop band with real music that young girls are sure to adore. Each member of the band sings, plays a different instrument and even writes the songs. They’ve achieved the pop star success that young girls dream of and they’ve done it through talent, tenacity and old-fashioned hard work.
These dolls sound great… right? Well let’s meet the Beatrix
Brayden: “Hey, I’m Brayden: I was born in Hollywood
California and my brain is always bursting with new song ideas, which is why
I’m not just the lead guitarist but also the main song writer for The Beatrix
Girls. I write songs that reflect real life experiences, friendship, and lessons
like standing up for who you are. My passions are music and the environment! My
friends and I are the hottest act in the world, but most importantly, we are
great friends who care about each other and the world around us. I love to
dress in stylish minis, sky-high heels and lots of jewelry. I mix those with
geometric prints, clashing patterns and lots of soft bold metallic and leather.
My style is different and edgy with a cross-over appeal.”
Ainsley: “Hi. I’m Ainsley and I’m from the
deep-south, but I’m definitely not a typical southern girl. I am a charming
southern belle and can be quiet as a church mouse when we sip mint juleps
together on the porch, but put me behind a drum set and I turn into a Riot
Grrrl. My passion for drumming, coupled with a lot of hard work, got me the gig
with my three best friends, as the drummer for The Beatrix Girls! I love the
“modern antique” look. I favor rich, feminine fabrics like laces, florals and
brocades cut into modern silhouettes that highlight my figure. I channel
classic Southern Belle with my corsets hats and gloves, but I’m thoroughly
modern in how I put it all together.”
Lark: “I’m from Boston,
okay? I live my life by three B’s: Beans, BoSox and Bass Guitar. Now I’ve added
a fourth B... Beatrix. Aside from my love of music, I LOVE extreme sports - surfing,
skateboarding, snowboarding - I’m a champ! I’m often referred to as the “rocker
chick” of the group. I’m a bit grungy, a little bit punk. My passion for sports
and music has not only won me many competitions, but it earned me my spot as
the lead bass player with my three best friends! I like layers and ripped up
jeans by day, and by night I like appropriating boys’ looks into feminine hot
outfits. Combat boots with frilly dresses, skinny jeans with suspenders,
sneakers with everything. I avoid pinks and other bright colors, but then
again, with my fiery hair, I don’t need much color from my clothes.”
Chantal: “I am Chantal and I come from Montreal
Canada. I speak Français and English. I play the keyboard and sing. People say
I’m “mellow”, logical and level headed, but I am often... “bent out of
shape”... by the silly things people say and do. When this happens I am likely
to “flip out.” I love to play the piano and sing, and I work very hard at both.
I’m a snappy dresser and typically stick to the classics. I love the clean, mod
look of the 50s. I like to wear soft, subtle silk blouses and dark, tight,
Capri type pants or miniskirts with fishnet stockings. I like high heeled shoes,
but not too spiky. I like to wear my silver bracelets and a slinky silver
Our Take:
The Beatrix Girls dolls are not a ho hum regular doll, these
dolls are so much more! They each have their own likes and style, the girls are
in a band and they are the best of friends. Hasn’t every little girl dream at one time of
being a star, being on stage with your adoring fans cheering you on. This is
the life of The Beatrix Girls. My
daughter was very fortunate to be able to check out one of The Beatrix Girls, Brayden
a cool California girl with beautiful purple hair. I choose this girl because
of her lovely hair color, it is so rock and roll.
I knew my daughter would just
love this sassy character. And I was right, as soon as this doll arrived my daughter
could not wait to take her out of the box and play. The Beatrix Girls dolls are
not the standard fashion doll size they are 12 inches they are bigger and more
like a little friend than a doll.
These dolls are rock stars but they are still like regular girls, and are relatable. Brayden loves to mix and match patterns with her clothing, and she loves to wear lots of jewelry just like my daughter. My daughter loves jewelry and is a bit of a fashion maven.
These dolls are rock stars but they are still like regular girls, and are relatable. Brayden loves to mix and match patterns with her clothing, and she loves to wear lots of jewelry just like my daughter. My daughter loves jewelry and is a bit of a fashion maven.
I love the look of the dolls, they are well made and can
stand up to all of the fun my daughter puts the doll through, from playing in
the park, to bring her to bed. These are fun dolls with great clothes. It is great that the joints on the arms and
legs can be moved in different directions making the doll more fun to post. It would be cool if you could purchase their “instruments”
so you can collect all of the girls and they would be able to “preform”
together. These neat new dolls are more than just plastic dolls to play with. Kids
can collect their music, join their fan club and vicariously live the fantasy
of being a pop star through play.
With The Beatrix Girls dolls you could choose a doll with the personality like your daughter, or you can choose the doll that plays your favorite instrument, or you could just choose one that you think looks the coolest. Either way you will get a doll your little girl will love. Make sure to visit The Beatrix Girl site, you can see more about the girls and you can listen to their song, 'Bend The Rules'. There are also some great videos, check out updates from the band photos and more.
With The Beatrix Girls dolls you could choose a doll with the personality like your daughter, or you can choose the doll that plays your favorite instrument, or you could just choose one that you think looks the coolest. Either way you will get a doll your little girl will love. Make sure to visit The Beatrix Girl site, you can see more about the girls and you can listen to their song, 'Bend The Rules'. There are also some great videos, check out updates from the band photos and more.
With the holidays right around the corner (they will be here
before you know it) why not pick up a Beatrix Girls doll or two for that special
girl on your holiday gift list this year. The Beatrix Girls retail for $24.99
each and are recommended for ages
4 and up. Are you excited to get one of these great new dolls? Well the Beatrix
Girls will be available at Toys R Us nationwide on October 14.
The generous folks at
The Beatrix Girls are giving one of Susan’s Disney Family readers a chance
to win a Beatrix Girls doll of your choice! Would you like to win? Please visit
The Beatrix Girls website, take a look around then come back here and tell me
the name of the girl you would choose if you won and why? There are also other
ways to enter, please enter below.
Check out this great Beatrix Girls video:
Buy it:
The Beatrix Girls
will be available in October 2013 in major retail stores like: Toys R’ Us and Justice.
The Beatrix Girls will be in Toys R Us nationwide on Oct 14.
The Beatrix Girls will be in Toys R Us nationwide on Oct 14.
Win it:
One winner will win a
Beatrix Girls doll of your choice
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I like Lark!
I Like Ainsley
I like Brayden
I like Brayden
I Like Ainsley! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com
I like Brayden.
I think my daughter would like Beatrix Girl Lark the most
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Brayden is really cool.
Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy
I like Brayden and her purple hair :)
I like Brayden the best.
I like Brayden.
I like Lark
I like Lark
I like Lark.
I like Brayden from The Beatrix Girls
I like Brayden
Ainsley (the hot blonde drummer).
I like the doll Lark the most, I like her long red hair.
I like Chantal the best. She speaks French and appears to be a doll of color.
Brayden :)
I think Lark is the cutest and I have a little girl with red hair who would love to have her.
I Like Ainsley
I like Lark.
there also sweet bt I go wih ainsley
My daughter would love Ainsley the best.
I like Brayden
Id pick Ainsley, I think my girls would like her best.
Dawn Monroe
I like Brayden best.
I like Lark
I like Brayden!
I like Braden the best!
I like Brayden. :)
I really like Brayden! Her purple hair is pretty awesome!
Ainsley or Brayden
Ladyblueeyez1960 (at)(aol)(dot)(com)
I like Ainsley the best because she is the drummer
Lark because she's from boston! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I like Lark the best!
I love Lark! :)
My favorite Beatrix Girl is Brayden.
Lark is my fave!
My favorite is Ainsley.
I like Brayden!
I like Brayden the best.
Michelle Tucker
I like Lark she is so cute :)
I like Lark!
octoberbaby1990 at yahoo dot com
I like Ainsley and I think it would be a good gift for either my daughter or my cousin. Thanks for the chances to win.
I Like Ainsley!
I like Ainsley
I like Brayden the best.
I like Brayden
I like Brayden
I like Ainsley wilcarvic
I like Chantal
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