Friday, September 6, 2013

Skip the headaches this back to school season with Excedrin, and #WIN $10,000 for YOUR school

  "Disclosure: " This post is part of a sponsored campaign with Excedrin® and MomSelect. All thoughts and opinions are my own."

 Here in the northeast, the weather is changing it is getting cooler and the summer is just about ending, and you know what that means… It is back to school time. Yes the time that kids dread all summer long. Well I can speak for my daughter she just has not been looking forward to going back to school this year.  For me back to school time can be stressful as well. Back to school brings so much more tension in the house, and my plate is pretty full as it is being a working mom, taking care of my daughter and running my blog (yes it seems like too much, and it can be at times) my life is filled with stress triggers and this leads to the occasional headache/migraine. For those who suffer from headaches they know how it can just ruin your day and shut you down.  Well we moms do not have time to just shut down, and hide when a headache comes on right?

If you are a headache sufferer you are not alone, there was a  recent study conducted by Novartis, the makers of Excedrin, that showed some interesting facts regarding migraines during back to school season:

-69% of parents of school aged children are excited about back to school season. However, a whopping 44% of parents expect to get headaches during this time.

-One of the biggest migraine triggers is the stress of getting parents and kids back on a school-year schedule.

-35% of parents think that shopping for school supplies might give them a headache. (Can't say I blame them! Wading through the hordes of shoppers in the stores can be very stressful!) So along with paper, pens, and crayons, parents should add some Excedrin to their shopping list!

-85% of parents believe their child's school is in need of supplies and upgraded technology. Luckily, with every Excedrin purchase, parents can enter to win $10,000 for their child's school!

For me I am a part of the 44% of parents that expect to get headaches with all of the back to school craziness. And I totally agree with the back to school list shopping headache, this year my daughter is going into third grade and the supply list is astounding! Three pages long! From 4 boxes of tissues to 2 bottles of cleaner, to 3 tube of wipes,… It is amazing how much they expect you to buy for the whole class! When I was in school all I had to bring was one box of tissues for the class. But now we have to shop for so much more! I know the headache will come, but I will be prepared, I have my Excedrin in my purse at my desk and in my home at all times, because you just never know when a headache will strike. 

Why not pick up some Excedrin so you will be headache free this back to school season as well.  Excedrin knows this is a stressful time for all parents and to help they are currently running a contest on Facebook.  The “Help Your School Excel with Excedrin” sweepstakes can be entered on the Excedrin Facebook page, here What can you win you ask? Well five lucky winners will win $10,000 for their child’s school. To enter simply name one thing that might cause a headache during this back to school season. Well I know I can list quite a few reasons! The contest ends 9/15/13 so make sure to enter soon! 

Excedrin wants to make this year fun and headache free make sure to  check out their Facebook page to see how you can help your child’s school.

NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. Runs 8/15/13 at 9:00:00 AM CDT to 9/15/13 at 11:59:59 PM CDT. Must be 18+, a legal resident of the 50 U.S./D.C., & have a valid email address & Facebook account. See for rules. To enter for free, hand-print your full name, address, phone number, date of birth, email address, and name of school, and mail to: “Help Your School Excel With Excedrin® - Free to Enter”, PO Box 11387 South Bend, IN 46634-0387, postmarked by 9/16/13 and received by 9/23/13. Void where prohibited. Sponsor: Novartis Consumer Health, Inc.

 "Disclosure: " This post is part of a sponsored campaign with Excedrin® and MomSelect. All thoughts and opinions are my own."

Disclosure: The reviews and or opinions on this blog are my own opinions .  I was not required to write a positive review. Your experience may differ. The opinions I have expressed are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .


GayNYCDad said...

I love Excedrin for headaches!
so much so That I am an Ambassador!
I have to disclose that per them.

Unknown said...

Wow, wouldn't it be wonderful to win that money for our school?! What a great contest!

Mama to 5 said...

I cannot take this because I am currently breastfeeding but I have taken it prior to and it is really effective, wish I could take it now, having a rough start to our homeschool year! LOL!

Unknown said...

Excedrin migraine is the only medicine that can get rid of my headaches so I'm a big fan. I'd love to enter the contest and win some money for my son's school. Thanks for the information!

Liz Mays said...

omg, I can't believe that school supply list you're dealing with. FOUR boxes of tissues??? I remember bringing one when I was little and two for my own kids, but now it's four? EEKS! I see why headaches may be afoot. Bring on the Excedrin!

Jinxy and Me said...

Excedrin is my GO-TO for bad headaches! I actually find the best trick is to combine it with dark chocolate and a Diet Coke!

Jinxy and Me said...

Excedrin is my GO-TO for bad headaches! My super-effective trick is to combine it with dark chocolate and Diet Coke!

Jennifer S. said...

I just popped a couple Excedrin!! Glad to see they are supporting a great cause!

BrettBMartin said...

I use Excedrin too frequently. I'm always glad to hear when companies support schools!

gayle P said...

$10,000 is a really nice amount for them to donate.

tm said...

This was fun to read because it is nice to know that I'm not the only parent to get headaches. I couldn't live without Excedrin!

Stefani @ said...

I am excited to hear that Excedrin is helping to support schools. I know my school could use an extra $10,000!

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